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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectEled's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=13552&mesg_id=13565
13565, Eled's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Underneath the black banner.
Added Tue Jan 9 02:30:57 2007 at level 25:

The heart of a raging battle fills your vision, dead bodies lay scattered
everywhere, and a small band, under a banner of black with a white bear
on it, fight on against overwhelming odds.

"To the last men! Welcome sweet death and glorious victory!" Faleeds
warcry could be heard over the din of battle by all on the massive field,
many even stopped to look at the band of mercenaries, awed by their
unbreakable courage and battle prowess.

Eled battled on a slight downward slope, taking on two axemen with his
longsword and his shield. First pushing and stabbing forward, and then
suddenly he was on their flank, the first fell, the sword going through his
shoulders, in the right and out the left. Eled released his grip on his
sword and threw the shield at the bewildered survivor. Before he knew
what hit him, his axe was on the ground, and the screaming half-breed
had straddled him and was crushing his face with disturbing glee. The
axeman ceased his struggles as Eleds final blow crushed his cheek bone.
Eled rose, his fury once again stored just under the surface, the cool and
collected mind of a well-trained fighter returning. He looked up the
slope to the banner, where Faleed stood, waiting patiently for three
enemy soldiers to attack him.

The first, a spearman, feinted left, moved right and took two quick, long
strides towards the mercenary captain, the tip of his spear shooting
dangerously forward, a signature move of sorts, he had obviously killed
many men with this tactic. It did not faze Faleed, as the spear came
forward, Faleed dropped his left foot back, easily dodging the thrust,
Faleed held his left hand back, and with his right, struck underhanded at
the oncoming spear. His strength, speed, and expertly sharpened blade
cut through the stout wooden shaft of the spear, and then the mans chest
was suddenly opened by two blades, parallel lines exposing the mans
innards. Faleed had pivoted backwards on his right foot, spinning
around and bringing all his strength to bear, ripping the man apart.
Finishing in a half-crouch with his left foot forward and his blades low,
he shot his right foot forward, planted, and thrusted forward with both
swords, rising slightly as his blades buried themselves nearly to the hilts
in his next victims chest. With uncanny power he pulled the blades
straight out and the man fell limp. The third soldier, another spearman
lunged forward at the waiting captain. It looked as though Faleed was
going to meet the Warder, his swords were at his side, there was no way
a man could stop the lightning strike aimed for his chest. But the black-
skinned mercenary captain from Hamsah Mutazz was not done yet. In
an incredible show of swordsmanship, he cross-down parried the
oncoming thrust, stepping over his blades and demolishing the
bewildered soldiers nose and face. The man rose in confusion, blood
streaming from his nose, and that pause was all Faleed required. He
spread his blades wide, and brought them on a nearly intersecting path
through the mans neck. A thud on the blood-stained ground and Faleed
rushed forward to find more enemies. Eled chuckled and yanked his
sword from his opponents shuddering corpse and turned to find another