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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Xuesqal the Master of the MindDeath_AngelThu 29-Feb-24 04:40 AM17
Topic (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Gronnarn the Adept of FaithDeath_AngelWed 28-Feb-24 06:40 AM14
Topic (AUTO) [None] Vanorin the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelTue 27-Feb-24 06:00 PM21
Topic (AUTO) [None] Aestylis the Greater Wizard of Transmutat...Death_AngelTue 27-Feb-24 12:20 AM15
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Dures the Spirit Watcher, Imperial A...Death_AngelMon 26-Feb-24 04:25 PM19
Topic (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ogahn I'haos the Destroyer, Command...Death_AngelMon 26-Feb-24 02:25 PM24
Topic (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Khardin the Communer of Decay, Initia...Death_AngelMon 26-Feb-24 12:50 PM21
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [OUTLANDER] Corithil Starscale the Heroin...Death_AngelSun 25-Feb-24 07:30 PM19
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Kalanzt the Disciple of Ancient Ways...Death_AngelSun 25-Feb-24 01:15 PM21
Topic (AUTO) [None] Brintz the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelSat 24-Feb-24 07:10 PM16
Topic (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Turtraen Thunderhammer the Champio...Death_AngelSat 24-Feb-24 12:30 AM18
Topic (DELETED) [SCION] Idrepi the Dweller of the WildsDeath_AngelFri 23-Feb-24 04:40 PM18
Topic (AUTO) [HERALD] Hanlaeril the Grand Master of Changelin...Death_AngelFri 23-Feb-24 02:45 PM18
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Cutlan the Sword of JudgmentDeath_AngelFri 23-Feb-24 08:50 AM23
Topic (AUTO) [None] Dajedal the Grand Mistress of Artistry, A...Death_AngelFri 23-Feb-24 05:50 AM20
Topic (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Atrael Elsinore the Grand Master o...Death_AngelThu 22-Feb-24 08:00 PM21
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [None] Misaeve the Mistress of Alteration...Death_AngelThu 22-Feb-24 06:35 PM20
Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Harthen the Master of WeaponsDeath_AngelThu 22-Feb-24 05:25 PM19
Topic (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Alarina the Mistress of Levitation...Death_AngelWed 21-Feb-24 08:45 AM17
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [FORTRESS] Apsalareia the Champion of the...Death_AngelTue 20-Feb-24 06:20 PM19
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Pharaedurus the Channeler of the Spir...Death_AngelTue 20-Feb-24 02:45 PM30
Topic (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Taenya Ne'riralae the Grand Mistr...Death_AngelMon 19-Feb-24 11:30 PM30
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Horfik Smokebeard the Initiate of ...Death_AngelMon 19-Feb-24 01:10 PM17
Topic (AUTO) [None] Weryth the Legend of the BattlefieldDeath_AngelMon 19-Feb-24 04:45 AM20
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Zutura the Lady of the Apocalypse, I...Death_AngelSun 18-Feb-24 11:50 PM20
Topic (AUTO) [None] Valdurak the SukuinageDeath_AngelSun 18-Feb-24 01:30 AM15
Topic (AUTO) [None] Demerval the Grand Master of ChangelingsDeath_AngelSat 17-Feb-24 06:45 AM20
Topic (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Ishvax the Adept of Faith, Imperial ...Death_AngelThu 15-Feb-24 01:15 PM20
Topic (AUTO) [OUTLANDER] Mrawshal the Nomad of the Sands, Sco...Death_AngelThu 15-Feb-24 10:00 AM15
Topic (DELETED) [None] Jihl the Grand Mistress of ChangelingsDeath_AngelWed 14-Feb-24 06:50 AM16