Subject: "There goes the grumpiest gnome around. Here go the goodbyes (long)" Previous topic | Next topic
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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #21270
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Kucerael (Guest)Fri 19-Sep-03 12:23 AM

#21273, "There goes the grumpiest gnome around. Here go the goodbyes (long)"


I think that almost everybody had a universal distaste for Kucerael. She was a tyrannical bitch. Basically, I rolled her to be a personality foil for my previous character, and to exorcise a lot of the demons associated with that character. Her name? Kierning. Gnome invoker in Nexus. Kierning was funny, cute, entertaining to be around, etc. If you ever met Kucerael, you know that she was none of that.

Kucerael was basically patterned after that really attractive girl in highschool, who KNEW she was that good looking, wouldn't talk to you if you weren't one of her 4 good friends, and had scorn for everybody else. That's Kucerael in a nutshell.

She was of the sphere Rage, and was ridiculously big on order. Anybody in Nexus under her leadership learned that pretty quickly. She killed a few Nexans for blatant disrespect, not following orders, etc.

Kucerael gave respect to few, and disdain for most. The easy way to tell if she respected you, was whether or not she would refer to you by name. If she called you 'race' or 'class' or something of the sort, it was because you had yet to gain her respect. I'm sure it pissed off a load of people, when she constantly referred to them as "wood elf" or "warrior." Kucerael didn't care, however. She was that much of a bitch. To the ones who she called by name, you saw an entirely different side to her. She was nice, pleasant, and generous. To most of you, that is probably a shock, but it's true.

When I rolled her last December, I had wanted to follow Vynmylak. The stumbling block was the 'honor' bit. I tried to play honor not as a 'never gang,' (Bond is MADE to run in pairs) but showing respect for the dead, not full-looting (Shoot, I hardly looted anything. Maybe 3 or 4 items, and usually nothing more than rager's weapons), and always defending. Leaving the Rift undefended was showing disrespect and dishonor for the Rift, basically. Vynmylak went off to do his own thing, and that idea went into the trash.

When I got the promotion to Elder, everybody was bitching and moaning about "Nexus gank and full loot squads." I got fed up with that, and put in the often-misunderstood and misquoted rule about looting. I didn't say you can't full loot...I just...well here it is. Read it yourself:
"In this respect, you will not leave them destitute and without clothing. You will, however, take their weapons, as these are their implements of their foolish deeds in living. In this, I do not say that you may not take of their clothing as you wish, but you are to leave that which you wore in its stead. Additionally, you are to destroy any of their ponchos and trophies made of the bodies of their

Also, I tried to make my interviews difficult. Too much whining about sorry Nexus players and the sort, so I tried to make it more difficult to get in. I turned away loads more than I inducted.

About invokers: Yes, the spam can be brutal with six paths, but it's not all that bad. The only thing that I hate, is that because of the power of your spells, every single gang will point all of its attention to you normally, and each will lag a different way, so you can't protect from them all. It seems like the immortals want nearly every class to have a way to destroy invokers ability to cast. Let's see...Forget, failed assassination, hurl throat, earclap, deafen, tigerclaw...As well as the fact that it's almost like lagging skills were designed to kill invokers. Not a bitch, not a whine...just what comes with the territory.

NOW, the goodbyes:

Kahosarin- Thanks for the induction, the promotion to Elder, and the wedding ring you etched for me. Early on, I thought ic and ooc that you really didn't care about Nexus. Then I screwed up and you stripped me of my leader con, and the ability to Induct. I figured that you were just looking for a way out of Nexus. Thankfully, you came back and took a much more active role with the Rift. And if that was you who made the Rift shake during Quezzumpliet and my argument, that was absolutely choice. It was probably the coolest 4 or 5 echoes I've seen. Oh, and thanks for never chewing on me!

Talia- The entire time you were offering me the Hell trip, I was beating my head against the desk. I wanted to go, ridiculously badly. I mean, how many people get to go to Hell these days? And I'd already gone once with this character Unfortunately, Kucerael's devotion to the Rift would not allow her to bring 4 others into Hell and leave the Rift unguarded. I felt like stabbing my eyes out. Just know that I am very very very appreciative of the opportunity. You rock.

"A shadowy voice"- Thanks for returning my leader con and my inducting ability You never made me pay up for that though. At least not that I know of.

Typo checkers- I left you a couple handfulls of them in the typo log. Enjoy.

Quezzumpliet- Up until the end, we got along very well. You had her respect from a mere kitten up until Immorting. Toward the end, however, we started to clash. I think we complimented each other well as leaders. Sorry for killing you on the Erinin. It wasn't my intention at all :O Best of luck up there in the heavens.

Ocelevan- I kept trying to give you a chance as a mortal, and you kept on breaking the agreements. It was about to get ugly when you immorted.

Where to begin...nearly a year in the Rift. I'll forget a bunch of you. My apologies. Holler at me, and I'll respond.

Munro- So, it turns out that you didn't like Kucerael after all. Seems that Munro had two faces to him. Kucerael liked Munro, and he had her respect. Your interview still stands out as one of the best. Having a tranny about is very nice Sorry you had to go, and that Kucerael made you angry.

Boigeran- Beast of the Rift. I'm 99% sure that you HATED Kucerael. She liked you. You had her respect from the start. All of the clashes we had dealt with the rigid order she wanted to keep. OOC, I had no problem with you heading on into the village and doing what you did. Hell, I would have done the same probably. Not so for the bitchy gnome. Keep. Being. Beastly.

Nampnotble- Much respect for you. Getting the forms you did doesn't hurt either. You kept me laughing most of the time. The schtick with your whip or staff talking to you was a great idea. I'm only happier that Munro tied your whip into a knot, and broke your staff.

Jumalde- I knew that you were a good one from the start. You got a name right from the get-go. I was very happy to see how good you turned out. You should have agreed to go to war, however. Even if we got pummeled, it would have been a lot of fun.

Cassougi- I wanted to make you pop. c vitrio cassougi. Watch giant die

Erinphalis- You were MY elder. The bond between an invoker and a bard is one of the best I have seen yet. It has some of the neatest little side-affects of any I saw. Together, there was basically nothing we couldn't do. Simply amazing.

Jarldar- You know how much contempt Kucerael had for you. It was a 10 out of 10, and it finally had to happen. Fun little throw down we had.

Sorehk- The only thing that pissed me off more than your deletion, was you trying to use that to get your warrior into Nexus. Kucerael and Sorehk together was a beastly combo. I wish you would have stayed around longer.

Kibling- You should have stayed around. I guess and having cobra form were getting to you, though. You were one of my buddies.

Kaavraus- I thought for sure that you were going to get Elder and not me. Did you even try?

Elik- You tried to be one of Kucerael's many suitors in her youth. Just not good enough looking...and too human. Kucerael wanted a gnome. I'm glad that you figured out so much of the Kaubris stuff.

Punblinpo- Kucerael's beloved. I finally got a ring etched with your name in it. It was "A golden wedding ring etched with the name 'Punblinpo' in jade." Kucerael had tried for years and years to get one made, but kept getting thwarted. Punblinpo brought out an entirely different side of Kucerael. Anybody around the two of us saw it for sure.

Urzkoo- I guess you're still alive. Don't leave, Beast! Urzkoo's talking always gave me a chuckle, and his fighting left me amazed. I wish you would have been around more toward the end.

Sokoerker- What happened to you? You were always a tough giant.

Gre- Your specs, legacies, and berserker bonuses were too much to handle. I think I finally had a game plan for fighting you--one that would only work if you didn't spellbane my first two spells. I tried it out 3x, but your saves were too high. You were far too brutal. Along with this next guy...

Rhomelanthos- See Gre. Brutalized the hell out of me.

Ozlif- I didn't expect you to be as hard a fighter as you were. You come in at just a step or two below these first two. I was really surprised at how hard you fought. I couldn't beat you. *dismay*

Rhulgum- Strong, but always hid when the head was taken.

Drahkul- Lacks my respect. Would go run and hide whenever the head was gone, and full looted every time. I'd leave you everything except weapons, and you'd loot me down to the squashes. Then you told all of the village to do the same. It just looked sorry. Unimpressive showing.

Zylundak- Tough arial to beat. I'm sure that the score is heavily weighted in your favor in our fights. Well played.

Aidamo- Huge respect for you. Maybe some of that is due to that we were both female leaders. Maybe it was because neither of us would shy away from a fight with the other. I hated your Landslide drives. There's always a way to lag an invoker

Brogg- Puke this and puke that. Kept me laughing. I still can't believe you got that disembowel off on me at Blood Square.

Sayangu- Good God you were old. What a nasty assassin you were. I don't think you missed many tigerclaws. Ever. Damn you

Graklan- Fighting minotaurs is always fun, if for nothing else but the yells. Thank God for a berserker who wasn't as brutal as Gre and Rhomelanthos.

MARAN, SCION, EMPIRE...not much to say here
Astilamos- You pushed and pushed. I don't know if you wanted a war, or were just beating your chest, but it was about to happen.

Sassmi- Our talks were fantastic. Thanks for the tutorial in Vynmylak's shrine. You're one that I wish I could have hung out with much more.

Zuou- What a bloodthirsty wood elf. Full moon sure gives Druids a load of confidence, and rightfully so. Should have known that the rager would have tattled to all of the druids when I tried to burn him out.

Mossi- Kucerael's favorite Herald. She saw that Mossi actually DID something in the Inn, not just entertain. By 'did' I mean that she cooked. Mossi always made me want to laugh because of how funny she was, intentionally or not. You must cook a lot, or watch Food Network, because what you would do in your emotes was great.

Darch- Again, thanks for leading me to Hell through the woods. Couldn't have done it without you. Great ooze elemental

Meladori- It seemed ridiculous to me to see a 1000 year old elf jumping up onto a table, doing a little dance, and prancing off of it. Maybe it's just me. I cringed at the thought.

I hung out with several of y'all in short spats, but nothing really sticks out. Holler at me.

Can't remember any now. I liked the one that Beladorizid played a while back.

Queesha- Thanks for being a great friend, and for being one of Kucerael's suitors. I'm glad that the Chromatic Whip saved your ass a couple of times

Gorlas- Ruthless suitor. You weren't attractive enough for Kucerael, with your hair sticking out everywhere. You get an A for effort, however.


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HOT Topic(AGE DEATH) [None] Kucerael Pidirillics, Elder Magus of... [View all] , Death_Angel, Thu 18-Sep-03 10:40 PM
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Kucerael Pidirillics, Elder Magu..., Aidamo_R (Guest), 22-Sep-03 03:09 AM, #22
Reply Thanks, Kucerael (Guest), 22-Sep-03 06:48 PM, #23
Reply There goes the grumpiest gnome around. Here go the goo..., Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 12:23 AM #2
Reply Farewell my Gnomish Mama., Quezzumpliet, 19-Sep-03 12:50 AM, #4
Reply RE: Farewell my Gnomish Mama., Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 01:03 AM, #5
Reply But I told you it wasn't me!, Ocelevan (Guest), 19-Sep-03 01:29 AM, #6
Reply Thieves, Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 10:22 PM, #15
     Reply Oh I'm hurt, Gastaad (Guest), 21-Oct-03 12:51 AM, #27
          Reply RE: Oh I'm hurt, Kucerael (Guest), 22-Oct-03 12:08 AM, #28
Reply nothin bout me....., natherin (Guest), 19-Sep-03 10:37 AM, #7
Reply Throwing me for a loop with one thing, Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 10:27 PM, #16
     Reply RE: Throwing me for a loop with one thing, natherin (Guest), 19-Sep-03 10:53 PM, #17
Reply I'm gonna miss you, Nampnotble (Guest), 19-Sep-03 02:54 PM, #8
Reply Heh heh, Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 10:13 PM, #14
Reply RE: There goes the grumpiest gnome around. Here go the..., robturner, 19-Sep-03 03:21 PM, #9
Reply Expecting perfection, Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 10:07 PM, #13
Reply RE: There goes the grumpiest gnome around. Here go the..., Zylundak (Guest), 19-Sep-03 04:35 PM, #10
Reply Regarding Role and Logins, Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 09:59 PM, #12
Reply Heya, Urzkoo (Guest), 19-Sep-03 05:27 PM, #11
Reply Bye-bye nice Kucerael gnome lady, Alaminore, 20-Sep-03 07:15 PM, #18
Reply RE: Bye-bye nice Kucerael gnome lady, Kucerael (Guest), 20-Sep-03 10:43 PM, #19
     Reply *sniffles*, Alaminore, 21-Sep-03 03:33 PM, #21
Reply In a way, I wanted it, but..., Kaavraus (Guest), 21-Sep-03 02:16 AM, #20
Reply RE: There goes the grumpiest gnome around. Here go the..., Sabiene, 24-Sep-03 12:34 AM, #24
Reply I liked Sabiene, Kucerael (Guest), 25-Sep-03 04:56 PM, #25
Reply Hi!, Punblinpo (Guest), 20-Oct-03 01:48 PM, #26
     Reply Can't get off the ground, Kucerael (Guest), 22-Oct-03 12:12 AM, #29
Reply Didn't like you much, but you RP'd extremely consistent..., Kaavraus (Guest), 18-Sep-03 11:23 PM, #1
     Reply That's what I was gunning for, Kucerael (Guest), 19-Sep-03 12:27 AM, #3
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