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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #13390
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Rustanviel (Guest)Mon 23-Dec-02 03:16 AM

#13392, "If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun"


Well, it was fun while it lasted....When you look back and see 340 hours played on not only one game, but one character, it's hard to think of yourself as anything but a dork. What is worse is when you wish you could only have more time. Christmas break is here, I go home tomorrow and will be gone for two weeks, so this had to be done tonight. I can't believe I made this much time in the last three months, considering I was coaching football, training for another Arena football season, going to school full time, and working about 20-30 hours a week outside of that. I wrote my first poem in my life while I was applying for Battle... if you saw me in real life, you would think I was about the exact opposite of a person who would write a poem. Up until Rustanviel, you would have been right.

You all generally were only interested in fighting as a horde...
except for a few exeptions. I think that a well-played berserker sometimes needs a horde to bring down, and that spills out onto the scouts and defenders who don't have the hitting power of the berserker.

BattleCharmed- I can't remember what character you hated me with... but I will be posting a treatise on "Fiend" on Dio's soon, unless some imm says not to.

Mernon- Always seemed like you were up for a fight, I was impressed by that.
(I'm terrible with names... you'll know who you are)
That recent svirf guy- Well-played, I seemed to have your number though, until you reached hero, then you seemed like you went immune to my songs instantly. I remember raiding and killing both you and the *Recent conjurer guy* in two songs. I'm sure it was attributed to villagers being over powered, heh.

I'll make a separate group here for Cloud giants with the bash legacy
Valkore- Well played.... I would still love to know what the hell happened in the rift... if it was an OOC alias, or trigger, or what.
Oh, and your voice thing was really annoying.
Kragnar- I had a lot of respect for your character, and what I said in character was exactly that... in character. I am though, amazed that I didn't die more to people in this category, as they have me completely outmatched. Fighting the bash legacy, I never once in my life was not perma-lagged. I got bashed 14 times in a row once, with bash being the only thing that hit me. I learned one big trick... rest and when I am murdered, hope to get off when you don't see me, or I am dead.
Bazhans, Nabokov- I equally feared the two of you.... there was one more hero cloud giant with bash legacy, but it's not coming to me.

I didn't hate any of you but Tobras. When you edited that log on Dioxides for some reason to try to character assassinate Rustanviel, I had serious questions about the player behind the character. I'm still not sure why you went after Rustanviel like that.
Shila- You seemed a lot like Annalena, and I played Parcimius way back when.
Lardovian- You were fun to fight
I don't really know the new crowd so well.

Khurmen- I don't know if I killed you or not, but you fell to two fiends upon you at the same time. This was the first time I *may* have killed a lich. When we killed you in the Chasm with Tobeldest, Alnallander and I, it was a turning point. If people want to know why evil didn't take over as everyone thought, that was it. All of "team evil" rallied around you, and we took your spirit that night.

Jalim and Talin- I was more scared of you than any other characters in Carrion. When I logged on and was dead from assassinate withing 8 minutes, that completely changed my playing style when I knew you were around. I made a group of villagers rank underwater instead of elsewhere for about two hours because I was afraid of you. Though how Talin is entropy is beyond me. You are about as unchaotic a person as I have ever met, I could anticipate your actions a mile in advance.

You all seem so biased against villagers it is not funny. I was flagged six times for actions committed outside of town, and still I would be hunted by Tribunal even when I was not flagged. When I got flagged for autoassisting to help Trekalsh, and later 12 out of the 13 people I could harm came to the village to hunt me down, I was not impressed.

Noldruk- Well played... and well earned
Uelveyye- Well played... I knew when you logged on that you were going to get me flagged. You were good at that.
Futaleufu- I don't know what to say about you.

Finally to
Bryvac- You were a fricking truck. Do you know how hard it is to get a kill when running around with you? The guy gets some scratches on him and you flurry for about 1000 hp to kill him. I guess that's why I had a sub 30% pk ration when you heroimmed. You better be back to playing after your life settles down a bit... you could do some good things as an IMM.

Intronan- You are great. I think maybe you might have been the one who gave me all of the ass-chewings by the Destructor for what I often thought were little things. Such as getting yelled at for cowering in the village after unghosting 5 ticks before. Then for returning Futaleufu's gear to Uelveyye's guard so that the conjurer that was there would not grab it, amongst others. I thought you hated me. You will probably never know how much that little appearance meant to me. You brought a tear to my eye... and that is funny coming from a 6'5" 310 pound offensive lineman.

Kastellyn- Your love for the games shows through into your character. It was seeing you in action that made me want to be an IMM. Your enthusiasm for the game we all love is inspiring. There's not much I can say that is better than that.

Thror- I never interacted with you too much... I know that you all watched me a lot though.

Arvam- I'll put you here, because sometimes it seemed like I had four "Immortal Lords" so I'll put you with the others. When I rolled up this character, I very deliberatly acted in a way your followers should act for his whole life. Rustanviel didn't talk to you much because he felt that your followers should not be talking, but rather out doing things. I explored more with Rustanviel did than I bet 98% of villagers do. I could not get any more exploration movement, but I felt a follower of yours should have attained lots of that. You were fun to follow.

Now on to the Mortal villagers-
So many of you.

Yror- You were amazing. Seeing critical hit Oblits was just fun too. Thank you for not telling my little secret to anyone after I sent that first note. For the rest of you, right after becoming a villager, for some damn subliminal reason I signed a note as Parcimius. Yror asked me who Parcimius was... and I didn't know what he was talking about until I read the note... then promptly removed the note. Thank you for not making me delete... one word at that moment and I would have been gone.

Tobeldest- We had an unspoken connection. Your words stopped me from deleting, and I think that mine did the same for you at one point also. You are a very intuitive character, as I didn't think I had let on to anyone that I was getting tired of Rustanviel, but you picked up on it.

Valarath- You were fun to travel with also. You had enthusiasm.

Nourn- Well played, that whole thing with Valkore was really weird. You were very cool to defend me like that. It had been my intention to distrust Valkore, then let him gain my trust when we raided Nexus, but he killed me, basically. You were impressive.

Drayhloch- Man, it would suck to be a drow villager, you were a good friend, even for a drow. My only regret was that we never got to do what I will call the "Dress Fight"

Guenrayn-Another good companion... I'm not sure how you did as well as you did at landing kills with no spec for damage, but you seemed to do well.

Tauser- Keep on trucking man. I know you have one bad connection sometimes, but I also know you are close to age-dying. If you can pull that off, it will be very impressive. You too were a good friend... when you and Sayangu would both Rising Phoenix, you were tough to any number of foes we faced.

Sayangu- Thanks for sticking with me at the end. I don't know why that new villager was being such a prick, but I'm not going to put him into my good-bye note. I'm sure there was some In-Character reason why he was the way he was. Keep on going, you help keep the village strong, Sayangu.

Dakje- You just... dissappeared... you were my assassin protection, dammit.

Trekalsh- You caused me more frustration than anyone. I could not help but hate you. Sometimes, I thought you were trying to get me killed, heh.

Gholrhun- You too, caused me a few deaths. Most of yours though, were from a desire to raid against bad numbers, and I was never mad at you for any of them. I think you might have been pissed at me when you died at the Nexus when I said we should wait for Drayhloch to unghost, and I didn't know you had headed up there. I'm sorry about that one... I think you might have thought I was berating you, when I was really just explaining myself.

Drahk- You were a truck, and fun to run around with. Congrats on Captain.

Grogim- Damn... damn... damn... I should have beat you in the rites. Damn. The first fight, for some reason I couldn't flee and you parting blowed me eight times. In the second fight, I had you. I'm still kicking myself for all of the mistakes I made. I should have sung you up more before fiending... that would have won it... I should have tracked you down better... I walked past you six times while you were running around... when you had me on the ropes after waiting for battle resistance to fall, I should have slept you again... and I could have. Which brings me to a point about the Rites... there should be a skill made for village bards called "Rites". This will make your songs affect everyone not in your group. It really does not do much to further the "Suspension of Disbelief" when I have to get uninducted from the village to fight for leadership of the village. Plus, it can easily be said that I lost the Rites, because I was not a villager during the Rites. No field dressing, no Resist. With those two things, victory was mine, even with all the mistakes I made.
Back to Grogim though... you are a great leader with great ideas... you just need to be around more, which I can understand that real life comes first.

Dalayr- You seem like a good character... keep up the good work.

I'm sure I forgot someone, if I did, let me know


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HOT Topic(CON) Rustanviel the Grand Master of Artistry [View all] , Death_Angel, Mon 23-Dec-02 02:14 AM
Reply RE: (CON) Rustanviel the Grand Master of Artistry, Talin (Guest), 29-Dec-02 02:02 AM, #21
Reply If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Rustanviel (Guest), 23-Dec-02 03:16 AM #1
     Reply was that...., Nurwon, 23-Dec-02 03:34 AM, #2
     Reply Nah... I just entered the Thera nearly naked...., Rustanviel (Guest), 23-Dec-02 04:00 AM, #4
     Reply My role... and one of the things I was most proud of, Rustanviel (Guest), 23-Dec-02 03:57 AM, #3
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Intronan, 23-Dec-02 06:41 AM, #5
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Namuzi (Guest), 23-Dec-02 08:33 AM, #6
     Reply Well done!, Kastellyn, 23-Dec-02 08:40 AM, #7
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Dalayr (Guest), 23-Dec-02 10:22 AM, #8
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Rustanviel (Guest), 28-Dec-02 01:58 AM, #19
     Reply Well., Mernon, 23-Dec-02 01:29 PM, #9
     Reply Another one gone...., Anith (Guest), 23-Dec-02 01:36 PM, #10
     Reply Well done (text) text to Trajeona as well, Rustanviel (Guest), 28-Dec-02 01:53 AM, #18
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Lardovian (Guest), 23-Dec-02 01:46 PM, #11
     Reply I'm sure you'll be missed, Yror (Guest), 23-Dec-02 04:22 PM, #12
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Rodonar (Guest), 23-Dec-02 04:33 PM, #13
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Koaeb (Guest), 23-Dec-02 06:03 PM, #14
     Reply A well played character, Kragnar (Guest), 23-Dec-02 08:43 PM, #15
     Reply RE: If I forgot you, let me know... it was fun, Darmok, 25-Dec-02 01:05 AM, #16
     Reply More goodbyes I missed, Rustanviel (Guest), 28-Dec-02 01:35 AM, #17
     Reply I sent you a stroy for a reccomendation., The assassin (Guest), 28-Dec-02 02:43 PM, #20
     Reply the rites and all, Grogim (Guest), 02-Jan-03 04:34 AM, #22
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #13390 Previous topic | Next topic