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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera
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121337, (AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jul 18 04:41:03 2014

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Niji perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
121527, Thanks for playing
Posted by Ashmon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I was very impressed with your PK skills in the lower ranks, I
found you very hard core, i.e. the best solution to most problems was
a slit throat. But it was certainly more effective than my naive approach.
When you made emperor I was pleasantly surprised
with how hands on you were in your approach.

Niji gave the impression that he was up to speed on everything and
furthermore cared about the future of the Empire. I liked that you
were very clear in your communication. It makes it easier for us
slower players.

Ashmon's first encounter (offering the blood oath) with Niji.

Niji tells you 'Not interested in your guidance.'
Niji tells you 'We'll see. I've got all the greatness I need right now and my
hands full with what I've already built. Having to fill the coffers of another
seems a bit counter productive.'
Niji tells you 'I have my own tasks to tend to, that is what I'm saying. What is
the grand design to me?'

While you may have had planned to go Empire all along, the CF story is
more interesting I think.
121465, I enjoyed our interactions but I was always a little cautious around you
Posted by Brinderbaum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember one time I asked you to group and you asked "Have I killed you?" that almost made me decide not to group with you in case you were trying to kill everyone at least once. But I simply replied "Um, not, not YET?" hoping a little levity would keep me alive.
121421, Bad interactions across three chars
Posted by Sertius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Came across as power-hungry, will do anything for a PK, loot-heavy, cowardly avoiding those who can kill you.
Nothing wrong IC with it, but generally a crappy player experience.
Maybe I'm completely wrong on my assessment, but I think you'd find the game more enjoyable if you treat other players with more respect. Unless you play to make other people feel bad.
121424, Sorry, I held other characters in complete disdain unless....
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...they potentially could be useful later or they had potential to later take the bloodoath.

If Niji couldn't use you or didn't need you for anything you got to see the Evil Emperor side. Niji was arrogant and ruled the world. I wasn't playing to make anyone feel bad, but I certainly tried to give the impression that everyone else was beneath me.

Yours and everyone elses opinion on 'avoiding those that can kill you' will probably change when you see my pk deaths. I died a lot and took a ####load of risks that sometimes worked out and sometimes didn't. If there was a group of five coming to kill me I wouldn't hesitate to attempt the assassinate on one at the very least.
121361, RE: (AGE DEATH) [EMPIRE] Niji the Honey-Tongued Purveyor of Words, Emperor of Thera
Posted by Corwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't really have an issue with you either. I see a lot of complaints both IC and OOCly, and it didn't really match up with my own experiences. I suspect its because the few times I got you down, you got back nearly everything, and I had nothing all that useful when I got killed. So, at least you weren't looting for no reason. I remember that time when I got everything back and you gave me some gold, and I was like holy crap awesome. Lol.

We had some decent banter, so I had fun there. Corwyn did hate Niji(and all things Imperial), but he strangely identified with Niji. I also had a lot of fun trying my suicide bum rushes on Centurions against you and whoever else, trying to see how long I could last. Corwyn generally went in there assuming he'd die a horrible death and decided he won if he didn't. He wasted your guy's time after all.
121352, I had a feeling this was coming
Posted by Cionadh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I honestly said I'm going to look at the forums and see if Niji's death thread is up without any idea you had aged out. Makes me even more pissed you landed the crunch last night. What the hell is strong wrists for again?

Hated the character but respected the player, not to say I agreed with everything you did in game but I didn't see a lot of the bad that has been said of you outside it.


121338, Time for a change!
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
651hp 597m 1095mv 21600tnl (-30.91%) 1 PM PROTECTED civilized quit
the Imperial Blademaster: Our conquest is yet assured, though the Emperor Niji leaves us.
the Imperial Warlock: Our conquest is yet assured, though the Emperor Niji leaves us.
the Imperial Assassin: Our conquest is yet assured, though the Emperor Niji leaves us.
the Imperial Prelate: Our conquest is yet assured, though the Emperor Niji leaves us.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...
Your form dissolves and you find yourself in Hell.

Will keep this brief.

I was playing a battlerager before Niji and saw so many people set themselves up for assassination at hero range that it gave me the old familiar assassinate itch. I stopped playing my rager and rolled up Niji.

Went Imperial because Empire wasn't doing much of anything for a couple of years and I wanted to see if I could make an impact on numbers and influence AS WELL AS I had been picking on Destuvius a lot on the forums and figured I'd get a better look at Imperial dynamics under his watch for myself.

Destuvius does a great job with the cabal and I think a lot of the changes I had been complaining about either with others or on the forums aren't even his doing. And there are some silly #### changes to Empire right now. For example you can't bloodoath neutral/good people anymore. In fact, you can't use the 'Darkness reigns!' box to change alignment, and the five faces of evil didn't even seem to be doing it. I convinced a couple of neutrals to take the oath, I gave them warnings that they'd lose their skills. They still wanted to do it. Yet bloodoath is hard coded to prevent it. So even though the cabal laws still state offer oath to enemy, Empire's power of expansion comes from bloodoath, etc etc, its impossible to do. I just ended up encouraging this potential oath to find a shrine dedicated to a goody religion and kill everything inside it.

If you were IN the Empire I tried to be overly nice until you pissed me off.

I didn't corpseguard if there were bloodoaths or lowbies around (who were Imperials) when I made a kill.

If you EVER full sac'd me or anyone in Empire and I found out about it your name got put on a list that was kept in circulation and nobody was allowed to let you have anything when they killed you. Nobody in Empire was allowed to sac anyone not on the list. I figured it was a good way to keep the douchebags out of Empire and in Outlander. What is funny to me was the amount of people that complained so loudly afterwards IC and on the forums.

If you lost gear otherwise I'm just pretty looty and I'd rather my people have the good gear than your people.

Empire Sect pits shouldn't auto purge outside of crash/reboots anymore. I'm pretty sure that was the feature that justified Non-Imperials from being able to get into Empire pits and someone just either didn't know they did it or forgot about it when they changed all that code.

Imperial Shadow powers shouldn't bring you out of the Shadows, every single one of them does except Light of Shadows. They should be like village scouts using powers.

Martial trance is very awesome. I never really messed with it before Niji.

Nerve edge needs to be toned down but you knew that and its probably going to happen later.

Herald challenge took all my Imperials. That is the problem with the bandwagon. If something cooler comes by everyone abandons yours and gets on theirs. *fistshake*

Recognizing that the Empire cabal is stagnating regardless of stuff I was doing I'm just taking a step away to let it shake up again to see what happens. 2 Sect Leader positions and an Empty throne should make a few people roll up. There is literally nobody to take the Shadow Lord spot right now if anyone is interested.

I just want you to know its over between us.
Well. Bye.
Smell that, Bill? Smells like someone died.
121339, You obviously don't know how hearsay works
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone said this guy looted someone, sure let's teach him manners! Guess what, it misfires so much that it actually adds to the hate and fear and dissuades people from fighting.

Thankfully I never got to fight you or your gangs.
121341, All but one experience was first hand.
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And there really weren't many people on the List of the Uncivil.

121345, It could be already in retaliation
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and you would be perpetuating a vicious circle.

Oh well. What does one expect from an Emperor anyway. Just my pet peeve when looting stops being personal matter and becomes a policy.
121340, You're the best(worst?). Was fun being in the cabal with you twice. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
121342, I had to walk away for 2 months after our last talk.
Posted by Uztal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The last thing I want to hear between prominent cabal members is vaguely IC discussion of log in times. Whether they're our members or enemy cabal members. There is just no IC way to explain it, and it's ####ing lame. "Where have you been?" Uhhh, living my life trying to find time to play?

Can't you at least make something up IC to be mad at my character for, rather than smashing peoples immersion trying to find a way to ask them about their login habits?

Not surprised that your main direction as Emperor was about looting habits, given your pre-Emp history.

121343, Maybe if you had logged in once in a while...
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'd have noticed that looting habits were the least of my concerns.

It was important to me to have an active Council. Yes I'm going to ask about your availability. I didn't want to promote people who didn't play. I'm sorry your experience sucked but I guess its good you left.

Login and play times are easily explained IC. In my mind if I can't see you (you're not logged in) then you're just somewhere else in Thera doing something else with your time. You don't play imagination good.
121344, You don't memory good.
Posted by Uztal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You needed to ask me about my availability every time I logged in, long before you were Emperor? You needed to complain about the log in habits of the Fortress every time I saw you?

Believe me, having some questions asked when they're relevant isn't going to make me think I'm wasting my time.

You may have been the straw that broke the camels back though, really.
121346, I never saw anything but good
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I got from you was recruitment approaches, and I did get an idea of Niji the char from some of our discussions. So that was all good.

I don't agree with the full looting policy though and I'll give you an example of why.

Let's say Fred the imperial full louts Pete the fort dude. Fort leader then tells all fort to make sure their next kill of Fred is followed by a single full loot. Pete's friend in fort then kills Fred and does the full loot that MAYBE Fred deserved, and now the friend is getting fulled for life. In return, fort leader could mandate full loots for everyone that loots the friend. Result is everyone wastes a load of time regearing and has fewer enemies to fight. Plus it all started off the back of a full loot which may even have been payback for an earlier full loot.
121347, Nope
Posted by On the List on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"If you EVER full sac'd me or anyone in Empire and I found out about it your name got put on a list that was kept in circulation and nobody was allowed to let you have anything when they killed you. Nobody in Empire was allowed to sac anyone not on the list. I figured it was a good way to keep the douchebags out of Empire and in Outlander. What is funny to me was the amount of people that complained so loudly afterwards IC and on the forums."

What you did IC is one thing. But now you're OOC implying that everyone on that list full looted someone when I know for a fact that one person got on that list for stealing 1 item from you while you were raiding his cabal. Let's be honest.
121358, Sort of.
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it was crap that an IMM gave a quest to the Village to kill me and loot my pies. After I found about it I added the Village to the list in retaliation for whichever IMM was butthurt enough to do that. It worked out pretty good regardless and I don't think a single villager got fulled anyway after I made that known to them. My goal was to make the quest backfire because I don't think that was an appropriate way to encourage the village to grow, and it worked out for a couple of weeks.
121368, Yet you gave me crap about Ghrim's edict.... :) NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
121370, In all fairness..
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said 'Anyone that comes past the giant' (raids) gets full sac'd. I said 'Anyone that full sacs gets full sacd'.
121372, Not exactly true.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you remember, the edict was "If they die in the village past the giant, they get nothing back". Which was because I watched a bunch of dudes die, get their gear back, unghost on the Destructor, and end up killing a villager.

Which, again, I didn't even follow that edict (another reason I was a relatively poor Commander) but yeah.
121348, Great Job
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most successful Empire I've been in. I doubt we'll see a new influx of Imperials now however.
121350, Hello,
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions.

Pretty sure, that was the first time I've ever been assassinated.
121354, RE: Time for a change!
Posted by Some invoker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured as much that your char was "be like a goodie to other imperials" be as evil and mean to the rest of Thera. So I guess that's a job well done.

I found your back and forth mails with tribunal amusing at first, but damn did it get stale after a while... at the end it felt like a pair of angry neighbors screaming at each other from their houses and the block just have to stand the screaming....

The only bad experience was when I rolled an imperial, didn't like it (I was still a lowbie) and decided to reroll with the same name and you sent me a tell saying something along the lines of "I see you changed professions, I guess you don't like my empire then?). I didn't know what to say, this was a different char, so different role,life,experiences,etc. And I felt like you should have respected that, so I just ignored you on that.

So I guess two good experiences out of three puts you in good standing in my book. So please keep on trucking, it will be very interesting to read your premium battlefield, so please SOMEBODY BUY IT.
121356, Reusing the same name is really lame.
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Doesn't mean he should have called you out on it though.
121360, Probably true...
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But when I oathed him he got to level or so as a bloodoath, then the next time I saw him he was a different class but was still on my list as a bloodoath with the same name.

Was just funny to me.

Do not reuse names, people are going to notice and it throws a kink in RP. Niji was super aware about his cabal list and very in tune with who came around and who didn't.
121357, Well, you certainly are adept at playing the villan.
Posted by Guargoux on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to see Niji die in the worst way. I think there has only been two characters that I really wanted to bring down that died before I got the chance. The first was Hughli, who I really didn't have anything against, but the reason for him was just that he was slippery and lucky.

You, on the other hand, I'll say that there were many things that you did to earn my overwhelming desire to kill you but I'll hold my peace until I die.

Roll something not so horribly mean/evil next time and good luck with it.
121362, I'd have just paid me off.
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Super easy to get gold and I had already said if Nexus/Battle/Herald/Tribunal gave Empire a sizeable fee I wouldn't bother them.

The assassinate on you during distention was pretty cool though. I managed to nail a few and I stayed distended for a bit. Then Hughli made me realize why I didn't want to be distended and retrieving from Outlander.
121366, Great Character
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You pretty much were *exactly* what I think a Shadow Lord should be until you got Emperor and then you stepped it up again and walked the line for it perfect.

Overall, this character was not perfect, but was closer to it than a lot of other characters ever will be. Despite all of the OOC hate this character received I would happily say that 99% of what you did was completely IC and based on IC things.

Thanks for giving Empire a shot even though you thought I was the death of it =). Maybe one of these days down the road you'll come back.
121349, nothing but bad interactions
Posted by also on the list on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Subject says it all, just borderline OOC rants followed by clear reply to full looting, using imperial spies to multikill just after unghosting naked...you were the sort that made cf less fun.

And yeah, I only fulled anyone in retaliation to you, anything that causes you to hold an eternal grudge really should make you rethink why you're playing a game
121359, I've got some fun OOC tells from you I can paste if you want.
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No need to lie on the forums but you've done it since I was level 35 so hey, whatever. Yes I will hold a grudge against you as a player if you don't even try to cut out the OOC horribleness from character to character and I will hold all of your characters to the same degree of retaliation from character to character.
121363, You don't know my other characters so please try
Posted by also on the list on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
121364, I'd rather not get my thread locked.
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lets work it out IC. =)
121365, honestly not sure what you mean
Posted by also on the list on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're age dead right?

I haven't had another char past 25 so whatever you think is wrong.
121379, One of the better characters ever.
Posted by Polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played with you as an ally with Maligor.

I played with you as an enemy with Sivane.

In both cases I loved this character.

I was pissed that Sivane never got you. You were better at the hiding game then I was. You also failed to prepare way less than me.

I care nothing about getting full looted so long as the player does not complain about it being done to them. I had seen you fool looted several times and while you did not enjoy it, you handle it well and I never heard you complain.

Well done and thanks for the fun. Conspiring with you in empire was one of my favorite parts of empire.


121373, RE: Time for a change!
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't have any problem with our interactions, rather I enjoyed most all of them, short though most were, and fighting you was always fun because I knew axe and/or flurry could win me a fight, but that one or two skills from you might kill me too. Made logging in a heart pumping affair at the Skull. I befriended every thief I could, just on account of being concerned you were still on.

Pretty fun character from my perspective. You mixed it up a lot and were very much on the tongues of the masses.

Enjoy your next, whenever/whatever it is.
121377, I liked Niji
Posted by Eletar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You befriended me, you recruited me, and you threatened me, but I interpreted it all as a character whose hand was compelled by personal and political forces. You were what I expect from any character who achieves and maintains Emperor.
121375, Interactions with Niji
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Edit: Sections deleted. Knock it off.

1) Get assassinated at rank 33, three best 'goodie only' bits of gear get taken, no previous interaction. Actions of a griefer as your people couldn't use it. Guess I must have offended you whilst I was fighting Ooglar and others as you stalked me.

2) Different character - I kill you when you came for your codex and I took two things. No interaction verbally because anything spoken to you IC was met as OOC whinging and so had ooc tainted replies.

3) Some little tit (Neena) makes up a story of me full looting and so you and the warmaster (and my colossally bad timing) kill me and then loot me bare. Nice1

Got zero enjoyment from you as a player, enemy or otherwise.
121519, Sorry for abandoning you
Posted by Usthazanes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got stuck in a RL move and ended up autodeleting. First conjurer in 12 years or so and I will come back to the class. I enjoyed all my interactions with you, so thank you. Good luck with the next.

121520, My broken heart!
Posted by Niji on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always keep an eye open for questy conjurer supplies so it happened to work out awesome that you rolled up while I had gear ready to go to a conjurer.

I think I ended up giving 3 different conjurers gear + oath and none of them panned out, I <3 clairvoyance/audience and it would have been nice!