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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectIncreasing retention via e-mail integration
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=74337
74337, Increasing retention via e-mail integration
Posted by Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hello there.

This is a very simple idea which could improve characters lifespan and, as well, increase retention rate (and, I am positive, significantly). So, how it works work:

1. Character types his email, like 'email example@gmail.com";
2. He starts to receive ingame notes to all, to himself, and if he is in a cabal - notes to cabal;
3. He receives notes of coming-soon eq purge (just a thought, not necessary, maybe even not a good idea);
4. He receives autodeletion warnings (important, imho);
5. When character deletes, email is purged from the mailing list.

Perhaps there could be others types of emails. From the coding aspect, it's easy to implement (and you already have a mail server with regular emails sending so it's only backend+smtp integration, which should be simple).

I would expect at least 70% open rate, with retention increased up to 30%. Subjective, of course.

74366, I think this is a great idea. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
74342, Why not just actually play the game? nt
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
74343, Again
Posted by Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is not for those who are playing the game. It is for those that are leaving/forgettings/losing interest/burns out, to return them into the game and keep them hooked. It is called retention factor, and the higher it is, the better for the game (and, likely, worse for the players who can't get out because of a high retention factor).
74338, RE: Increasing retention via e-mail integration
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
this doesn't seem easier than just rolling a level 1 and typing note in game.
74339, Different target audience
Posted by Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is, because you can read emails on your smartphone, smartwatch and you don't need to login to the game and create a 1st lvl character that will not read cabal/personal notes anyways. Furthermore, this mechanics is not for those who are ready and willing to login and create a 1st lvl characters, they are retended already. This is for those that are forgetting about CF, to pull them back (increase retention %).
74340, RE: Different target audience
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It honestly sounds retarded.
74341, Sorry
Posted by Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...that you have too low IQ to understand how it would work and how it would keep players from forgettings/leaving/etc, and sorry that you are hijacking the thread with your desconstructive insulting comments. Grow up, baby.
74346, It's not a bad idea
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since it would only be for existing characters it would only be to get them to continue to log in, so really only a retention tool. It might be useful to some players to get a nudge about their existing characters (multi char players might have issues though depending on how it functions)

Some of the flaws to think about:
- gear lockers would know when anti hoarding is coming and log in to avoid it, which is bad. I don't think that would be a good notice specifically for the potential to abuse, and of course anyone who did not get a notice and saw the chromatic flames would get pissed. So that should not be a relevant notice, even though I know why it would be useful, especially for regular players who do something like go on vacation for a week and know they will have limited/no chance to play.

- I have to believe there would be a low opt in rate of people giving their email address to participate in this, but not sure how to incent people to do it, since I firmly believe any incentive here would be abusable. Maybe make it a time saver, like you get boots of pathfinding that crumble at level 10 or something.

- A reminder is fine, but too much spam annoys people. I would not want notes coming to my email for example. So maybe auto deletion in 7 day warning, or something to minimize just how many emails you get, but ensure you get a few ones to try and get them to log in.

- I think you would need a time frame after which emails come. If I log in regularly, I don't want my email getting stuff. So maybe it triggers after 7-10 days without a log in.