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Forum Name Events & Contests
Topic subjectImmortalize a Mortal! (June Mini-Contest)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=25&topic_id=242
242, Immortalize a Mortal! (June Mini-Contest)
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you know of a mortal who served as a wonderful example of their profession and deserves to be immortalized as a guildmaster?

New guildmasters will be placed in the Ruined City once it's repaired. I'm inviting anyone who wishes to submit a nomination for a mortal to be honored in this way.


- You may nominate any deceased mortal character, including your own. (If you prefer a private submission, e-mail to amaranthe@carrionfields.com)

- The mortal should ideally be good aligned, though neutral and possibly evil may be considered.

- The mortal should ideally have a connection to Tar Valon or the Ruined City (their hometown, have served as a Magistrate there, etc) although this is optional.

- Providing a description is optional, but you must at least include the race, gender, name, surname (if applicable) and class of the nominated mortal, along with whatever information you feel is necessary to convey why the character deserves this honor.

Disclaimer; all submissions are subject to the imm staff's final judgement, any or none of the submissions may be chosen for the final implementation into the area.