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RE: Yuletide Secret Gift Exchange (Secret Santa)
***The deadline to enter is Monday the 17th. By then send a note to Ishuli stating you want to join***.
***This is an IN CHARACTER 'Secret Santa' event. The details are below, but the main idea is that everyone will be assigned a random person to give a gift to. You should try to get them a 'fitting' gift without letting it be known that they are your recipient. If there are any extra questions, feel free to email me and I'll respond ASAP.***
***PLEASE DO NOT JOIN if you aren't going to be available to actually give the gifts. We're all busy during the holidays, so don't over-commit if you can't :) ***

Fri Dec 14 11:02:02 2018
From : Ishuli
To : all
Subject: Yuletide Secret Gift Exchange

Yuletide Secret Gift Exchange

In hopes of gaining knowledge as to the intricacies of gift-giving, I will
be hosting a unique gift exchange for those that decide to take part. The
details are as follows:

1) Those who join this event will be assigned another person partaking, and will
endeavor to gather a gift fit specifically for them. The recipient will not
know who gave the gift, and the giver will remain anonymous for most purposes.

2) The gift-giver must remain anonymous to the target. Aim to be subtle
if gathering information. If you broadcast your target, you will be

3) When a gift has been decided, it will be given to me (Ishuli) and I will
ensure its safe delivery to the target.

4) The recipient will then, based on the gift received, attempt to guess who
was assigned to them.

5) Only one entry per player, do not enter with multiple characters.

Special attention will be given to fitting gifts and successful guesses.
Everyone who takes part will both give a gift and receive a gift.

For those interested in the above, send me a note in response, simply telling
me that you are taking part. Assuming I get enough participants, I will send
a follow-up note to those who joined.

This event will proceed over the next week or two, so do consider that when
deciding whether or not you will be joining. Those who join, then fail to
follow through, will be appropriately punished by me.

Keep in mind, by joining you are committing.

I do hope you decide to participate.
The deadline for sending a note to Ishuli joining the event is:
Monday, December 17th


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