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Topic subjectDuo Dimension and trash characters.
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70460, Duo Dimension and trash characters.
Posted by Jaegendar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is always one or two transmuters that are trash characters and do nothing but level to mid 30's and wait in duo dimension. They see someone that might be leveling by themselves and go hunt them down, with duo and neuro to which tactic there is little or no defense except being a rager. And if you are a rager you are never going to get a fight out of them.

Once their range moves then they delete and rinse and repeat. It was even worse when they would be in outlander and never be visible. But this tactic is too powerful, leads to trash characters and prevent anyone from solo leveling (which in this day and age is particularly harmful to the game).

If you say "use count", it doesn't work because of they dropping link in popular ranking areas and just logging back to see if someone is there or quitting near those areas and doing the same thing.

My suggestion to fix the situation is: Change duo dimension to 47 or hero.
70464, Use pray or email if you suspect someone is cheating
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Intentional link drops to log out in places you can't normally quit from would fall into that category. Its not against the rules to logout correctly in places you might be able to find pks.

70477, RE: Use pray or email if you suspect someone is cheating
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although it would be if you were using that ability to log out specifically to get the jump on people.

For that reason if consider moving the battlefield trainer log out to ostalagiah.
70463, Your character is trash.
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
CF isn't for you buddy.
70461, RE: Duo Dimension and trash characters.
Posted by Not that Transmuter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is really nothing new, although always annoying when you are on the receiving end of a transmuter massacre. You will always be at a disadvantage when the person hunting you decides when he is ready to attack, and only under favorable conditions.

You have some counters available to you though.

1) The twitchy edge cannot be underestimated for giving you a warning when something isn't right in an area. I would try learning it and seeing if it gives you a head's up when somebody is nearby that you can't see.

2) There is save vs. para gear you can get around this level range, stuff that isn't terribly hard to farm and keep in your inventory. If you suspect trouble, switch into it and just level a little slower until you are sure you are safe.

3) There's soooo many areas in this game to learn in. A duo transmuter has the advantage since he can just go flat and teleport around the world until he finds somebody vulnerable, but there are also a lot of places you can go where he probably won't want to walk to if he can't randomly teleport until he finds you. Stay out of the known ranking spots and go off the beaten path.

4) Set traps of your own. If a transmuter is harassing you, have friends ready to come to your aid or maybe even help to kill him. Use special terrains or assisting mobs to give you an advantage, too. There's no need to fight fair against somebody who isn't fighting fair with you.
70466, Some more advice
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Transmuters do not have the full benefit of where command without dropping out of duo (and thus being spotted, as dropping out of duo has a serious lag associated with it). They are restricted to using "where name", which doesn't work if you sneak.

Have wimpy at 50%, to maximize your chance of escaping if they do land neuro. Remember that neuro doesn't work as well on someone who is fighting another (similar to most lagging abilities).

Use item search to find some nonlim sv_para gear -- two -10 rings will go a long way. Also gear for +int a bit, because a savvy transmuter will maximize his chances by mental jolting you first.

If you rank with someone outside their range, many classes can word you if you get frozen.

EDIT: I agree that they can make solo ranking impractical for many builds, but transmuters sitting at 37 are no worse than assassins sitting at 35, or Grokko, or reaver rangers camping Redhorn, or a million other inconveniences of CF. The real game begins at hero anyway.
70470, Unless you're one of Outlanders
Posted by scr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, you can tell me whatever you want, but watching these ####ing Jakhu-alikes is damn... like "wtf dude? is it even fun to play that #### like that?"

On the other side I understand that this is game mechanics and nothing else but just another gap. Let them. Cause it's real fun if you manage to kick this obviously overpowered ass of 37lvl.
70471, Of course it's fun
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What's not fun about being overpowered?
70472, Being overpowered?
Posted by scr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not fun at all. I've deleted my lich char in previous MUD just because it was ####ing killing machine and provides me nothing except of boredom. The real adrenaline comes when you challenge someone who have more or less similar chances to kill you.
70474, Then you just don't know how to have fun
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The more powerful your character is, the more possibilities you have for fun. A lot of it comes at the expense of others, granted, so super-OP characters are not necessarily good for the game. But they. Are. Fun. To play.
70480, Quite funny statement.
Posted by scr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just it seems our understanding of fun is slightly different.
70476, RE: Being overpowered?
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To each his own maybe? I enjoy the task of hunting down people who don't want to be found because I have the ability to create a PK scenario they are (somewhat) unlikely to survive.
70475, RE: Some more advice
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>EDIT: I agree that they can make solo ranking impractical for
>many builds, but transmuters sitting at 37 are no worse than
>assassins sitting at 35, or Grokko, or reaver rangers camping
>Redhorn, or a million other inconveniences of CF. The real
>game begins at hero anyway.

I could see an argument that level sitting muters are actually somewhat worse than those other combos. The last time I played a mid-level character it was when Jakhu was around. I pretty much resigned myself to the fact that he'd kill me at least once.
70478, RE: Some more advice
Posted by Jaegendar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I could see an argument that level sitting muters are actually
>somewhat worse than those other combos. The last time I
>played a mid-level character it was when Jakhu was around. I
>pretty much resigned myself to the fact that he'd kill me at
>least once.

I honestly was thinking of putting the subject of the original post as "the transmuter tax".

The thing is, 90% of these chars will not approach you if you are leveling in a group. They are just there to kill the solo leveler.
70479, RE: Some more advice
Posted by Thaedan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The thing is, 90% of these chars will not approach you if you
>are leveling in a group. They are just there to kill the solo

This may still be true, but in Jakhu's case he killed me when I was with a group ranking in an obvious place. I can't remember if both of my groupmates could harm him. Maybe not.