Character count 0/3000



Javascript based description/role/note formatter by Mort.

Inspired by the Zulg's Windows version, so thank him. Besides this isn't very good javascript code so it's possible it's slow and clunky, but it should work.

Things to note:

  • wraps at 75 chars, since the game appears to miscount the chars per line and refuses 79
  • will try to fix or remove any invalid chars, if you're copy/pasting over from MS Word for instance, since it likes to use non-ascii quotes and such by default
  • hard returns are spared, but may cause slight inaccuracy in line length calculations at least on Windows
  • no handy "copy to clipboard" button, sorry, it would've been too much a pain to get it working on non-IE browers by the looks of it - instead of the button, just click anywhere in the output field and all the text will be selected, then copy it from there with Control-C or whatever
  • tested and works on IE 7/8, Chrome, Opera 9.62/Opera Mini, Firefox 3.0/Iceweasel 3.0.6, known NOT to work on S60 3rd Ed browser
  • words longer than the max line length are truncated; don't try to use them