Subject: "Shifter forms, perhaps a little more variety!" Previous topic | Next topic
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Top General Discussions Gameplay Topic #246
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laxman (Guest)Sun 24-Mar-02 01:29 PM

#246, "Shifter forms, perhaps a little more variety!"


Okay not to shoot at the system for shifter forms which is inplace... I really like that my main concern is with the blurring of the lines sometimes between the different foci.

The biggest complaint about this is obvously that the offensive 3rd forms can act as defensive forms, the way I see it the best dodger an offensive form should be is average, the copperhead is better then any third tier defensive form with the exception of the tortoise, and thats only in certain situations. the lynx, wolf, ocelot can all dodge too well it needs to be brought down. The only forms which should ever really be balanced between offense and defense are utility, air, or water forms.

offense forms in the lower tiers need to be more offensive and less defensive, defensive forms need to be more defensive, I think that has already begun actualy.

now my second major buf is with air forms, they are all the same! even at the minor levels there are really only 2 forms but with a variety of names. the crane and albatrosse are basically the same, except crane has better mileage, the bat is unique with its sight and its horrible flying ability but other then that its the same as the trosse and crane. the bloodhawk and hawk are basically the same thing, essentialy even with the new forms you either get a hawk or an albatrosse the way i see it with minor air forms. now onto the major air forms, it is obvious that each has slightly different combat abilities but its just so slight as to be rediculous, there is no longer the line between the dodger and the hitter, the eagle does not hit significantly harder then other birds, it hits less often, and gets hit more, the eagle or golden eagle should be the king of the sky, in fact the osprey comes out to be the best form in the air as it hits the most often. I was thinking of dividing them more, making air more like a flying utlity. you keep eagle and falcon as examples of hitters and dodgers, keep the vulture as a balanced form of those 2. add in the hummingbird, takes hits hard but dodges like a mongoose or lemur. keep the owl for its balance and utility, add a form that can dive! sort of like a knife, when in the air you dive down and do a hard hit, if you miss you smash into the ground possibly breaking a wing, or if you do it to a giant you might miscalculate and smash into their chest, I would like to see air forms becoem a little bit more then just flyto murder.

ohh well enough with my rambling...


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