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gamaliel (Guest)Sat 18-Oct-03 01:53 AM

#21767, "role, for those curious why I was a bitch."


Your role chapters are:
From the past:
Added Thu Sep 11 22:12:31 2003 at level 19:
Added Thu Sep 11 21:48:29 2003 at level 19:
Added Thu Sep 11 21:31:26 2003 at level 19:
Added Thu Sep 11 21:18:58 2003 at level 19:

role read 4
Added Thu Sep 11 21:18:58 2003 at level 19:
She made the mistake of being born in a human barbarian village. And she
made the mistake of being more intelligent than the men of her Village. And
she had the GALL to actually show her intelligence.

Therefore, her youth and the beginning of her life ...well...sucked. She was
beaten, humiliated, assaulted, and basically treated as worse than a slave,
because of how brightly her strong personality and intelligence shone through
her clear, unblinking, hate-filled, eyes.

Because of her situation, she did as many do when under the thumb of
oppression, she sought for and found ways to convince herself of her
superiority over her Oppressors.

And with oppressors that are stupid barbarians, she didn't have to seek far.
The three most powerful that she came upon were that: She was more
intelligent, she was female, and she was wise enough to have a sense of

role read 3
Added Thu Sep 11 21:31:26 2003 at level 19:
She was still young when she was able to work up a decent escape plan. And
she used it.

She became a ghost in the wilderness, teaching herself the rudiments of life
in the wilderness. But she was not content to just survive, she had an anger
burning in her from the injustice of her youth...and she channeled it against
all Men. It was the Stupid lumbering MALE who had done what was done to her.
In all ways, the Female was superior to the Male, and the Men needed to

In her early hunts, she traveled far. One day, she was tracking a group of
male monks in a mountain range south of Galadon, planning on making them pay.
But she lost their trail, and in her urgency to make them pay, walked right
into a place in the mountains from which there was no escape.

She despaired. This was the end. But then she felt and heard someone walk up
to her, although she could not see who. And this someone spoke, and it was a

The conversation that they had was long and long. And the specifics of it are
not important. So I will only touch on the highlights.

It turns out, that this invisible, hidden, or otherwise un-seeable man, in
his own words "represented the fortress", and offered to free her from this
prison of rock, if she would just agree to listen to his words.Gamaliel at
first suspected a trick, but her sense of honor would not let her refuse to
listen to words from a being willing to help her.

As I have said, the talk was long and long, and it was mostly this man who
spoke. Eventually, Gamaliel began to be moved by his words. She began to
see the truth of them.

She saw that it was not the MALE that was responsible for what happened to
her in her was the things that drove those men. Jealousy, rage,
fear, covetousness....

In short, it was the Darkness that drove those men to do what they did, not
the fact that they were men.

This someone also convinced her that all of Thera was embroiled in a war. A
war between the Light and the Darkness. And that to attempt to stand aside
in this war was indeed playing into the hand of Darkness, doing what Darkness

And her soul was changed. This unseen man led her in her prayers and she was
converted to the Light forever more, then he set her free from the Mountains.

Gamaliel has some deep, suppressed, suspicions that the "man" who set her
free and converted her was in some way more than Mortal but she indeed
cannot help fearing what it would mean for her life if it was. On some
subconscious level, she knows that she was not worthy of such aid and
salvation, both of soul and body, and she fears how much her sense of honor
would force her into believing she has to owe to such a one as he who freed

role read 2
Added Thu Sep 11 21:48:29 2003 at level 19:
While she has turned to the Light whole heartedly, there are a number of
personality traits from her former life that she retains to a greater or
lesser degree,and that she tries to control,again to a greater or lesser

Many might call her, in our world, a "Femi-nazi". She still has an almost
inbred, down to the marrow, distrust and dislike of the "Male". She knows
that such an attitude is counter productive to the Light, and she tries to
control her natural urge to hate men,and she is somewhat successful, mainly
with those men who have proven themselves lightwalkers.

She is also quite a bit of an introvert, and has trouble with large groups of
people.And she WAS raised mainly in a barbarian village. Her manners are
terrible, she almost always speaks her mind, she never beats around the bush,
and she NEVER hesitates to tell someone exactly what she thinks of them, no
matter who they are or how powerful they are.

In short: She is a rabid, raving Bitch by nature, but attempts to temper that
now that she has turned to the Light

role read 1
Subject: IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS, rank 1-19
Added Thu Sep 11 22:12:31 2003 at level 19:
Firstly, since the first night that she could hunt others who were evil, she
has. And partly because she knew that she will at a time in the future
attempt to join the Fortress (when she feels that she is knowledgeable enough
to make a contribution), and partly because she hold the Fortress in such
high esteem because of her Salvation, she began bringing steaks made from the
fallen corpses of those evil adventurers who have fallen to her Hunt to the
Marshall (the reason she chose the Marshall and not the Captain, is that the
Marshall is female and the Captain is not), believing that as a
representative of the Maran, the Marshall would appreciate the steaks.

Next, she was near ruined keep when she alone slew a Duergar warrior
( *namedeleted* ). To her shock and dismay, an elder Storm giant warrior (*namedeleted*)
fell upon the spoils of her hunt with speed and with greed almost dripping
from his pores.She had seen a few items on the Duergar that she wanted, and
would have gladly shared the rest with *namedeleted* had he but had the Honor to
ask to share in the Spoils of a Hunt that he had no part in.

But no. He did not ask, he just took, wore the best pieces, and refused to
return them.

Needless to say, this angered Gamaliel. Not only that a Lightwalker would
allow greed to have such a hold over him, but the DISHONOR of his actions.

So, Gamaliel set about warning all of the Lightwalkers she could see about
*namedeleted*. After a few days, *namedeleted* repented, and returned the items from
her hunt that he had tried to steal.

Gamaliel is not sure that the Honorless dog did this just to stop her from
warning everyone of his greed, or from a sincere desire to reconcile and gain
forgiveness, and she is torn between her continued disgust at his display of
his honorless greed, and her desire to give him a second chance.


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Topic(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Gamaliel the Ranger Lady [View all] , Death_Angel, Sat 18-Oct-03 01:04 AM
Reply UGH!, Gamaliel (Guest), 18-Oct-03 01:35 AM, #1
     Reply Favorite moment., gamaliel (Guest), 18-Oct-03 01:47 AM, #2
     Reply role, for those curious why I was a bitch., gamaliel (Guest), 18-Oct-03 01:53 AM #3
     Reply RE: UGH!, Halaquith (Guest), 18-Oct-03 05:19 AM, #4
     Reply It stops HERE AND NOW!, Urden_X (Guest), 18-Oct-03 12:41 PM, #5
     Reply interesting., Gamaliel (Guest), 18-Oct-03 06:34 PM, #6
     Reply RE: UGH!, Jirash (Guest), 20-Oct-03 08:24 AM, #7
     Reply RE: UGH!, Rogardian, 20-Oct-03 09:32 AM, #8
          Reply It's "caught" :P n/t, Jirash (Guest), 20-Oct-03 11:05 AM, #9
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