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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectGlaurthran's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=4253&mesg_id=4266
4266, Glaurthran's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The 'Whys' of Glaurthran
Added Mon Sep 13 15:36:18 2004 at level 13:

Glaurthran was a scholar until he was attacked by a band of highwaymen.He
had some skill with his dirk, but the leader of the highwaymen cast upon him
a spell of forgetfulness. Quickly was he overcome, beaten and left for dead.
he awoke, he realized some degree of the spell was still in him, for he
could not remember how to read or write. This realization drove him half
mad, for reading and expanding his mind was his one true passion. Thus was
the spark of anger kindled within him.

Glaurthran, though now very mentally unstable, was no fool. He knew he would
have to make his living physically. Though he was a small man, he sought the
guild of warriors, using his size and quickness to his advantage, learning to
primarily use knives and his fists. As he could not read, many of his
guildmates thought him a simpleton, enraging the scholar locked within him.
But he did never act upon them, his fiery yet temporary rage settling into a
cool, unyielding ball of anger.

Throughout his training, Glaurthran drew upon that anger for his strength.
He learned the warrior ways and trained with zeal, yet always he fed his
anger. While he added the everyday influences, he never forgot what brought
him to where he was. That mage, how he hated him! He blamed all his
problems on the man, his anger spawning until it encompassed all those who
practiced magic.

Day to day, Glaurthran comes across as unstable. He often speaks shortly to
others, though he will put foreword his best to those he either fears, wants
to impress, or respects. To those he believes his equal of inferiors,
though, his angry and unstable nature comes across strongly. He has decided
to further use and fuel his anger by fighting magic used by mortals, for
there is nothing he hates more.While he is callous on the exterior, deep
inside he is lonely, and seeks a higher purpose.