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Naref (Guest)Tue 11-Jan-05 11:57 PM

#34042, "Post all of em, I'd love to see em, for now here's one"
Edited on Wed 12-Jan-05 12:31 AM


Some *snip*: Knock off the pissing match

The reason I was in the fortress often is because I was summoning applicants in to talk to them in reasonable safety. I decided this after two applicants had been killed in front of me in other locations. Try having a clue before you talk.

**All right here is some back story as to what is going on. We raided the chasm, we finish
off the archmage, and all of a sudden Ahelun starts yelling at Ryaghort. Apparently Ahelun
asked Ryaghort not to destroy the bodies for his art, and again Ryaghort forgot. Now if
Ahelun would have handled this even half maturely, I would have only been talking to
Ryaghort to stress his brother's faith and wishes. However Ahelun can't seem to control
his anger around other members, and then starts recanting and back tracking when caught
in a corner. This is only a partial log.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ryaghort tells you 'I sorry boss iv I vere ze cause ov dissent in ze Brigade.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'I don't believe I ever said he was unfit to be my brother. But you can't expect someone to disregard my beliefs repeatedly and then still stand there smiling and not saying anything'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl tell ahelun Did he not apologize?
You tell Ahelun 'Did he not apologize?'

781/781hp 912/912m 736/737mv 16367tnl Ahelun tells you 'Apologies really mean nothing when the one giving it continues to repeat what he is apologizing for'

**Ryaghort's character is fairly low in intelligence, and has problems remember some things
but I'm betting if this had been brought to my attention, and talked to him about it. It
would not have happened again.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl reply So you cannot find it in your heart to forgive him?
You tell Ahelun 'So you cannot find it in your heart to forgive him?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'I never said that either. But you can't expect me to not be angry.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl reply I never said you couldn't be, but you aren't going to stand there and yell at him either.
You tell Ahelun 'I never said you couldn't be, but you aren't going to stand there and yell at him either.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say We stood right there, do I really need to take a vote?
You say 'We stood right there, do I really need to take a vote?'

781/781hp 760/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'I screamed at the destruction of my work, but I didn't berate or yell at him.'

**So here it goes from "I didn't yell" to "that's not what I was yelling about", so trapped
in a lie already.**

781/781hp 760/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'You can't spit on my faith repeatedly and not expect a strong reaction.'

781/781hp 787/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'What would you do, were someone to continually defacate in your Lords shrine?'

781/781hp 820/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'You'd be angry, just as I was.'

781/781hp 843/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say You are finding yourself dangerously close to leaving our halls, you can either cool your temper, or you can go.
You say 'You are finding yourself dangerously close to leaving our halls, you can either cool your temper, or you can go.'

781/781hp 843/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'I'm not by any means saying he is unfit or that I don't wish him to be around, but you can't expect me to not be angry either.'

781/781hp 843/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say I'll leave it up to you, a paladin is fair in word and deed?
You say 'I'll leave it up to you, a paladin is fair in word and deed?'

781/781hp 872/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'MY temper? I've been far calmer about this than I think anyone could resonably expect me to be'

**Which basically says to me if another accident happens with a corpse, it's going to get
worse. I will not tolerate in-fighting.**

781/781hp 900/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'You keep accusing me of belittling him, which I did not do, then berating him which I also did not do.'

**He stood yelling at a fellow squire in the shroud of our enemy, poor taste in location.
Also: BERATE-To scold or rebuke angrily. He already admitted he was yelling when caught
in a corner.**

781/781hp 900/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'He has repeatedly, KNOWINGLY violated my beliefs'

**It was an accident.**

781/781hp 900/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'and somehow in your eyes I am at fault?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say So, can you accept his apology or not?
You say 'So, can you accept his apology or not?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl Ahelun says 'I already did. But you can't very well expect me to not be angry if he continues to dishonor my faith '

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say You can be angry, but you can handle it like a mature person eh?
You say 'You can be angry, but you can handle it like a mature person eh?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'It's I think a very simple request on my part. It doesn't even take any action on his part.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'He has to take action to violate it in fact,.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Now at some later date, if he has another accident, is this going to happen again?
You say 'Now at some later date, if he has another accident, is this going to happen again?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Or any of our brothers for that matter.

You say 'Or any of our brothers for that matter.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Not just Ryaghort.
You say 'Not just Ryaghort.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'Had it been anyone else I would not have reacted so strongly. He had just done the same thing not moments before.'

**All right, so here I'm a little hopeful. It's starting to sound like an isolated incident
and we can maybe work it out.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Aye and if you are upset, or have a disagreement you bring it to me and it will be dealt with.
You say 'Aye and if you are upset, or have a disagreement you bring it to me and it will be dealt with.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'I still don't understand why he spits on my faith and you think I am at fault here. '

**And here we go again. He is at fault for his reaction and immaturity.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say If you hadn't had that outburst I'd be talking to just him right now.
You say 'If you hadn't had that outburst I'd be talking to just him right now.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'I made a simple request.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'He agreed to adhere to it and seems to have no inclination to do so.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'This naturally makes me angry.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'It would make you angry as well, were you to be in my position.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Ahelun I have had enemies do unmentionable things to the Lord of my faith, and I did not react how you did.
You say 'Ahelun I have had enemies do unmentionable things to the Lord of my faith, and I did not react how you did.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Because I control what comes out of my mouth.
You say 'Because I control what comes out of my mouth.'

**I'm trying to explain that someone can have control, even with a known enemy, let alone
a fellow squire.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'Did I call him names? Threaten him? Tell him he was worthless or anything of that nature?'

**Names and threaten, let's explain worse things to make what we did do sound less bad. By
Berating him you lower his, and everyone's morale, and yelling at someone makes them feel
worthless. You don't have to call them worthless. Also keep in mind I have yet let him
make me lose my temper.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say If you had threatened him, you would have been out of our halls before you left the chasm.
You say 'If you had threatened him, you would have been out of our halls before you left the chasm.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'Well then why are we even having this conversation? Disrespect for my beliefs I expect from my foes, not my comrades.'

**A fair enough statement, but as we already stated and re-re-re-hashed it was an accident.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say I'm going to ask you one question, and I only want one answer.
You say 'I'm going to ask you one question, and I only want one answer.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'Fine.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Are we going to have another outburst like we just had?
You say 'Are we going to have another outburst like we just had?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun says 'I don't know. Is he going to continue to spit on my beliefs?'

**I asked for one answer, for one simple question, and he has to keep arguing. He has just
shown that he can't handle his temper maturely, and it has been, and will likely be again
a detriment to the fortress. So I base the next action on the "what is the worst thing
that could happen to a Maran?", because his temper is harming the cause.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl induct ahelun none
Ahelun has been inducted into None.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl say Leave.
You say 'Leave.'

**and it continues.**

781/781hp 912/912m 721/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'Nice to see religious persecution for your supposed "brothers" captain'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb Ahelun has been removed from our halls.
Naref: Ahelun has been removed from our halls.

781/781hp 912/912m 736/737mv 16367tnl who fortress
<36 Storm War> Ryaghort the Victorious Champion
*51 Human Sha* (PK) Naref Belatolis the Holy of Faith, Captain of the Brigade
<51 Human Tra> (PK) Ginharq the High Sorceress of the Arcane

Players found: 3

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb *sigh*
Naref: *sigh*

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb And tonight was going so well.
Naref: And tonight was going so well.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ginharq: Was meditatin a moment sorry. What did he do wrong?

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ginharq: Him has fought hard for the Light

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb He cannot control his temper around his bretheren, is pretty much the jist of it.
Naref: He cannot control his temper around his bretheren, is pretty much the jist of it.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb If he manages to find control of his temper, he may find his way back in, but that is up to him.
Naref: If he manages to find control of his temper, he may find his way back in, but that is up to him.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ryaghort: I zinks he vill hunt me vor zis or some such, as he feel I vere 'pissing' on zere faith.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb Then he will be marked as a betrayer I am sure, and lose the powers of the paladin.
Naref: Then he will be marked as a betrayer I am sure, and lose the powers of the paladin.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'Believe me when I say I will be taking this up witht he skyborn. I'll not tolerate your hatred and religious prejudice masked in righteousness Naref.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl tell ahelun Did you not understand one question and one answer?
You tell Ahelun 'Did you not understand one question and one answer?'

781/781hp 907/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl tell ahelun You cannot control your temper, that is why you are now outside.
You tell Ahelun 'You cannot control your temper, that is why you are now outside.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'I understood fine, but you have always treated me poorly for my beliefs.'

**This is the most I've ever talked to the guy. Until this incident, I didn't even know he
was a paladin of the Muse. Shisi inducted him.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl tell ahelun If you ever think you have found control of it, you may apply once more.
You tell Ahelun 'If you ever think you have found control of it, you may apply once more.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'To be led by you? A coward who masks his hatred behind a mask of brotherhood?'

**And here we go with the anger, after I just offered him an "olive leaf", and tried to give
hope that he is not permanently gone.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl tell ahelun And yet Maikra works just fine with me eh?
You tell Ahelun 'And yet Maikra works just fine with me eh?'

**Maikra is another muse follower.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'He's semdom around and you know it. Apples and oranges. He's also not a priest of the religion.'

**Now he doesn't like that I get along with another muse follower, and tries to word around

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl reply Apprentice to the muse isn't a priest of the religion?
You tell Ahelun 'Apprentice to the muse isn't a priest of the religion?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'Not a true priest, not as you and I are. Don't play the same wordgames you have been all along. it demeans you.'


781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ryaghort: Ja, zey got lot ov hate... Dat dangerous vor maran life, ja.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl reply I've had enough, you pursue it with Lord Shokai, you'll probably be disappointed there as well.
You tell Ahelun 'I've had enough, you pursue it with Lord Shokai, you'll probably be disappointed there as well.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
someone: A sad day indeed.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
someone: But there be still hope for em.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'I intend to. I'll not have the glorious forces of the light being forced into subjugation to your prejudice.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb Well he just called me a bigot and a coward, I don't know.
Naref: Well he just called me a bigot and a coward, I don't know.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
someone: Perhaps his anger is cloudin his mind too much now

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'my actions as a Maran, my hunting of the dark, my healing of the light have been completely above reproach. now you dismiss me for being angry with someone who violates my beliefs. And you call yourself a good being?'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb Which is why I removed him, I asked him a simple question, and he had to keep arguing.
Naref: Which is why I removed him, I asked him a simple question, and he had to keep arguing.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl tell ahelun Being a killer doesn't make you a good Maran.
You tell Ahelun 'Being a killer doesn't make you a good Maran.'

**Doing your duty is the minimum of being in the fortress, again it's the anger issue that
has become his downfall.**

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
someone: Aye. Discipline is important in the Brigade.

781/781hp 912/912m 736/737mv 16367tnl
someone: Reckon respect of elders bein the simplest.

781/781hp 912/912m 736/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'and I suppose helping to keep the Maran alive, defending the Fortress and dying to preserve the light...none of that matters to you either.'

**Never said he didn't do his job.**

781/781hp 912/912m 736/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'all you see is my goddess and your own petty views'

**Already proved his religion doesn't matter to me, rehash.**

781/781hp 912/912m 736/737mv 16367tnl reply I have kneeled to your goddess in respect, so I have no idea what you speak of.
You tell Ahelun 'I have kneeled to your goddess in respect, so I have no idea what you speak of.'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'Yes you do. He is supposed to be my brother, and continually destroys things I ask him not to, and you find fault with ME.'

**Rehash, we've already covered that it was an accident. If he could keep his mouth under
control he wouldn't have even got a talking to, it would have been Ryaghort."

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ahelun tells you 'Your prejudice is clear as day to one not willingly blinded to the truth'

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl cb Well on that note, I think it's time to rest.
Naref: Well on that note, I think it's time to rest.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
Ryaghort: Ju be vell, boss captain.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl
someone: Rest well then Captain.

781/781hp 912/912m 737/737mv 16367tnl quit
the Watcher: Rest well, Naref, the Light remains strong.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...


Alert | IP Printer Friendly copy | Reply | Reply with quote

HOT Topic(RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Naref Belatolis the Holy of Fa... [View all] , Death_Angel, Mon 17-Jan-05 01:47 PM
Reply You lasted a heck of a lot longer than me..., Shisi. (Guest), 18-Jan-05 10:50 PM, #50
Reply Ahelun:, Valguarnera, 13-Jan-05 08:54 AM, #34
Reply If he hadn't implied that I went OOC at ANY time I woul..., Ahelun, 13-Jan-05 10:40 AM, #35
Reply Why Valg is so quick..., Dwoggurd, 13-Jan-05 02:12 PM, #41
     Reply RE: Why Valg is so quick..., Valguarnera, 13-Jan-05 03:55 PM, #44
Reply Wasn't even sure I was going to post for my delete, but..., Naref (Guest), 12-Jan-05 03:57 PM, #33
Reply God,, EB (Guest), 13-Jan-05 01:14 PM, #38
Reply Well, I'll reiterate., Restraal (Guest), 12-Jan-05 11:10 AM, #21
Reply This was ...., Ahelun, 12-Jan-05 12:32 AM, #1
     Reply Post all of em, I'd love to see em, for now here's one, Naref (Guest), 12-Jan-05 12:31 AM #2
     Reply I love the way you edited that. Too bad I have the FULL..., Ahelun, 12-Jan-05 12:27 AM, #3
     Reply I edited out walking around, and silent tower informati..., Naref (Guest), 12-Jan-05 12:23 AM, #4
          Reply You also edited out large sections of conversation., Ahelun, 12-Jan-05 01:11 AM, #6
               Reply Sorry Valg, this will be my final post on the subject. ..., Ahelun, 12-Jan-05 01:14 AM, #7
               Reply Not to fan a flame, but..., Enbuergo1 (Guest), 12-Jan-05 08:40 AM, #11
                    Reply Thats fine, but Ryaghort wasn't really my problem. nt, Ahelun, 12-Jan-05 10:00 AM, #14
                         Reply Look at it this way:, Enbuergo1 (Guest), 12-Jan-05 10:16 AM, #17
     Reply You remind me of Daemar. nt, Drezulok (Guest), 12-Jan-05 01:46 AM, #8
     Reply Is that good or bad? nt, Curiouser (Guest), 12-Jan-05 02:34 AM, #9
          Reply You tell me..., Drezulok (Guest), 12-Jan-05 08:34 AM, #10
     Reply I think you did a poor job there Naref., Pro-man (Guest), 12-Jan-05 10:08 AM, #15
     Reply Disagree...he should be even tougher., Dralgarth (Guest), 12-Jan-05 10:45 AM, #20
     Reply Well I don't put a lot of weight in your oppinions anyw..., (NOT Pro), 12-Jan-05 11:27 AM, #22
     Reply As someone who had to put up with crap like this at the..., A2, 12-Jan-05 11:32 AM, #23
     Reply Well I see that mentality as a sign of poor leadership., (NOT Pro), 12-Jan-05 12:23 PM, #25
          Reply That's all well and good, and I understand what you are..., A2, 12-Jan-05 12:37 PM, #27
     Reply And I put none in yours..did you even read my post?, Dralgarth (Guest), 12-Jan-05 03:10 PM, #29
     Reply Not all Maran leaders were pushovers. :) n/t, Aemelius (Guest), 12-Jan-05 12:00 PM, #24
          Reply Resolving issues isn't about being a pushover,, (NOT Pro), 12-Jan-05 12:25 PM, #26
               Reply You forgot to add, A2, 12-Jan-05 03:57 PM, #30
                    Reply You have supported my argument., Pro-man (Guest), 13-Jan-05 11:32 AM, #36
                         Reply I'll try and be more specific, A2, 16-Jan-05 05:39 AM, #46
                         Reply Heh, General_Malaise, 18-Jan-05 06:09 PM, #49
     Reply I also think its retarded and OOC for a shaman to berat..., Eskelian, 13-Jan-05 03:35 PM, #40
          Reply OOC?, Valguarnera, 13-Jan-05 04:06 PM, #42
               Reply RE: OOC?, Eskelian, 13-Jan-05 04:22 PM, #43
                    Reply RE: OOC?, A2, 16-Jan-05 05:50 AM, #47
     Reply Ahelun, you remind me of..., Old_Thompson (Guest), 15-Jan-05 05:26 PM, #48
          Reply This post..., Carth (Guest), 15-Jan-05 05:09 PM, #45
     Reply RE: This was the best thing that could possibly have ha..., Dralgarth (Guest), 12-Jan-05 12:34 AM, #5
     Reply RE: This was ...., LarcatsPajamas (Guest), 12-Jan-05 09:03 AM, #12
     Reply RE: This was ...., Ahelun, 12-Jan-05 09:50 AM, #13
     Reply Your mistake was.., DurNominator, 12-Jan-05 10:10 AM, #16
          Reply Stop using the word Whine., (NOT Pro), 12-Jan-05 10:26 AM, #18
               Reply Semantics., DurNominator, 12-Jan-05 03:03 PM, #28
     Reply I can only agree with half of this, especially when con..., (NOT Pro), 12-Jan-05 10:28 AM, #19
     Reply RE: This was ...., Zhev (Guest), 12-Jan-05 05:13 PM, #31
     Reply Roleplaying yourself out of rewards, Manden, 13-Jan-05 02:13 AM, #32
          Reply But you have a professed dislike of anything that, Pro-man (Guest), 13-Jan-05 12:45 PM, #37
               Reply RE: But you have a professed dislike of anything that, Manden, 13-Jan-05 02:17 PM, #39
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