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Topic subjectGlobal Quests Request
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=68678
68678, Global Quests Request
Posted by E4rth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Participating in "global quests" has been the most memorable and enjoyable part of my CF experience over the years. Some of these quests are quite big and long-term (e.g., cabals opening/closing, new ages dawning, etc.), but even simpler things like helping with someone's Lich quest can really help keep the game fresh. Hell, everyone loves a good old easter egg hunt...

Realizing that Imms (and most players too) are busy with life, I'll try to keep my request fairly modest:

Consider each month or two having an immortal develop a modest global quest. This need not be some age-ending epic thing requiring a ton of maintenance and coding. Rather, simply use the CF world as a backdrop to set a story in motion. Work through active characters, cabal leaders or whatever, via IMMteractions and/or notes to set things in motion. Get creative with a backstory, give players a challenge that perhaps requires some kind of unusual group dynamic.

What might this look like? Perhaps some kind of treasure hunt or puzzle pieces that need to be collected and solved, some mystery to be solved, some kind of hot-potato item that needs to be kept in motion, etc. I can envision lots of creative possibilities aimed at getting people out exploring and interacting beyond the usual stuff. Dungeon master ideas.

In terms of rewards, maybe something in the ballpark of what a RP contest winner gets, in line with whatever the story is unfolding. Perhaps simple things like customized items or minor skills/spells (not necessarily power game stuff, just something novel which is what I believe a lot of people crave in CF). Maybe time the quest with the opening of a new area, culminate with those events when it works. Play around with some nostalgic mobs/items from the past. Literally a world of possibilities.

Setting some fun global challenges in motion like once every month or two doesn't seem like it would have to take a lot of work. I think it would bring some people back to the game, and give a spark to the regulars and newbs alike.

And you could post them on our new calendar! : )

Give it some thought? Thanks for considering the idea.
68686, I thought egghunt was automated
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least Umiron has hinted so.
68689, No idea.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it is, I've got no idea how to operate it, otherwise I'd have done it on Easter.

Scavenger hunty things can be fun. Hoping to do some.
68692, Work around
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Load up a bunch of uniqueish mobs. Give them stuff. Disperse them. Go to XXX:Slay XXX:sac corpse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Result, randomly scattered things.
68695, This is disappointing
Posted by Saagkri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seems that making it easier for any Immortal to run these kinds of activities given the decrease in IMM presence and time to dedicate to CF would be a pretty high priority and an easy fix to rekindle the interest of the player base. But, it seems not.

This type of thing has been a hot topic of discussion among the players for some time now. Do the IMMs not have similar discussions among themselves?
68691, Sort of.
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It has to be eggs and they aren't customizable without changing the code, and the automation requires a coder to initiate.

I'd forgotten all about this. Maybe this weekend I'll dust it off and scatter some not so seasonal eggs.
68694, Don't forget to put it on Rahsael's calendar
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That #### is freaking amazing.
68697, It's on the calendar!
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do what you can to advertise the calendar on unofficial websites. It's meant to be shared publicly and the more people who know to watch it, the better.
68684, RE: Global Quests Request
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ishuli covered most of the points that came to mind for me. I'll just say that there's an effort to make the game feel more alive and set some storylines and activities in motion, often small and sometimes big. I think you will be seeing more and more activity in this area.
68696, Thanks for giving it some thought
Posted by E4rth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I totally get that some of the options require a lot of effort, always more than meets the eye.

However, I do think global quests could be run fairly regularly that are really quite simple in terms of coding/maintenance and could really help spark the spirit of adventure, intrigue, and excitement in game that makes CF special.

Dungeon master mindset. It's more about the story line than any complex coding stuff or fancy rewards.

Thanks for all you do.
68698, CF Event Calendar
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We're working on this. Check out our Carrion Fields Event Calendar, which we're trying to fill with events, and don't miss a thing: http://bit.ly/2tYmTMb
68699, Boycott! Still no Orctober.
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68700, Fixed.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orctober is listed.
68704, Yay! MOAR BLOOD!
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68680, RE: Global Quests Request
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I’m, in theory, on board with this – it’s a bit more effort than I think most people imagine. Not all imms have the same powers or ability to make those things happen, and it normally requires an ‘up the chain’ team effort, meaning to even get something going you’re counting on everyone being around.

That’s one of the reasons I enjoy smaller quests. I can just jump in, do them, and don’t need to make more work for someone else on my account.

I’m working on learning how to do ‘bigger’ stuff, but it definitely requires more effort. Creating objects isn’t as easy as *poofing* them into existence or anything. Then tracking them has its own difficulties. Then trying to keep track of all the players involved, or even trying to set up an auto-completing quest (which then requires a coder’s assistance). Even rewarding requires higher up stuff, so it definitely gets tricky in terms of trying to get approval for everything you said, coordinate enough to make it work out properly, and then be involved online as its happening to actually monitor and see the results.

That said, I’m 100% up for trying, but I don’t think I could manage them that often given that it requires so many people coordinating together at the right times.

Totally giving it thought, and I’ll see what can be managed. It likely won’t be as grandiose, but hey, gotta start somewhere, right?

Thanks for the helpful idea!

68687, 2 Cents.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love your big rp push, with all the interactions your doing. Big thumbs up from me for this and all the things like it that the IMMs do.

My suggestion, I think is less involved but may illicit a similar result. So, starting off, there's one thing from my early days that I've missed in the last few years though, and that's gechos. I remember maybe for the first 5 or so years that I played, they happened often. Whenever immortals felt like, it seems. They'd have a knock down/drag out fight using gechos. To me, it was like watching a sporting event. Lots of people would show up just to hear or see what was happening. An example could be Holtzendorf getting killed by Zulghinlour via cleave, and Shokai and others jumping in on different occasions. They were often caballed IMMs, so you'd root for whomever was in your cabal. (they didn't even have to be vis for spectators to still show up) I don't know who has the power for this kind of thing but it's something I really miss and doesn't involve a lot of in-depth interaction, i.e. controlling npcs etc. But, "IF", and I stress "IF" you wanted to get fancy, then maybe have someone do that *poofing* thing at a pre-determined time (prior to any of this taking place) and have the item fly off during the fight or at the end in a manor that it's part of an IMMs armor or severed body part, or ancient item, that a mortal has to find and turn into a certain god/goddess. I think it may even let players feel like they're contributing to the game by helping out their IMM, or conversely, hurting an opponent of their beliefs.

When I say fight, it'd be like:

Massive arcs of blue and white lighting flash overhead, the visage of a mountain of a giant can be seen toiling in deep thought while performing some unholy ritual.

Holtzendorf sensing Zulghinlour's distraction with the demonic research, strikes at him from behind with a mighty overhead attack!

But, Zulghinlour's unholy senses allow him to evade the blow, just as the axe crashes through the tome and table on which it was upon.

Swiftly he spins, eyes blazing with unholy fervor, and he delivers a punishing strike to cripple the Dwarven Lord's arm.

Stunned, Holtzendorf attempts to charge the flame-haired giant but it's too late...

Zulghinour's monstrous axe finds it's mark and cleaves the warrior in two, stealing his divine essence in the process!

Having sensed an intense growth in vile energy, Shokai arrives in a holy flash, the haunting sound of a phoenix heralding his arrival onto the battlefield.

The Unholy Lord cackles with glee, and unleashes another mighty swing of his axe.

Moving with the speed only capable of the Divine Avian, Shokai thrusts his spear upwards to block the blow but as he does, a small fragment of its hilt splinters and falls from the heavens.

Sensing his disadvantage at the newly emboldened giant, Shokai grabs the fallen dwarf's remains and leaps back skyward.

He glances back, seeing the flaming giant in disbelief and watching a small glowing shard landing in a large open plain.

Regardless of what you decide. You all keep doing what you're doing. I've seen more IMM interaction going on, not necessarily to or with me, in the last month than I did in nearly 1000 hours of previous characters. And that, is truly good for the game.
68688, RE: 2 Cents.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I REALLY like that stuff. I remember some similar events myself as a mort, which I really really enjoyed.

Only issue here is that I lack the ability to do any of that stuff, it's all higher-tier.

I'll see what I can get to happen, though, since I honestly sort of forgot about this stuff - but personally really love it.



68679, I would go a step farther...
Posted by Saagkri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Create a 'quest' channel. This way any character can run a quest for lowbies, etc. and offer rewards. Example:

QUEST Saagkri: We're trying to re-open farmer griff's shop in the Emerald forest now that the goblins have settled down a bit. But we need some stock.

QUEST Saagkri: So, first three adventurers who have not reached the fifteenth circle in their guild to get here with ten different food items will be given a girdle of endless space filled with goodies for your travels!

I've thought about doing this IC before, but the idea of sending tells to all the newbs seen and unseen makes it less appealing.
68681, RE: I would go a step farther...
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I’m less a fan of this, given it advertises player position, doesn’t really operate in an IC manner (I know that can sound like a lame complaint), is relatively spammable, and gives people a potential excuse/method to try and transfer gear more easily to their friends.

But on the other hand, I like what it is trying to achieve. While doing it IC sounds like a drag, I have personally found it is pretty easy. There aren’t normally that many people between 1 and 20, so calling to them, or requesting jobs of them is very easy to do with minimal tell-spam.

The harder part of that is that it requires more of an RP approach on your part rather than being able to put it into the non-conversational/interactive channel format.

As it is now, I see nothing stopping players from already doing this openly with each other. A channel doesn’t seem like the right answer to that.

Cool idea though.

68682, RE: I would go a step farther...
Posted by Saagkri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, I think I agree. As far as transferring EQ to friends, I don't have any that play CF, but I do on occasion give some very nice things to lower level chars just for fun and I hate things going to waste.
68685, I do
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And would totally transfer Armageddon this way :)