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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectSkryth's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=7044&mesg_id=7057
7057, Skryth's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Skryth in a Nutshell
Added Mon Jul 18 00:03:03 2005 at level 36:

Brief History:

Raised by his mother after the untimely death of his father. His mother could
not afford a house or land, so they chose the freedom of the deep wilds. The
wilds his mother chose were near a village of wood-elves. They were
befriended by the wood-elves and Skryth was heavily influenced by their
culture. He has learned to be one with his inner spirit, and has been taught
to seek guidance from his ancestors by their druids. Even though he was
introduced to the ways of the druid it was the unquestioned that his natural
talents with blades would find him apprenticed to the best warriors of the
village. Skryth is the last in a long family line of cursed male arials. Like
all the Skryth before him he will try to find a way to break the curse. This
Skryth believes he will be successful because he follows his instincts and
believes the ancient spirits of his ancestors guide him. He will brutally
follow their other wordly advice to promote the rebirth of Thar-Eris. He
believes the bodies of those who would destroy Thar-Eris will help spur its
growth. While he is brutal with his enemies, he believes they will be reborn
in a more natural form their next birth in the great cycle. He joined the
Refuge seeking to live among others who wanted to live free of the chains of
society. He views most of them now like part of a family he never had, and
would defend them to the death. Though still he yearns for more deep down, he
will seek the ways and guidance of the Great Untamed Spirit of the Wilds.

Last Name:

It has been so long that his family has been cursed that their true last name
is only now known to the Ancients themselves. For as long as any of his
family can remember they have been renamed the HexWing by all who know of
them and their curse. Skryth has a strange pride in the name, like rising to
a challenge. Though his truest desire is to end the curse and restore his
families lost name.

The Curse:

eldest Skryth aided by a duergar and the Warder of the Underdark himself
was the first to unlock the mysteries of the Telluric current. Being the
first to call upon that power in a millennia he also unleashed something
horrible upon the world. Only the laughing Warder of the Underdark knew what
he had unleashed. But for such the very Mother rose up in anger and cursed
him. Forever more his line would bear the curse of the Subjugator of Druidic
Lore. It was not long after he felt the wrath of her curse as his very heart
exploded while he was in the midst of combat. Leaving a widow and his
orphaned son to carry on his legacy. The curse strikes every so many
generations and is marked by the birthmark of a tree across their forehead.
If the child is not named Skryth he will never survive his first week out of
the egg. Always takes a different form, but always end with the horrible
demise of the Skryth. Usually he goes insane and commits a rather gruesome
suicide. Only time will tell what form the curse will take with Skryth or
will he overcome it?