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Topic subjectWhy is the village the only cabal equipped with....
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72074, Why is the village the only cabal equipped with....
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rooms that have elemental affects that cure maledictions? You'd think with a life time of fighting Druids, the Spire would have like a firepit or a frigid chill room to help deal with you know, their number uno enemy. Raid the refuge, fight a druid... or w/e you get spores, thorns, and whatever else nastiness, yet only the Rager cabal has a way to fend it off with their forge and underwater room.
72078, The problem that you have is not with cabal hq layout
Posted by Sertius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's specifically with a murder druid char Tebor and his consistent aggro-mode.

Once he deletes, this problem ceases to exist like it doesn't for the vast majority of CF's existence. Now, your problem will be with the same player playing aggro scarab or whatever else he rolls next.
72079, whats the difference
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What’s the difference between <class> and murder <class>? I mean it’s a pk mud, at any given time a majority of characters have it as their goal to murder other groups of characters.
72081, RE: whats the difference
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What "murder (class)" usually implies is someone who is murderous in ways they "ought not be". Usually killing people in situations where there's no clear role-play principle that would argue for it.

Goes without saying there's substantial disagreement over how various combos "ought" to behave.
72076, Because villagers can't use preps and heal heal
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
72086, This.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And if you run to the village when you’re afflicted with spores and thornheart with a Druid on you you’re probably gonna die.
72075, RE: Why is the village the only cabal equipped with....
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC answer: Because Battle is less bureaucratic, less resistant to adaptation to enemy tactics, and they live in huts in an area easy enough to alter. Tribunal is less friendly to change, would require more hefty construction/alteration, and good luck getting that through the proper administrative channels. :P

OOC answer: I don't think we want to give Tribunal even MORE reasons to sit at home. Forcing Trib out of their jurisdictions shouldn't be made harder, I don't think. Plus I don't think the goal is to neuter druid attrition vs. caballed people.

I guess the right answer is to grow a beard, kill a mage, and start saying magic sucks :).

72077, Don’t forget
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That Druid is the least played class consistently.
72091, RE: Why is the village the only cabal equipped with....
Posted by Ilyana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC-ly: this doesn't preclude me badgering you in-game for some minor Spire renovations, does it? ;-) How about if Ilyana pays for the construction costs?

OOC-ly: guilty as charged - major guild-sitter here :-P

As for that Village plug at the end, Panmorne - help!!! You owe us poor Tribbies a Spire plug back on account of Ish's defection...