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RE: March Contest: (Reply to this post to enter)
i got two ideas:
one: LIFTING make it so that flying races can lift up and fly with non-flying races, obviously they would both have to loose some most of their carried weight and i cannot imagine a arial lifting a giant and it should probably cost a good deal of movement. now the use for this as i see it is mainly non-flying ragers who would be able to get to a few places where they aren't able to get today, but other players would also benefit.

two: as i played a cook in the inn i noticed that you needed to go far away to find different kinds of ingredients for your meals, now i can see why, but as it is today i can take a bowl of fruit and do: cook bowl a bowl of steaming leak and potatoe soup. now instead of cheating with boar steaks and lambs legs make it so you can buy a whole lot of different kinds of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits in the innĀ“s kitchen. and on a side note make the food sold in tir talath a bit more filling.

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