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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFarewell, from Azkerria
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=23835&mesg_id=23837
23837, Farewell, from Azkerria
Posted by Azkerria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I reckon I shall miss goin to the inn and drinkin' Soucivi's tea, and jokin' around with the regulars. I reckon I'll even miss Eyhon telling me what a bad ranger I was. And I was a bad ranger. I did spend too much time in the inn. But Azkerria was a coward, did anyone ever figure that out? She also never went through with anything she talked about. Azkerria's life goal was to reach the 40th title.Oh, so close! All her life she fell short of her dreams, and she knew it, that's why she lurked around the inn. If she surrounded herself with friends, she'd be less of a failure. Did I gid too far into a role by making her with such nuances and insecurities? She always second guessed herself and her skills, and when people pointed out her shortcomings she got mad.

I'll even tell you a little secret: This game in infinately more worthwhile to play when you make friends in the inn versus mindlessly killing things and PKing. It's interaction with other people that makes things worthwhile. So while Azkerria may have been Thera's worst ranger to date because of all her hours spend in the Inn of the Eternal Star, she will never regret chosing that path. **She loved all her friends, and you know who you are. She hugged you on sight. **

A couple of you may be curious why I didn't pray to the immortals for more life... Azkerria followed the Sphere of Seasons. She never feared death in the sense that she didn't really mind her *FINAL* death. She always knew that death is necessary for life, and she knew with her death a new life shall enter Thera, and life/nature will be perpatuated. However, like I said, she was a coward, and she wanted to delay that final death as long as possible. She was never fully at peace with her beliefs of the cycle of life until the end. And when she finally, honestly, truly believed "It's alright" she decided it was time to go. The peace gave her courage to fight, and fight she did. She didn't win. She never won, not once.

But finally, in the end, she died without fear.

PS: Soucivi, don't you dare lose the staff. I can't make you another anymore.