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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectKaazra's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=7872&mesg_id=7883
7883, Kaazra's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

The Path Darkens: Life, Death, and Unlife
Added Wed Sep 21 00:12:35 2005 at level 47:

Death has been a constant fixture in my life. It began with my ibius,
Routzar, and has spread to encompass myself, my victims, and my allies with
its intoxicating yet intimidating clout. I've met my own end several times
now and each time it tastes of bitter ashes and inspires fear for my own
mortality. I do not want to meet the end.

However at the same time I have dealt death to the enemies of Order and
others with great relish and with every life struck down by my hand I feel a
growing sense of power welling up within me. I find myself looking forward to
the entry of chaotic forces into my cities so that I might find opportunity
to serve and execute their warrants. I find myself caring less and less about
my musings regarding my slaughter. Is it chaotic? Perhaps, but it is
necessary. My ideals are noble and for the betterment of civilization and the
world and those who impede me deserve to be crushed under foot.

In order to aid in this and preserve my own life I've decided to pursue the
Becomming and dare the dark rites necessary to move into a more permanent
existence and one that shall strike terror into my foes. It is with great
trepidation that I approach the High Saamni of Arboria for the task, for he
is rumored to be both dangerously insane and sadistic... but also very
successful. I have no doubt that in the end there will be naught but
darkness, but it is an end that I will put off for as long as I am able.