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RE: Time for Poetry
When you think of poetry are you instantly bored? Does the thought of sitting by a fire falling asleep as participants ramble on, and on, and on with statements that neither make sense nor rhyme make you want to gouge your eardrums out with a serving spoon? Do you abhor the thought of wasting a single moment of your precious time?

If such resembles your view on poetry I gladly encourage you to come participate at the Inn of the Eternal Star as we celebrate Time for Poetry! This will be an UNCONVENTIONAL and UNTRADITIONAL contest and will shake your beliefs in poetry as a form of entertainment and expression to the core! You will find yourself flexing areas of your brain you never realized even existed!

But there will be other twists to the traditional as a separate contest will also be playing out at the Lyceum during this one. How will your time be best spent? How will you manage each moment to better satisfy the outcome you desire? Will you miss out on this opportunity entirely and never know what enjoyments might have been realized? Let us see how you juggle both TIME and POETRY as we all make merriment and memories together.

You are welcomed to attend this event by the Gods calendar on Wednesday, February the 22nd at 8PM CT.

Troublemakers be warned: A good portion of this time may be spent in the Celestial Lyceum for those who so choose during the contests. Any troublemaker or bully that brings violence or thievery anywhere beyond The Guard Post in front of the Eternal Star will face the unbridled fury of Rarywey's divine wrath.

Be prompt! The event will start on time and will conclude exactly one hour from when it begins. How will you spend your time?

- Lyeeth the Brightest Star

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