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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectSeiichi's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=7963&mesg_id=7974
7974, Seiichi's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Added Sun Jul 24 19:39:59 2005 at level 1:

Illegal name, try another.
Name: e prophecy of Lord Dalteric, nor
did he take his duties very seriously. But when the day came that
the revered Lord Dalteric would return from his exile, Seiichi not
only realized that his father was right about the prophecy, but he
would use His return as his own motivation. He was nothing more
than a petulant child of thirteen years when He assumed command of
the Blood Tribunal. He gathered up his fathers old scrolls of yore
and began his own questing to learn more of his fathers teachings
and the prophecy of Lord Dalteric.

Seiichi would later find himself amongst the Moudrilar Monks. his
research showed that this would be the place to learn more about
Lord Dalteric. After the monks had questioned his presence there,
they simply nodded and allowed him into the school. After all, just
him showing up was a testament to his inexplainable dedication. But
the monks saw great potential in him. He had come at a young age of
fourteen, and his mind was still adolescent, but not ignorant.

Seiichi learned efficiently with the monks. During his time with the
monks, Seiichi was taught the methods and reasoning behind meditation.
For days on end, the monks would sit in tranquility, harmonizing the
meaning of serenity. A day came when Seiichi would sit before his own
shrine dedicated to Lord Dalteric, and he would envision himself
meeting Him. Leaving the Moudrilar Monks prematurely, Seiichi went
to the city of Galadon to begin his destiny as a priest to Lord