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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectLuggbok's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=23509&mesg_id=23532
23532, Luggbok's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

The fall of Clan Kuntug
Added Fri Nov 21 07:17:26 2008 at level 15:

The winters cold was at the door step of the Clan Kuntug, once again
it was time to send the young warriors off on their journey. This had
long been a tradition of the Clan for nearly since its start.
Luggbok nearing that age prepared in his tent for the task ahead of him.
Though young by some standards the men of Clan Kuntug where forced into war
from the time they could hold a weapon. Fighting with courage and honor
beyond any they where the fiercest warriors in all the north.
Five months had passed without any word nor sign of Luggbok and some
thought all was lost. As the sun set over the snow capped mountains
on that warm spring day a figure was seen walking towards the village of the Clan.
A massive weapon hanging over his shoulder and a large bear pelt across his back.
Cheers rang out through the village for Luggbok had returned to his proud people
King Cloud of the Kuntug Clan.
A year or so had passed as the Clan when about their daily lives training and hunting.
Happy under the guidance of Luggbok the clan was doing well. When darkness
appeared on the horizon of the village gates. A pack of foul mages was struck in the middle
of the night taking the clan by suprise. Slaughtering every last one
and leaving Luggbok strung up by his neck for dead.