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RE: The Protected Pub Crawl
Alcoholics of Thera!
Party goers!
Merry makers!
All of a competitive nature!

The time has COME!

Provost Magistrate Tiarumas and I are pleased to announce a joint event called
'The Protected Pub Crawl' that will take place Friday April 7th at 10:00pm by
the god's calendar.

Participants will get to know every bar within each protected city in intimate
detail as they dash in teams of two completing tasks speedily and drunkenly
while collecting and consuming beverages. Teams will depart the Inn of the
Eternal Star at precisely the start time, so arrive early to ensure your
participation is recognized and you are given a task list. You will visit each
bar listed and purchase each assigned drink (one from each bar), saving the cup
or bottle in a designated sack that will be turned in at the end of your
excursion. You will also be asked to complete tasks that require both
coordination and speed in each city.

Join us as we admire the beauty and peace of the cities under the Blood
Tribunal's purview. Let us find out who is the fastest duo of Thera and just how
much liquor they can hold while successfully completing involved tasks!

Bottoms up! Empty cups!

Lyeeth the Brightest Star, High Herald

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