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RE: This one should sound familiar...
Velkurah: We should all vis

Valguarnera: Then we gank them.

Velkurah: Woot

Shokai: I'll bash!

Velkurah: I'll triop

Zulghinlour: I'll gas breath

Velkurah: trip too.

Jullias: I'll immolate

Shokai: please, Zulghie, don't hurt'm

Arvam: I'll slay

Vynmylak: I'll get lost and miss all the action

Arvam: *rofl*

Shokai: well, you are a Maran imm

Zulghinlour: Khasoltholas will sit in the corner with his mimosa

Shokai: that's kinda what we do

Velkurah: This is why it's uncommon for this many of us to be on, you realise

Valguarnera: I'll complain we're not getting enough xp.

Velkurah: The mud would never move forward

Zulghinlour: I'll keep asking if my legacy is working right

Velkurah: I'll post the log to Dio's

Velkurah: Are we all set?

Arvam: I'll piss and moan that if that paladin and invoker weren't there, I could have killed him.

Shokai: wait

Jullias: I'll ask why arials can't fly

Velkurah: rofl

Shokai: who's going to bitch about the opposition logging off

Sabiene: and here I am stuck in the desc room ahhhh well

Velkurah: Oh, and I'll ask why I don't have elemental attunment.

Sevarecan: I'll ask to go train after each kill.

Shokai: u want 2 grp?

Valguarnera: I'll point out that the conjurer ganged me with an elemental AND an archon.

Vynmylak: I'll still be lost while you guys are doing all that and then complain about it again

Arvam: I'll ask everyone to wait because my shields fall in two hours.

Shokai: heh

Zulghinlour: I'll lead us all into Rot-Root the Shadow Ent

Shokai: so, meet at mrkt ()?

Velkurah: u lead?

Valguarnera: I'll ask if anyone has a canteen I can use.

Choranek: and then we can all go to hell with our AIM info

Velkurah: Who brought the beer, by the way

Zulghinlour: I'll ask for directions to my guild

Sevarecan: Wait while I start logging the hell trip.

Zulghinlour: Then I'll try to turn off the newbie channel with 'newbie off'

Arvam: I'll ask if anyone has a spare axe so I can pincer.

Shokai: this is strictly a byob group, Velk

Jullias: I'll reboot the box and delete your email

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