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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectTitles.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=74049
74049, Titles.
Posted by Aztezul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was reflecting on Aztezul's reign and I realized one of my favorite parts was something as simple as Morius giving me a decent title. One taken from my RP and literally from my role. I felt it gave the character a great aura and really added to what I was doing (world domination and ganging Villagers played by Morok).

Is there a reason why these are done so seldom? I remember being new to the game and thinking "wow that must be a badass" just based off the titles alone. Now it seems like they're reserved for silly things that make no sense to someone outside of the inside joke, religion heavy characters or worst of all, for purely detrimental reasons. Things like "Village Idiot" or "Egg Brained" really does little to project something about a world famous hero/character. I can think of many game influencing characters that age died without a title at all.

And for the record this isn't a complaint, just an observation. I'm genuinely curious as to the staff's stance (if one exists) on titles. I'd love to see more that add depth to the game.
74051, RE: Titles.
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I, personally, am a huge fan of titles and special long descriptions. Having CF'd for over.....(oh, god...) 25 years, I agree about the awesomeness seeing these things on characters. They are among my favorite rewards to hand out.

However, I also don't want to hand them out so much that they lose the "Wow!" factor. If everyone has one, it loses the specialness and uniqueness. With that in mind, I do tend to feel like the "add-on" titles are a nice lesser reward for them. I like adding little bits to the end, particularly setting them temporarily. It adds some uniqueness, but still leaves the full-on renamed title for uber-cool stuff (usually when a character has become truly prominent).

So yeah. I love titles and such. Extitles, to me, are more "pat on the back" rewards or temporary for an interaction. Permenantly replaced titles (to me) are for when a character is famous within the CF world. Unique room description are for uber-badasses.
74052, Thanks for that, by the way.
Posted by Aithiar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just remembered it was you who gave me one of these "add-on" titles, back then. Really was a nice little touch.
74050, RE: Titles.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For me, at least, it's just that I forget in the process of everything else I'm doing with the character.

I'd love to see them done more and would have no objection.

As an aside - I don't think the majority of titles given are insults, at least from what I've seen. At least one religion uses titles extremely liberally.
