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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niazuruzain Cadabra'Ra the Dark Spectre, Emperor of Thera
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=44334
44334, (AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niazuruzain Cadabra'Ra the Dark Spectre, Emperor of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jan 4 12:06:47 2006

At 6 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Niazuruzain perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
44434, I told you
Posted by Sarmas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that you were special when i gave you that mail at a HUGE discount :) Figured you would make at least sect leader. I gave it because I liked your style. It was funny when you asked me why I havent tried to "slit your throat." I really enjoyed our conversations and meeting, not sure if you remember, it was a bit ago. Nice going.
44425, its me
Posted by darus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
again sorry about the full loot. Only one of those items I was sure just HAD to be an item, to which i have no idea of what it was now, too much fighting since.
Empirials have always full looted me. I expect nothing. You were with two of them actually. I full looted all three of you at the village. I know it ticked you off, and its no fun, but try only, and only having ghost time to really regear, because as soon as you unghost, you are being hit again/mage in area. I have spent some time in places getting decent things. I can say in honesty I have never killed anyone outside of a cabal with more than just me. That includes the 3 maran in the underdark, other groups, others solo, etc. I can also say, that empirials have attacked me with up to 9 people in a group. That was a raid whiel already having the head, but outside the cabal, with groups of five. and yes, full loots.
Empirials especially get hit hard from me over others, just because they do it. It is donations you know. Its expected. mercy isnt something the empire gives, and dying is weakness, and bad in the eyes of hte empire.
I saw you a bit, and yeah there is some quality empirials. They are only now logging on because your dead and want to be emporer *points to a group of empirials*
I was happy that there was an empirial leader who was on alot. cabals prosper like that, they get people. Because of kaisse the village is doing well. Empire was because of you. I'm just sad that it seems the village has gotten some of the better share of people, sorry for you about that.
btw, i was laughing when I saw you guys didnt have sanc, and your healer was in a healing sleep 1 step from destructor... sorry :(
44428, That was ugly.
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, yes.

That was a good lesson - not to count on healers in which you are not 100% sure. I do not blame that healer, though - that was my own mistake. I had couple of wands and surely should use them. But I am always underestimating villagers. Don't know why. Maybe because I usually fight you while you do nto had the head and you are dying with the speed of lightning then ;))))
But I had feeling that everything will end soon enough and death/eq loss was not a problem.
44418, Well, I only interacted with you once in my life.
Posted by Dolza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see you on for the first time in my range. I decide to solo raid and much to my chagrin, I get the codex and the Emperor doesn't even show up. What kind of Emperor does that? I know you didn't have anyone else to gang me with in range but really, I had to rest inside the cabal almost dead while I waited to heal up to have another go at the inners. You could have easily killed me but you chose not to even show up. So I down the codex and see what happens. And as I expected, nothing. Then after a while, you send one of your younger lackey imperials to try and retrieve your item without trying to do it yourself. I thought an Emperor would try and inspire his citizens by showing the might of the Emperor himself. I guess I was wrong. If you were going for the snivelling, conspiring, cowardly roleplay like Commedus from Gladiator (a perfectly valid angle) then it was excellent. Like I said, it was the first time I interacted with you so I had no idea what to expect. So you don't show up, well, I guess I will have to go hunting. I think I will hang around Hamsah to see if you will show up since all imperials have that as their hometown. I see you set foot on the docks, then disappear. So I leave town and do my thing for a while. Lo and behold, you make an attempt at the giant. I manage to get there and kill you. You did have a lot of wands I'll tell you. Then I am awaiting some kind of roleplay and what do I get? "Have fun with the keys." Well, all I can say is I am sorry I disappointed you but you get out of this game what you put into it.
44420, In defense of things...
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
SOme people dont sit hours on end waiting for someone to raid.

Maybe...just maybe...Niaz was off exploring somewhere and couldnt get back. Maybe he was badly hurt somewhere, and couldnt get back.
Just because someone doesnt get their butt back to their cabal on...as you describe...one occasion, doesnt really mean anything.

As far as what happened afterwards, well from what it looks like, he returned from where he was, and decided to come try you and the giant. And he died. WHat more do you want from someone?

Sword, flurry spec, villagers, are not easy to fight for anyone. Especially while trying to retrieve, and especially for a necromancer trying to retrieve from...alone.

44423, RE: In defense of things...
Posted by darus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
SOme people dont sit hours on end waiting for someone to raid.

actually, as a villager, you have a 90% chance of someone always being outside of your cabal waiting for you. Believe me, I am darus, i know.

Maybe...just maybe...Niaz was off exploring somewhere and couldnt get back. Maybe he was badly hurt somewhere, and couldnt get back.
Just because someone doesnt get their butt back to their cabal on...as you describe...one occasion, doesnt really mean anything.


As far as what happened afterwards, well from what it looks like, he returned from where he was, and decided to come try you and the giant. And he died. WHat more do you want from someone?

depends person to person. This wasnt me so dunno for him

Sword, flurry spec, villagers, are not easy to fight for anyone. Especially while trying to retrieve, and especially for a necromancer trying to retrieve from...alone.

flurry likely wasnt even used, nor is it my skill of choice for many things. Villagers are easy to kill. Again, they are limited to their powers/what they wear and their skill. Thats it. Non villagers are limited to nothing. To which includes all that vilagers are, potions, pills, wands, a/b/s, all invoker shields, sanctuary, haste/adrenal something, etc. To note, things like deathblow and such, only do good when and only when they hit. Every class has at least parry, and parry works best knowing the other persons weapon at 100, and your own. Yes, I have had mages in one round parry every single strike.
As far as a necromancer retrieving alone.. lets see.. all pets can have flying and haste, and necromancer can have a/b/s, not to mention pets can rescue, and golem with all parts can do some nsaty things, ghoul can hold person with something that isnt a spell. Not to mention all those pets can kill a cabal guardian FAST. They can also slow the giant, making just about every undead/golem/ghoul attack hit. Especially at that level.
Its not the things he did, its the things he didnt do. A villager has to walk always from where he is and what he is doing to defend. He has to wait and heal, noone else has to do that. Niaz took far too much time to do something that should have been much faster by the sound of it.
44427, Correct.
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've tried to regear/regather wands. When I gathered minimal amount of both, got golem and a ghoul, I went to raid.

Of course, entwine by the giant was more than enough - no word, no rescue and a full loot of trash that I managed to gather in previous hour.

What did Dolza expected from Emperor? He is not of concern to him. Just a minor trouble.

Did I know that I will die? Yes. For 90% I've been sure that I have no chances there. But, as probably many noticed, Niazuruzain didn't care much for deaths - no matter of what, did he had swirling black orb, scepter of domination and the mask on his Emperorish face.

Same goes for elixir of death, btw. Well, I am out of here, thanks to anyone invilved into his life!
44433, Fair enough
Posted by Dolza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am just surprised that you mention me specifically in your farewell post in a not so positive way when you don't even have a clue about me and have never spoken a word to me. Afterall, you only spoke that single sentence to me in your lifetime and we only fought that one time. You saw me standing in Hamsah and you come to all the conclusions you came to?

I attempted to solo raid against you against the worst inner while you still had powers. You could have layed centurions outside on the way back to trap me there. You could have had an army of zombies and shawtabbies for all I knew and I still rested in your cabal at 250 hp secretly hoping you wouldn't show up. It was a good ten minutes I was there. Luckily you never showed. I know you were frustrated by your death there so I don't take much offence to your comment but what we perceive of each other often works both ways. Make up another character and get your butt back in the fields! Maybe we will have better interactions the next time around. Good luck.
44439, You're being silly.
Posted by DC Unreg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
90% chance of 'someone' being on eastern road isn't exactly beyond belief.

Villagers are the hardest fight a necromancer has, outside of a druid under a full moon, so give him some credit. You can feel free to wipe out a slew of villagers as a necro and show us how its done if you want, spellbane is a bitch however.
44374, RE: (AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niazuruzain Cadabra'Ra the Dark Spectre, Emperor of Thera
Posted by Alduros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah how could you forget the young upstart named Alduros? It was fun running around with you for a bit. In character I had fun with you but then whenever I would read a log on the board of you I wanted to logon and pwk you. Prep Prep Prep Prep! Especially as a necro. A shame you didn't live to be a lich deffinately would've been interesting I could tell from our time together that you had a pretty good grasp on cf but not alot of the finer details. I wanted to show you alot of things like I did in Ktengs but well I kinda of died off before I got the chance. Anyways good luck with your next
44367, A worthy emporer indeed...
Posted by Quaern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know we didnt fight much, think our only REAL fight was that day when me and Mhardit ganked you down after I called the hunt ( though when we initially engaged you in balator you had a couple of friends with you).. then not 20 mins later you running around with the invoker and that trib shifter ( Im bad with names) and I wander into the sands of sorrow then all of a sudden there you are and I thinking aww fu@k here we go...

anyway I still felt had I escaped, it would have been one of the best ever ;)

good luck with life, maybe we'll meet in the fields again..

44339, PBF
Posted by Niazuruzian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very like Faltarn, I have no way to pay for PBF.
If someone can do me such favour it would be very appreciated.
44342, I'll get it. nt
Posted by StrouththeNecro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44403, Thanks a lot, man! (nt)
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
44336, At last I'm dead.
Posted by Niazuruzian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know where to begin. Well... I'll begin from beginning.
I didn't play for about two years (last my character was autodeleted at spring 2004, if I am not mistaken). So... soon as I found possibility to play CF, I rolled a "test-fun" character.

I've named him Niazuruzain. This name can be readed from the left to right and back. To make it more funny, I've picked a funny last name, based on (yes, guys, you guessed right!) ancient Abracadabra word.

I never planned to become emperor or even a dreadlord. When I've been telling Dulmisa and Cuucqa that I do not plan to take throne, I didn't lie.

I had lot of fun at the beginning, and less fun at the end. Praying 1,5 months almost every day for the lich quest and after that 2 weeks to meet cleric and finally loose items, regather them, stupidly loose them again, regain them and finally die... *shiver*.

But I am dead, and I do not regret it for three main reasons (this is my very very very subjective opinion, and yes, I admit, I'm wrong on every number):
1. Immortals, you made this game unfriendly for newbies or players that did not play for ages. You made a game of preps - the more preps you know, the better player you are. So, veterans and/or their friends that knows secret locations will always be 'better' than players like myself. Yes, at the end I've discovered two barrier locations, and even managed to gather barrier rods once per 1-2 weeks!
Perhaps I should find some elite players via ICQ or something, but OOC connections makes me sick... so I know only two guys that didn't play CF much longer than myself.

2. Nightgaunt. Flying to below underdark. Flying across the sea(s). It flies from no-recall areas - and it is totally sick. Especially if it's being sent by player, such as Razmorthin (you have a very little chances to survive).

3. Hunt. Well, it is dead - but I still cannot word or teleport. WTF did I fight it, what for was I killing it? It goes even into the air, following airform shapeshifters. No, no. It's not sick, it's by the design. ;)

Anyways. This three reasons which really pissed me off and killed all fun that I had before.

Ah, I forgot entwine. Why the hell I cannot be rescued by anyone if entwined?? Ridiculous. Especially if you are entwined in battle cabal and cannot word out of there ;)

Well, good thing that I didn't care much for deaths (except for last one in battle cabal. That was terrible).

Now, farewells.

Many many many many of you, and most of you I liked a lot.
Cuucqa, Dulmisa, Nivult, Serduk, Z-something (felar warrior), Grunlath, Ahzeed, Vesacha - you kept me playing. Otherwise, I would delete a long ago. Ahzeed... damn you, I've been looking forward to make you a shadowlord.
Strouth, keep it up, man. I hope you will be more lucky, than I've been.
Grurk, thank you for all the fun. I hope you enjoyed me, though I know, sometimes I've been disappointing you. Especially when I've had serious #### happening in RL and didn't care much for my deaths - I think I died five or six times during two days ;).
Khasotholas - thank you for that little hornet. I'd like to interract with you, but had strong feeling that you dislike me.
Zulg - why are you in Empire, btw? Seems you do not care for it at all.

I do not see any difference between you, acolytes, outlanders and... imperials. You act absolutely same, you do same evil things, you gang and have zero honor. This is weird - you are defenders of the light, or what? Disappointing. Especially when captain tells you '#### off' '####ing imperial bitch'. Well, that's your roleplaying, I suppose... *dismay*
Xilla - we had fun. From about 200 attempts of sleep spell I managed... yes, I think about 0. Why, I've no idea. 'Dirty lord's trick. I don't like lord's tricks' (c) Azrael. And I must agree with him ;)

Same as a couple of years ago, always teamed up either with marans, wither with battle. This is strange, since marans are suposed to protect mainly citizens and peasants, while you are supposed to destroy civilization, cities and such. So, why are you so friendly, is a riddle to me.

Absolutely unnecessary cabal nowdays. I've just logged in and marans are chasing me; Dolza is waiting by the temple... I remember days of Shamino or Aaracocrus - my first caballed char was a rager, and battle was my favorite cabal. It's truly sad to see in what did you transformed.

Volicitry - bitch youreself ;) I hated you IC and enjoyed your actions OOC. We had fun.
Falun - when I've meet you first time, and interracted with you, I praised heaves that you are not Empire. Because I would not be Emperor in such case :) But as Faltarn said - for foreigners it's damn difficult to roleplay. For me, at least, it's not easy - sometimes I just don't know how to express feelings of my character.

Razmorthin - fearful player, yet mass logins and mass logoffs screwed the good picture. It's a shame that I never had barrier rods when we fought, yet I managed to... no, not to kill you, but to make you dead. Maybe even more than once ;)
Chakru - very very nice talks we had. Enjoyed you.

Onaelith, you helped me a lot. You know how - good luck with your quest!

Zebulus - always felt bad about failing your task. Yet I truly never had time; when I tried to do the search, I've always been distracted by something, no matter what was that - in game or in RL.

Everyone else who I forgot or did not mention: well, my character just died, after about eight hours of gameplay. So my mind is shattered and brains do not function at all. I forgot most of you or have no strength to mention you, do not get offended!

Sincerely yours, Niaz.
44338, You forgot your priest!
Posted by Zevsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say? Loved being with you. I remember when I was still in the 20's I got a bit overzealous and you brought me to my place...and then after this moment, I always tried to be a perfect priest. I've loved either hunting or just...help out.

You were a good emperor for what I've seen even though sometimes we lacked of numbers. Damn shame that I couldn't have a little chat before you died. Logged on this morning to hear 'The potion failed, he died'

Come back to the Empire eh? Good luck with the next!
44340, RE: You forgot your priest!
Posted by Niazuruzian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could I forget you?!
My favorite priest. One of the best imperial priests I ever seen, I've always enjoyed your company - not because sanc/etc, but because your perfect RP. Sometimes I've been very sad that only one High Priest can be at the same time. Good luck, keep my citizens healthy and happy! :)))
44341, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Dulmisa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I kind of expected you to die, if Empire got a three out of the last three necro's to attempt lich, it would be... ####! When you arose to Emperor, I was like for ####sake! It has been my time for so long and then you started making demands and I was furious, but then I thought, finally an Emperor, being Emperorish. I'm sad to see you go, you seem to have alot of time to put into your playing alot more than I have. There was a few times when I was thinking of going anathema when I had you stalked dead and you were doing something that prevented you to see me. But I wouldn't wanna go that way, I've had way too much fun with good ol' D. Thanks for being evil and Emperorish and I will dismiss your whining about preps/hunt/nightgaunts/entwine and remember what made you such a cool char.

Come back to Empire, if I'm still about I'll loose another vote to you.

44344, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Muuloc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I didn't play for about two years (last my character was
>autodeleted at spring 2004, if I am not mistaken). So... soon
>as I found possibility to play CF, I rolled a "test-fun"

>I never planned to become emperor or even a dreadlord.>

>(this is my very very very subjective opinion, and yes, I
>admit, I'm wrong on every number):
>1. Immortals, you made this game unfriendly for newbies or
>players that did not play for ages.>

This just strikes me as hilarious. This game is unfriendly for players who haven't played for ages, yet you, who haven't played for two years accidentally managed to become Emperor and accomplished a lich quest with one of the more difficult classes to level with your first character back.

I'm glad you know your opinions are highly subjective!
***Note this is not meant as anything more than something about humanity at large that I found humorous.

It was good to see a more Emperorish Emperor. I noticed you're ability to roleplay evil authority at a fairly early point, and that is a nice quality to see in Empire leadership. Nice work sticking it out too. And welcome back.


44345, Abracadabra! And the soap merchant goes poof
Posted by Endalion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your army of nine undead cossacks(shawtabbies included) took a gank to kill, which is often the case with emperors and their kickass powers anyway. Every mob is a factor to a mage, and Endalion couldn't survive against your mobs much longer than two rounds. Good luck with your next!

44346, Damn you and your old age.
Posted by Onaelith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Niaz. I thought you were a well role-played evil SOB. I first interacted with you in my early 20's, when you were oathing some groupmate of mine. I liked the emotes, they gave you a cool aire of creepiness.

I agree with alot of your comments. Hunt though isnt too bad, unless summoned or in thorns....actually wait...well yeh, it can be bad. Entwine I think is stupid, especially if the person is holding a whip, entwines you. Then switches to swords, (with whip now in his inventory), and you are still stuck there getting flurried. Id like to see entwine work more like cattle roping. The person entwines you, then basically holds on and can drag your struggling form around a bit. He doesnt continue to whip and lash you with his entwined whip. How the hell can someone eyejab you with the whip, after entwining you in the whip...Man I am rambling...

Prepping is a bloody chore. I tried to help you out in that regard, cause I know its not something everyone likes to do. Hope it helped you have more fun a bit.

Take care.
44347, Decent Job
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll admit, I liked earlier Niazuruzain better than later Niaz. But overall, solid effort. Earlier in your life, you seemed to have a lot more guts, and didn't shy away when outgunned. Later I didn't see as much of that.

- 1. Immortals, you made this game unfriendly for newbies or players that did not play for ages. You made a game of preps - the more preps you know, the better player you are. So, veterans and/or their friends that knows secret locations will always be 'better' than players like myself.

Well, you seemed to do just fine. In fact, you did quite well. Before you became Emperor or Dreadlord, you were doing pretty decent. As for Nightgaunt, The Hunt and Entwine... they can be very tough to deal with, I'll grant you. But I've never found any of them to be overall unbalanced. In certain situations any of them can be, but that's called strategy.

Absolutely unnecessary cabal nowdays. I've just logged in and marans are chasing me; Dolza is waiting by the temple... I remember days of Shamino or Aaracocrus - my first caballed char was a rager, and battle was my favorite cabal. It's truly sad to see in what did you transformed.

I still like the Battle cabal. As always, those who fight Battle will tell you they're dishonorable and useless. As always, those in Battle mostly still take considerable, and well deserved pride in being outgunned and still fighting on.

Overall, again, good character. A fine evil presence in Empire.

44394, RE: Decent Job
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'll admit, I liked earlier Niazuruzain better than later
>Niaz. But overall, solid effort. Earlier in your life, you
>seemed to have a lot more guts, and didn't shy away when
>outgunned. Later I didn't see as much of that.

Just last month I've been dying more often, than before ;). I've tried to increase numbers/quality of the Empire, and I think I did it well. Perhaps this is why later days I barely been running around alone. And though playing a loner is always a fun, when you are Emperor you barely can do it ;)

>- 1. Immortals, you made this game unfriendly for newbies or
>players that did not play for ages. You made a game of preps -
>the more preps you know, the better player you are. So,
>veterans and/or their friends that knows secret locations will
>always be 'better' than players like myself.
>Well, you seemed to do just fine. In fact, you did quite
>well. Before you became Emperor or Dreadlord, you were doing
>pretty decent. As for Nightgaunt, The Hunt and Entwine...
>they can be very tough to deal with, I'll grant you. But I've
>never found any of them to be overall unbalanced. In certain
>situations any of them can be, but that's called strategy.

Well. As Emperor, I would destroy ANY wildlife in Balator so Hunt couldn't be called there. Should I know it's powers, I would NEVER fight it and would just run. Still, hunt shall not fly into the air. I'm not sure if it can go underwater/behind the locked doors, but I am pretty sure it can. To me, it is weird and wrong - quite weak players can just call hunt on someone and enjoy the corpse. But again, this is my subjective opinion ;)

>Absolutely unnecessary cabal nowdays. I've just logged in and
>marans are chasing me; Dolza is waiting by the temple... I
>remember days of Shamino or Aaracocrus - my first caballed
>char was a rager, and battle was my favorite cabal. It's truly
>sad to see in what did you transformed.
>I still like the Battle cabal. As always, those who fight
>Battle will tell you they're dishonorable and useless. As
>always, those in Battle mostly still take considerable, and
>well deserved pride in being outgunned and still fighting on.

Yes, if they fight alone, I agree. But when they come to marans, or call marans to help them - this truly sucks. Why would they call, for example, maran marshall, while perfectly knows that he IS a magic user, that he WILL come magically prepaired, and that he having a lot of MAGES in his fortress? This is awful RP, and I, should I ever play battle, will prove my point. :P

>Overall, again, good character. A fine evil presence in

Well, thanks! I tried to talk with you, prayed a couple of times to pay homage, yet for no answer. Likely, our playing time just do not mix much. Good luck!
44348, Phooey
Posted by Grysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I do not see any difference between you, acolytes, outlanders and... imperials. You act absolutely same, you do same evil things, you gang and have zero honor. This is weird - you are defenders of the light, or what? Disappointing.

I'm sorry you feel that way about the Fortress. Though I'm sure I came at you a few times with others, I also fought you when you were runnning around in your big gangs giving you many a chance to kill me. I think that's the fun of CF, testing yourself and seeing what you can survive :p

Anyway, you seemed very evil and I was disappointed to hear that every person you killed was full looted completely (not that I'm the picture perfect non-looter). You spoke of making the game newbie friendly and funner, maybe you yourself could help us out with that.

Well played evil dude,
Good luck with your next.
44395, RE: Phooey
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, we had fun. At the end you became much stronger than before - I don't know why. I blame your legacies ;) If before I could go to you without undeads and just totally destroy you, when you became marshall things changed. Again, no idea why. Maybe leader's position in the fortress grants you -100 vs spell? ;)

About full looting. At the beginning (first two months) I've always returned things, usually picking 1-2 items. Later, when I've hear reports of maran/outlanders full looting, I decided to revenge. Since marans are dying much more often, than my citizens, full looting you would be much more painful for your folks.

But I knew some marans that I would full loot only because I would return their things - for example, Bliggy, Alriac, Nashakk and some others. Mainly those that had my respect and who, as I know, do not full loot.
44350, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's a fine job for a character returning from a two-year absence! The language barrier stood out on occasion, but for the most part I thought you handled it fine, and I definitely got a creepy evil vibe from watching you, which I always enjoy seeing on evil characters.

I don't fully understand your comments about the Fort though. Maybe you can elaborate? Did you really see no difference between Maran, Acolytes, Outlanders and Imperials?

Anyway, my only criticism was your penchant for complete full looting, no matter the siutation. Three come immediately to mind that I witnessed personally, two where you ganked someone 5-1, and one where you ganked someone 4-1, and all three times you took everything down to their water skins, charred leathers, and free hero 'outfit' command gear. Then on top of it you come here and complain that the IMMORTALS are making this game unfriendly to newbies? I think maybe you need to step back and examine what's going on here for a minute.

Good luck with your next. Now that you've got one under your belt since your return, I'm sure your second will come out even better.

44353, What is weird is...
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why wouldn't he full loot? He's evil, he wishes them to die or take the Oath. He wants to make them miserable. That's a viable tactic I think. Of course, I know how it feels to be full looted. But bear in mind that you can always have it back. Mostly as a caballed character.

But then, maybe you guys up there don't think the same too though.
44354, RE: What is weird is...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think a player always has that option.

However, I agree with Aarn that to exercise that option near-constantly and then complain that the game is too rough on newbies is a little silly. There are lots of cool evil RP angles you can take, and "I ownzor joor newbie breads!" doesn't have to be the one you pick.
44359, So...
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I do it and don't complain, it's ok then? Because to my eyes, if you want to weaken a foe and avoid them raiding you or kill you, you loot. But do keep in mind that I am too a player and I am too full looted.
44360, In my opinion? Yes.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you can take what you dish out, I don't personally look down on it.
44390, A fix for full looting.
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You could code it to where outfit is more powerful for those that do not full loot.

Maybe give some sort of punishment also to those that fulloot. 10-90% higher bank deposit rates. Higher prices on shoppie goods. Afterall, shoppies do not respect their means.
44391, RE: A fix for full looting.
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also let the player set loot to certian levels. Get all corpse can be set to only pick up gold, weapons, armor, limited weapons etc. One reason some people full loot is to get what they can then get out of the area to somewhere safe. Then sort. A lot of times the other person loggs off by then.
44392, RE: A fix for full looting.
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How would you track not full-looting? If you went on typing "get all corpse", then how do you account for someone doing that, then handing it back or dropping it on the ground? What if they just typed "get 1. corpse" a whole bunch? Also, it's pretty rare that someone has the inventory space to loot EVERY item in one go, so they have to do it in sections.

On top of all that, full-looting isn't always bad.

Anyway, if someone wants to discuss this more, please move it to the gameplay forum and off the battlefield. Thanks!

44356, Looting in brief...
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I should preface this by stating that it's my personal opinion on the matter, not any rule or group-decision on the staffs part.

Most characters could justify in their roleplay full-looting all their kills. They don't because it's incredibly harsh on the person you just killed, and majorly unfun for the player. And we're all here to have fun. Right?

Now, if you just whacked a decked-out Dulmisa one-on-one with two Balator practice weapons and a captain's hat, maybe you full loot. (Sorry Dulmisa!) But if Dulmisa and five of her friends whack that poor lone dude who has 6 pieces of crap gear and some berrie pies, then loot all of his measely stuff that they have no use for... I would argue that that's completely different, and really kinda makes you a jerk. Obviously there is a lot of inbetween that doesn't fit into either of these extremes, but I think we can all get the point.

I think that sums it up.

44396, Marans
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alas, I truly see no difference (except for minor RP moments).

They are evil. We kill evil! Let's gather and kill evils.

I've had a experimental character, fire giant that would go to Tribunal. I've no idea how much times did he die to maran just for being a fire giant. This is wrong - despite his evil nature, he was looking for order and peace. So, what is going on in CF:

Empire: elf? Elves must die! Goodie? Must die! Outlander?? Must die!!! Scion? Of course must die! Storm giant? Must die! Or take an oath, at least. We have power now - let's go take the orb. Or head. Or orb and head. And fetish. It's ours.

This is right situation for evil cabal, and I enjoy it.

Maran: fire giant? the drow? duergar? must die! Kill him, show him strength of the light! Show them light!

(Why do we kill? - To defend and to teach; How do we teach? - Through offering of blood oath).

So, practically it's two similar cabals with similar goals - to defeat opposite side. I liked marans lot more when they have been not in cabal, but loners (strong, respected and fearful). If you are making opposite cabal, this opposite cabal must have other ways to reach it's goal (victory of the light).

44400, I know I'm sort of an outsider to this but I'd like to ...
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thera is a world where by being born a fire giant, dark elf,
duergar, or studying the practice of intrinsically evil
magics (necromancer/AP stuff) you are evil. There will be a
handful of these types that seek redemption, and they will
generally be left alone. This leaves us to the vast majority
of remaining evils. The vast majority of evils archetypes are
those that will hurt others, leaving out the slothful, lazy
evils :). Marans want to save the innocents of the world that
are harmed by these evil beings, and their way of doing it
is eradicating them. Should they change? Maybe. We can try to
separate evils in to various types, like so:

Redemption-Seeking Evil: These are the evils described above.
These evils are actively seeking to be turned neutral or even
good. Marans should have absolutely no problems with them
other than possibly discomfort from being around them.

#### Evils: These are the 'I picked an evil race/class but
I never do anything evil why do you attack me!!' evils. This
-may- be what your fire giant was. These characters are like
RL people who claim to be satan worshippers, but when you
ask them what do they sacrifice in their rituals they say
things like 'Oh no, we just have monthly bake sales, nature
hikes, and discuss different ways to dress in black.' PC's
who follow this pattern should be turned neutral if they go
too far w/ their goodness, and Marans if they come across one
who truly exhibits '#### Evil' aspects should then (1) push
them to seek full redemption; (2) watch over them to see if
they are doing anything to harm the Fort, directly or
indirectly, or to assist evil causes; and (3) punish them if
they find they are truly acting evil. Marans should keep a
list for probationary "####" evils, and check it twice, like

Predisposed Evils: Predisposed evils are those that do have
evil tendencies, but due to various circumstances, either the
evil tendencies have very little or no chance of inflicting
damage on others, or they may actually assist "the forces of
good" and the people more than they hurt them. This may have
also been your fire giant. Since the idea behind well RP'd
evils is that they should always be inclined to self-serve,
and the idea behind evil entities is to grant self serving
and often destructive power in return for cruel deeds, you
never know when this sort of evil will end up taking a hell
trip, be enticed by a demon to perform favors for favors, and
eventually become a burden to the Maran, and thus should have
been destroyed in the first place. The only time a Maran
should really consider allowing these types to exist is if
they feel that these types are too harmless, stupid, or well-
controlled by a non-evil force, to be a threat. Evil villagers
fall under the third part (well-controlled) very often simply
because their ideals are too rigid to allow much outside-
harming evil acts, and they constantly fight Scion and Empire.

Back to my other point...
I agree in general that it feels weird that Empire and
Fortress essentially operate in the same way, PK-wise and
structure-wise, but I do not think its like some sort of bad
RP in the same way as in World War II you had the Axis and
Allied powers, both with militiaries whose objective is to
eliminate the enemy. This doesn't mean the American military
was evil, it was defending itself and its allies which weren't
the aggressors (At least that's what my teacher told me!).

It would be neat if Maran were more independent loners, but
in return they'd have to have greater powers else you're just
basically asking for a handicap. In the reverse, I could also
see potential in making an evil, super-powerful loner PC -
the vampire that stalks the cities hunting citizens, which
the Maran need to hunt, subdue, go to their lair/Plane of
Existence or otherwise do something to inhibit them.

Anyways, my two dollars,
- Runaktla

44401, Oops, haha
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In my post, the XXXX was a slang word for the woman's

- Runaktla
44405, Thanks for the pointer
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No more guessing what lies beyond the picket fence. Censoring your naughty words yourself could be a good idea if you wish to use expressions like c##t evil.
44407, Well actually
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would actually be Pu##y evil, when it censors it
uses four #'s no matter how long the word is,
apparently =)
44402, Maran RP
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never blamed character's RP. Most of marans that I have interracted with was very nice roleplayed and interesting to talk.

I disagree with idea of maran cabal and it's politics. It's just not interesting.

Besides, there are many "evil" characters that shall not be hunted just because their race: for example, drow troupe or duergar tribunal, or even a drow invoker-master (or Zebulus's follower). Yes, he is a drow, but he is strudying magic and barely care for anything else. Why he should be hunted? Because of race? If so, maran cabal must be renamed to Skinhead cabal, or NAZY. ;)))

This is my two cents.
44406, RE: Maran RP
Posted by Runaktla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I certainly, a hundred percent, totally disagree with you.
The idea is, if you were an evil-aligned race, like a
drow, fire giant, or duergar, then you do have a penchant
to do evil things, you just do, unless you are a freak of
the race and are seeking redemption.

Drow Invoker Master: Don't know any of the top of my head,
but I'm sure as a PC Valguarnera was too busy dealing with
Sylvans and Battle, and was a "studying magic and barely
care for anything else" looking guy, but from an RP-history
standpoint, his actions and an Imperial Arcanus' created
the Scion cabal.

Duergar Tribunal: Never met a truly evil duergar tribunal,
but what about a evil human healer tribunal like Onirakoth.
An evil in power in Tribunal can do all sorts of bad crap,
Onirakoth was known for causing a ruckus with the Fortress.
But, like in my original post, a duergar in tribunal could
be a "Predisposed Evil" however, and -perhaps- shouldn't be

Drow Troupe: Same thing, but if he involves himself in
assisting other evils, or directly or indirectly harming
Forties/Goods, or furthering CF RP plotlines in an evil
manner, then he could be a problem!

Yeah, I agree Maran should take these things into
consideration and not just ruthlessly gang everything that
has (Red Aura) around it, some Maran lose a little style
points for not trying a little redemption talk first, but
for the most part, it's not too bad.

I think what you really want is to see goodies being more
diplomatic and discerning about their targets, which is not
a Shokai-esque "Kill all with Red Aura" religion-friendly
point of view, and although the Maran religion is different
from Maran cabal, they still bare a big ole resemblence.

Anyways, that's that, I need sleep.

- Runaktla

PS: Good job as Emperor
44404, RE: Marans
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>They are evil. We kill evil! Let's gather and kill evils.

But only evils. To protect those whom the evils would otherwise harm. The drow mage you mentioned in the post wouldn't have any remorse for using an elf child for target practice with his offensive spells or as a guinea pig for an experimental spell. The Marans will hunt that mage so that the elven child would have a chance to grow up without being killed or otherwise harmed by the evil mage. Marans acknowledge that their path is a bloody one, and therefore it is important for them to always remember why they are killing. It is considered to be a worst thing that can happen to a Maran if he becomes like those whom they slay, which is a real concern for such a bloodthirsty group. This part of Maran RP doesn't convey to evils, whom they are supposed to be killing anyway.

Empire, on the other hand, fights others to subdue them to increase its own power, using all means to achieve this end.

The big question is why they are killing, not just both kill. That's where the difference lies. Unlike Empire, Fortress doesn't fight to grow more powerful.
44424, RE: Marans and empirials
Posted by darus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the empire cabal isnt about killing good aligned people, its subjugation of all into the empirial order.

Marans, though, are about killing all evil people.

That elf tribunal isnt someone that needs to die, because he serves the cities that you yourself have allowed him to enforce. Not to mention done through rp, that elf likely would never become an enemy, and if invoker, may even aid you against outlanders and villagers etc. Not to mention other loners that could become lackeys, such as falun or whoever.
The empire has for enemies maran, battle, outlander, not sure about scion.
Maran has empire, scion, scarab (empty), and every single evil person in the game. Which includes outlanders, battle, tribunal.

Battle has empire, scion, and every single mage in the game. That includes mages from all cabals *and their groupmates, and anyone that wants to take advantage of situations etc*.

There is an anti evil cabal, but there is no anti-good cabal. There is no emporer that has tried to free azuremain from its dark magic as a focal point to subjugate it to the empirial cause. That is what its about. My khalizad a loong time ago wanted to do something like that, but got swindled out of emporer *grrrrrrrrrr certain duergar thief* Empirial rule through dominance, sheer force of will and brutality
44351, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Vesacha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am going to miss the evil presence you spread so well. I started to like you more and more and ended up jumping in my seat with excitement when you logged on and all the Imperial inners caballed. Another thing was that despite you were a solid player I started to sense that you accepted newcomers (which I somewhat still am), and that made me like you even more.

By the way, did you play Ghrulhrunk? He was insanely funny.

Hope you come back soon.
44397, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been looking how from a rather weak shadow you became very very nice one. You have been constantly learning, and did it well. At the end, you've been one of my most favorite shadows. Good luck with your vile work, I am sure you have good chances for a perfect future in the Empire.
44352, The Emperor is Dead, Long live the Emperor....
Posted by Cuucqa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
whoever that will be :-)

You seemed to come out of nowhere, and suddenly you were DreadLord.
When the Throne opened up....well you will see in my PBF when I croak.

I think you did a decent alround job as Emperor, you were on alot, luckily during my playtimes. Although you said you didn't want the job you certainly tried your best to fill the throne well.
Thanks for the bandages, pity I couldn't pull if off the second time. Too damn lazy to gather what I knew I would need.
I won't say more about the lich quest and the throne as Imperial Politicizing continues.

I had an inkling that you weren't a newbie, and might be someone that had played a while ago. Some of the newer areas you seemed a little foggy on. I always checked wand locations when I could and tossed you the wands when I found them.

Well thats all I'll say till I'm dead, then more.

I'll echo what others have said, nice job on a comeback character. Lets see what you have up your sleeve next.
44357, Oh and on the three things you dislike..
Posted by Cuucqa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Hunt: Can be very deadly in some situations, very much so. Mostly though some quick footwork and circuitous running will get you safe. I do think the the way the Hunt works with air shifters though is a bit much, because from what I have seen, even if you run away quite a distance on foot, as soon as the mage takes to the air so does the hunt, and its very very hard to outrun the hunt in the air. (this might have been changed though since I played and air shifter)

Nightgaunts: A scary scary prostpect as a mage especially when Raz is on the other end of it. Word and heal heal can save you at times. but beware of others waiting at your healer expecting you. Succumb teleport/word can work (not with Raz I'll wager) The other options is "Hmmm its 9pm do you know where your enemy Conjurer is? Let me go for a night swim till dawn."

Entwine: Think of it like this- I entwine my whip around you and stand on it. You can't run away, I can't dodge well because I have to keep a foot on the floor. I do think you shouldn't be able to trip or bash if you are the Entwiner though.
44355, Such a shame.
Posted by Ilimya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was cheering for you to complete the vampire quest. It would have been very interesting. My playing times can often be a little dull, but when you were around it spiced things up.

I could tell that English wasn't your first language, but you still managed to get the point across. I enjoyed all of our interactions with one exception. That time I was without powers in the frigid wastelands and you and Zekado dropped by, I was...alright, whatever you do, don't stumble into the snow worm. Which of course, was precisely what I managed to do without fly. The full loot, while perfectly viable, was still tough to swallow.

I disagree with your comments about game balance.
Long playing sessions make for a slightly warped representation of reality. Take a step back and consider whether you want to return to the game.
44358, Living in fear.
Posted by Oqoko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your character achieved a great presence in the game, it made my characters walk with dread. Great job.

All the things you complained of I agree with to a certain degree but the solution is pretty simple. Make more quests that give people insights to the game and give a framework for a specific class race newbie path. Neutral neutral human assassin comes to mind. Post the framework on the forum and have access in game to it.

Gear, preps, and techniques to play the great characters are harder to come by but that does help make the game fun. I have no OOC friends here nor do I want to learn via that path. I think you may overestimate the amount of issue players but then again whenever I read Dio's I find myself thinking they are all in cahoots. :P
44361, Much Respect
Posted by Razmorthin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I thought you did a great job and after that first fight in Barovia I definetly was very wary of you. That damn hole in the floor killed me though, I woulda made it away if it hadn't hit me for a ***DEV when I fell through it, that and I got out of the keep with 33 mana and after that I kept making typos when trying to invoke the staff of wonders hoping for a heal. So after all of that I died and remarkably you did NOT full loot me. That definetly left a good impression on me and was a measure I was inclined to return, the one time I got you alone I didn't take much myself. When I got you with gangs though, it just wasn't happening and RP to demand I leave the emperor his clothes would have been fishy at best. We never did talk much, which I do regret. You were a fearful presence and I wont soon forget you.

To answer a few of your complaints though...

1) the prep complaint. Some classes are much more prep dependant than others a newbie should pick a class that's not very prep dependant such as a conjurer, shaman, paladin, healer, assassin, thief etc to learn the game. I don't really agree with the classes prescribed in rolling for newer players to play. Despite your lack of preps I still thought you did remarkably well.

2) Nightgaunts - They may cross the sea of despair but they do NOT cross Open sea, Aryth Ocean, go to the past, or enter cabals. If you are in a spot where you can teleport to reach me then you're in my gaunting range. Those times I sent nightgaunts for you in barovia I was on the Arkham continent.

3) The hunt - reasonable I think that you can't recall/teleport while the hunt is still alive but the fact the effect lasts after you kill it has irked me though it hasn't killed me... yet.

4) Mass logins - Every cabal appears to be doing it - especially the fort. This isn't a reason to condone it however. My own playing times were and generally are pretty predictable. I think many scions tend to move theirs to coincide with mine. Over the years I've met many cf players on aim and I admit there are currently 2 that I know have scions... & I did not induct either of them. Our hours also do not match up very well either , I may name them in a follow up post if you wish, if I find they do not mind that I do so. I very much empathize with you and I know the frustration well, seeing 8 hero fort login within 5 minutes then logout as one has frustrated me to no end. I do not claim to know a fair means to combat it but I hope that one is found.

So that you know, you only did get me that one time. Also, what happened to you? After that last time I killed you, you sorta disappeared...

Anyway, good luck with your next,
44398, RE: Much Respect
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've had some RL things boiling, which left me very little time to play CF. Yet I tried to play as much as possible, though I didn't see you much too. Maybe your playing time shifted, or mine, uncertain - we didn't meet much.

Nightgaunt flying to kteng's - this is sick and wrong. He flew to me into underfloor room which I thought (doh!) was fille dwith water. Oh well, good lesson to me.

I have a question to you: when you gaunted me from the sands of sorrow (hell, I've been surprised how did I manage to escape - eyejabbed, as I recall, or was it a flash?), how did you die? I've feel myself warm when I've seen your corpse there. ;)
44365, Damded I kinda liked you!
Posted by Volicitry on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our battles we had. When I was in the city I was able to survive but outside of it, I had three imperials after me I was like dam, im dead sure as the sky is blue. Good battles! Good luck with your next.

44368, dude...
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I'll go ahead and applaud your ability at pulling off emperor with a necro after a long time away. This thread certainly took away some of how I viewed you. I did like Feichin's last fight though. You should have heard me groan when I tried to cancell the blindness and EVERY other thing on me went first.
hehe.. Well good luck with your next..
I'll refrain from my outlook on the fort vs. yours. and battle come to think on it. I haven't done an outlander/scion/tribunal so I have nothing top say there. :) Other than that last fight I had very little interaction with ya.
but from what I did have you were really kinda evil.. :)
44399, RE: dude...
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We sure had fun. Air forms can be deadly, and you've been pretty dangerous. But once slept, you was dead. Or blind... but when you've been around, I've been twice mroe cautious than without you.
44372, Damn.
Posted by Strouth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed getting to experience the MUD with you. Kudos on one hell of a comeback character. Good to know old timers still come back.
I'll have more remarks when I'm gone.

I dug the character, and while I'll echo some of the ESL sentiments, I'll also say I am definately not capable of communicating in a second language as well as you did.

I'm bummed you didn't survive teh elixir, I was looking forward to exploiting some of the benefits I'd have garnered if you'd succeeded. There would have been some cool angles to look at if you had.

Thanks for the good wishes, and I hope you come back to the Empire.

44373, small addition
Posted by Strouth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't let Niaz's view of the skills/supps/spells he complained about color your thoughts on the character too much. They're definately rough on the necro class. See my post in Gameplay "Nightgaunt is @$&!"
44376, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Alriac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't ever think I told you to #### off or anything like that, and any 'bad words' were purely in char and not meant to harm you as a person. Good char, good emperor, I hope you were thinking of someone else and not me. Good luck with the next

44408, Ah. Well this stinks.
Posted by Falun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our talks and all that, was hoping you'd make it coulda made things more interesting.

I didn't think the language barrier mattered at all. Anyway, Eastern Europeans invited my favorite drink...


44410, Death and taxes.
Posted by Feleniel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I interacted with you after you caught me deep in contemplation over a new toy, I knew I was necromancer lunchmeat. It was a clean (if you could call it that) fight too. I enjoyed our interaction afterward. It actually helped me build a little more reasoning into Feleniel's mindset. *chuckle* Why Herald, indeed!

The only part I'm not getting is this whole full loot business everyone is going irate over below. Yes, you killed me. Yes, you full looted me. And when I asked you, you returned as much of it as I could remember at the time.. being hunted by another necro that I had been very carefully avoiding all day was a distraction in this process, despite your "promises" he wouldn't harm me, but I survived it. Maybe this was the "Early" vs "Late" Niaz?

Not too bad at all for your first character in two years. I hope you have more fun with your next.

44411, More about full looting.
Posted by Niazuruzain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well damn... you aided our foes. Only avreason why did I hunt you.
About this full loot thing - I've looted mostly to preserve things. If someone asked me to return them, there were 99% that I will return them. Exception - those who full looted my citizens. Or if my citizens been running around naked - then I would surely loot you and give your things to them.

But probably I've been looting too much. I sincerely apology to anyone that I full looted (except for you, Kaisse).
44415, No man, just can't resist.
Posted by Ajegrhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I resisted Cadabra, but this...

Solace's blood, man :)
44432, RE: At last I'm dead.
Posted by Grunlath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have so much to say about you Niaz.

Did you remember that we fought in our youths. I think i attacked you in Balator pre-oath. Nothing came out of it and you ranked beyond reach.
Second time we spoke was when we sat in those catacombs. Speaking of apprenticeship and such.
Then i grew tired of helping you raising a zombie army that you did or did not use. Then i got used to it and spent the time working on supplications like energy drain and wither.
I was certain Mass was written Mess, so that turned out rather comical i guess. Hehe.
You always put an effort into roleplaying which I did like, and it was a shame that things did not work out for you. With all the corpses we are making now you would have needed Shawtabbies to carry all the phylacteries.

There are a few things more that will make you gasp in astonishment, but i can not say them yet. When i burn in the furnace you will hear it all.

A solid char, and good luck with everything!
44335, RE: (AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niazuruzain Cadabra'Ra the Dar...
Posted by Laenelis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went and spent time in that area so I could actually try and track you the next time I caught you there. I'm disappointed.
44337, RE: (AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niazuruzain Cadabra'Ra the Dar...
Posted by Niaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well... welcome to my laboratory. But I have to disappoint you - I don't think that I will play again. Not until our beloved imms tweak down your hunt ;P

Don't know why I could land only one spell on you from about 30. That was weird.
Yet I've knicked your ass before not only as Niazu: YAR! YAR GED HIR! YAR DAI!!!!

Good luck, man. Enjoyed our battles! :)