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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectRE: Guilt?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=349&mesg_id=414
414, RE: Guilt?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Blatant cheating, blatant OOC reasoning and motives.

If you see examples of "blatant cheating", you should send up a pray explaining your observation, or email imms@carrionfields.com. We investigate every such claim.

Also, one of the perks to CF is that the registration system is very easy- no accounts, no credit cards, etc. This also means that the lowest ranks will often have a lot of players who are new to roleplaying, and need a little teaching. My experience is that:

- RP breeds RP. If you set a good example, most will catch on. Generally, when I see poor RP, it's a group of people who reinforce each other's bad habits.
- Some people don't "get it" initially, or came from a game with low standards for RP and haven't realized how things are done here. (This usually manifests as someone who speaks as if IC, but frequently steps OOC to talk about game mechanics or RL events.) Most of these people respond to a push in the right direction, however.
- Some people just plain don't want to RP. These people are unfortunately playing the wrong game- there are plenty of non-RP games out there, and if it becomes clear that they aren't trying, we'll happily move them along after they've been given plenty of opportunities to do otherwise. It's like any other rule- when you come here, you agree to them.

Roleplaying is required, and we on the immortal staff spend a large fraction of our collective time rewarding the better examples. If someone is blatantly OOC as you mention, that is a rules violation and you should report it as above to help us speed up enforcement. However, I'm trying to give some context above as to why involving the staff immediately isn't always the best path. Sometimes, just setting the right example is easier and better for everyone.
