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Forum Name Santa Zulg 2011
Topic subjectTracking mobs
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=71&topic_id=12&mesg_id=12
12, Tracking mobs
Posted by Calion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(This is actually a repost from last year, as it apparently got eaten up by the forum software or something - so technically a second wish, but hopefully that's ok given the circumstances and SZ has the time to consider it)

It would be nice if you could get rid of the silly non-speaking mobs' yells ("Zulg, now you die!"), and replace them with some area/room echoes. The problem is of course coming up with a generic enough echo that fits all kinds of non-speaking mobs, so probably not something that makes direct reference to any specific sound/verb (i.e. The "A shark screams and attacks you!" variety). So instead of the yell you'd get an area/room echo (if not deafened), something like:

A great ruckus can be heard as <mob> chases after Zulghinlour!

Or maybe make a slightly different room echo, like:

The cute bunny has arrived.
The cute bunny chases angrily after Zulg!
(combat begins)

(On second thought a room echo like that would probably unnecessarily complicate things, as it's more "seeing" than "hearing" requiring checks for sleep/awake and/or blindness...)

Actually, regarding the assisting mob-echo, why not lose the screaming and make it simply "A shark attacks you!", "gets angry and attacks", or something to that effect?