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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectLets get rid of exp penalty on mob deaths!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=69607
69607, Lets get rid of exp penalty on mob deaths!
Posted by enyuu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im old now and aint got the time to spend a second hour grinding out that level I lost cause im a sucky perpetual noob. Thanks in advance <3
69641, No.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Failure has its cost!


69663, The cost in CON is not enough?
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Failure has its cost!

I agree and that's why I think the cost in CON should be kept.

But explain me why reducing the grinding, wich IMHO is one of the worst part of the game, is not an improvement for CF?

69664, A few reasons
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. The old phrase "the game doesn't start at hero" isn't just a cliche.
2. One of the best ways to find people to PK is to hunt them while they are leveling up.
3. Characters are already able to reach hero in under 20 hours. If we did away with EXP penalties for death, I'd want to drastically slow down how fast people level at all.
4. We already made it so you only go down to your level's minimum exp - there's no "exp hole" as there used to be.

I could go on, but I'm not going to waste any more time. This change isn't going to happen.
69666, I kinda miss the -200k XP holes
Posted by mage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Frustrating as they were, they made gaining a level a true accomplishment!
69667, I agree...
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, it was also much easier to level back then due to certain areas and mobs. I really miss the old FoN for the killing grounds it was. Once finishing the academy, find a group and work your way all the way to hero there. It was also a place to easily meet people and find PKs, even for newbies, and if you got a good group then you could work off that 200k hole pretty quick.
69673, You're crazy.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much easier to level back then? CF has never had it easier to level than right now. I've been in groups that have gone from 40 to hero in 2 or 3 hours. Even at optimal killing in the dead of morning so no interruptions with a perfectly styled group, it would take me 5-6 hours to pull off that same feat previously.

Once we started adding xp-mods to mobs that did interesting things, leveling became almost trivial (though more enjoyable/exciting because you actually have to pay attention and not just spam your most damaging skill over and over).
69668, RE: A few reasons
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you feel you're wasting your time then it's a good idea to stop discussion right there.
69671, Perhaps not the best use of words, but
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
this comment gets brought up about every other year or so. Given the removal of XP holes, gear instantly returns to you now, baseline exp has been bumped a few times, group bonuses were boosted for two people groups, the random weekly bonuses, and FREQUENTLY 100% bonuses...that's a lot that's been made easier.

Given Twist's been an IMP for like...what, a century?...I can see where it might be the dead, animated, re-killed, decomposed, and burned horse.

At some point, there has to be *SOME* consideration of risk vs. reward. Even the loss of con is more or less negligible at this point given you still gain hp as a portion of your racial max, and con death almost never occurs in reality.

Referencing his speed-to-hero...I do heavily agree that we've reached a point in which there's little to no "achievement" in heroing, and characters are too easily replaced. That D&D character you've played for 10 years? Yeah, tends to be a pretty big deal. Nowadays, people would rather just start over at lvl 1 and hero a new character than even spin/roll a shapeshifter with a form they don't like.
69681, a good first step
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>this comment gets brought up about every other year or so.
>Given the removal of XP holes, gear instantly returns to you
>now, baseline exp has been bumped a few times, group bonuses
>were boosted for two people groups, the random weekly bonuses,
>and FREQUENTLY 100% bonuses...that's a lot that's been made
>Given Twist's been an IMP for like...what, a century?...I can
>see where it might be the dead, animated, re-killed,
>decomposed, and burned horse.

I agree a lot has been made to make ranking easier. People are now able to hero in 20 hours... is it a problem? I don't know. But there is a reason why this horse keeps being reanimated.

The XP holes removal was a good first step but is not enough. I hear you think "Not enough!? I told you we boosted group bonuses for two people groups, there's random weekly bonuses, and FREQUENTLY 100% bonuses... a lot** has been made easier."

** I exclude "baseline exp has been bumped a few times" because I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Yes a lot has been made but I think these "other" solutions (2 poeple group boost, etc..) are a response to a different request wich would sound probably like: "We want to be able to rank faster!!!"

Getting rid of XP penalty on mob death is aiming at something different (at least for me). Even if it helps to rank faster, it's not really about getting faster to hero/or next rank : it is to avoid going backward and repeating the same time sinking boring process over and over because I entered a wrong command or someone tried to pk me but it is the mob I was fighting who got the killing blow.

This gets especially frustrating when you get closer to gain and is one of the major reason why I sometime snap (I'm probably not the only one here) and say : f@ck this game, it is just a waste of time! And quit playing CF for undetermined period.

>At some point, there has to be *SOME* consideration of risk
>vs. reward. Even the loss of con is more or less negligible
>at this point given you still gain hp as a portion of your
>racial max, and con death almost never occurs in reality.
>Referencing his speed-to-hero...I do heavily agree that we've
>reached a point in which there's little to no "achievement" in
>heroing, and characters are too easily replaced. That D&D
>character you've played for 10 years? Yeah, tends to be a
>pretty big deal. Nowadays, people would rather just start
>over at lvl 1 and hero a new character than even spin/roll a
>shapeshifter with a form they don't like.

I totaly agree with the risk VS reward. But I prefer to take a full point of CON penalty for each mob death rather than having to go backward and repeat the boring grinding.

In regard of speed-to-hero process, again I would prefer not to have any boosted group bonuses for two people groups, random weekly bonuses, much less frequently 100% bonuses and, over that, a full CON point penalty for mob death rather than having to grind again. This feeling of going backward is one of the most frustrating aspect of CF and, I think, probably the reason why the horse get so often reanimated.

Who knows... using a full CON point penalty for a mob death might be an interesting response not only to eliminate a very frustrating part of CF: it might make it more of an achievement to reach Hero.

People will still have to level (so Twist argument no 3. is adressed) and if you think players are leveling too fast you could easily reduce XP bonuses instead of making people going backward.

Just a tought like that...
69683, A no is a no
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I need exp penalty to levelsit and spamkill you. Deal with it.
69684, No way. I want the reverse.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's bring back XP holes, but remove CON loss for mob deaths.
69695, That would be lovely
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I don't need to condie explorer characters.
69669, I agree with you but
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are within 5 or 10% tnl the penalty should be reduced.

That just does nothing but piss people off.
69721, Thanks for the reply!
Posted by enyuu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hear ya. I grew up playing CF through my teens and early 20s. Now I'm almost 30. Times have changed, and I guess so have I. I certainty cant hero in 20hrs, and I'm lucky to land a pk or two in my characters whole lifetime. mob deaths are going to happen most to those of us still trying to learn CF, and its only 1 of many disadvantages to face against CF's small veteran playerbase.

Less time nowadays so I have to maximize the amount of fun I have in my off time. Wish I could cut it in the fields, but at least I have fond memories!
69611, +1
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
69610, In which case
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we'll need to have getting exp toggling off and on again.