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Topic subjectThe Dinner of Diligence (November 7th, 8PM MUD TIME)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=25&topic_id=2887
2887, The Dinner of Diligence (November 7th, 8PM MUD TIME)
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From : Aiya Wanwahina
To : all
Subject: The Dinner of Diligence

Excellence is a mark rarely hit without great effort. Join the Heralds of
the Eternal Star as we celebrate trial and perseverance at the Dinner of
Diligence this Wednesday, the 7th, at 8PM by the Asgaardian time standard.
The Dinner will be held at the Tale Telling Fire in the Inn of the Eternal Star.
Come regale your fellow adventurers with tales of triumph and tribulation and
inspire them towards majesty and mastery.

I hope to see you there,
Aiya Wanwahina, High Herald of the Eternal Star