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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectMuhryl's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=178&mesg_id=181
181, Muhryl's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Sun Nov 2 14:07:44 2003 at level 9:

Muhryl (Pronounced like Merle) was the chief cook for the
First Matron of a fairly small and remote region of the
Underdark. Facing insurgence from a faction of city
wizards, the Matrons had activated an ancient artifact
that prevented magic from being used anywhere within the
city limits, allowing their trained guardsmen to police
the populace without threat. As the chief cook, Muhryl
was also a confidante and ally of the Matrons. He would
gather intelligence, deliver secret messages, and
occasionally arrange for a visiting rival to have a
rather unpleasant, final, meal.

The time would come when Muhryl would know too much.
Happening across a whispered conversation in the dark
chambers of the keep, he discovered a plot by one of
the Matrons to deactivate the magic-shielding artifact,
and execute a coup with the insurgent wizards against
the other Matrons. Motivated by loyalty to his house,
and contempt for the wizards, he did something he had
never done before - he personally sent poisoned food
to the Matron in question, killing her. Knowing that
even the other Matrons would not believe the story
of a male - even a long-time confidante - Muhryl
fled the Underdark.

One thing Muhryl does like about the world above, is the
diversity of animal and plant life that affords an abundance
of new and interesting food. He has become more of an
herbalist since he came to the overworld, and continues
to further his knowledge of herbs and herb-lore. The
prevalence of magic unnerves him, however, as one who
lived for so long in a city where there was none. He
now seeks a place where he can practice his craft without
the intrusion and taint of magical forces.. and prepare
lavish meals for his companions.