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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectFenarum's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=41466&mesg_id=41482
41482, Fenarum's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

The beginning
Added Tue Aug 14 07:58:55 2012 at level 31:

I was born in Hillcrest. My how long ago that was I spent my young life enjoying everything around me. Though, something was missing. At the time I didn't understand the feeling, but as I got older, it became more prevalent.
I wanted something more, more exciting, more adventurous, and more dangerous. On the day of my 30th birthday, I woke up like normal, but when I looked in the mirror I had horns coming out of my head! I didn't know
what happened. The only thing I could think of was that I needed to go to shape shifter guild. If anybody understood something coming out of your body it would be them. So as quickly as I could I got dressed, tried to cover
my horns as best as I could with an old leather cloak in our home.

I raced down the street and got to the guild as fast as I could. All the while hoping that somebody didn't see me! As I stepped up to the door the guard stopped me and told me I wasn't allowed in. At that I promptly
remove the cloak from my head and he gawked at what he saw. He told me I needed to run in and talk to the guild master soon as possible. So in I went. I spoke with the guild master a long time and he explained to
me that he wanted to teach me how to shape shift other parts of my body and eventually my whole body. From that day on I spent a few hours a day inside of the guild learning how to control what had happened to

A few years after that, I was practicing my shape shifting behind our home. Some of the other gnomes saw me and were laughing at the different things that were happening to my body. It made me quite unhappy and
made me want to hide. I went a week without even leaving our home. I was afraid to step out and get left at. At the end of that week there was a knock on my door. It was the guild master! He came in and asked why he
hadn't seen me. I told him about the other gnomes that were laughing at me, and told him that I was too afraid to come out of the house.

He spoke with me a while about courage. Told me why courage is so important to have and to never let it go. I was leery at first, but after a while of speaking with him it's calm my nerves. He told me courage will push
You through even the hardest times. Always stand up and show yourself as you are, never let someone else tell you how you should be.

I took his advice to heart and started going back to the Guildhall. I didn't care what other people thought of me. One day my guild master pulled me aside and said that there's a big wide world out there. To truly master
your shape shifting you will need to leave Hillcrest and explore, laugh and cry, and you might even have to actually defend yourself for real! Go out and see the world, there are many other shape shifter guilds in the world.
I will send a note to all of the let them know that you will be traveling and exploring to better grasp your abilities. You will make Hillcrest proud my student. Never falter and enjoy every minute of it!