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Topic subjectBuffing cabal outers and inners
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63830, Buffing cabal outers and inners
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the low playerbase, it would be good to make them stronger, so they could protect themself against low/mid characters, while there are no one to defend. Especially for scarab.
63831, RE: Buffing cabal outers and inners
Posted by Drehir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could see buffing Outers and Inners if there were a lot more players against an undefended outer to help prevent steamrolling. But even then, I'm not sure it would be needed or helpful.

If there is no one to defend, there is no one to defend. So really, you are suggesting making raiding take longer for it to take longer? I'm just not sure what the perceived benefit behind this would be.

63832, I meant making them stronger
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could leave their hp same, but give them skills/spells/powers. So there would be a point to raid. Now, a lot of times when i, or cabalmates wanted to raid, someone would say "no point, xxxx will retrieve it in a minute". So it renders heroes in unpopulated cabals useless in regards to cabalwars.

If outers would be stronger, then:
A) heroes would have a motivation to raid, which would intensify the cabal wars;
B) low/mid players would have additional motivation to level up;
C) There wouldn't be thoughts like "I'm raiding, and xxxx will get free edge points, while I just waste my time".

Really, I would enjoy a bigger challenge on retrivials.
63833, RE: I meant making them stronger
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would not, because midlevels would just stop retrieving. The game doesn't start on hero.
63834, That's fine.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You act like it's a bad thing that the underdog cabal can keep their powers so long as they can retrieve. Do we really need to make it easier for the bigger cabal to defend against lowbies?

By default you should have your powers - only when the strong cabal has support across multiple PK ranges should you be able to hold the enemy items. Otherwise being the underdog is just that much worse. We don't need anymore steamroll/strong-get-stronger mechanics.
63835, No, it's not.
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heroes are fighting, plotting, etc, for hours to take an enemy item. And then, instead of rereiding, opposite heroes are sending their lowbies to retrieve, who, with the current playerbase, have no opposition. I've been on both sides, and I retrieved on mids a lot - and I did benefit from it very well. So, for me, it is profitable, but for the whole game it's not good.

Boring fights with boring cabalguards that pisses off heroes and prevents them from raiding. This is why every cabal have their item almost always, and no one is bothering to take it away. Which is boring.
63865, RE: No, it's not.
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're in the aggressive position of this argument you're generally in the cabal with the highest numbers. At that point - what right do you have to complain it's boring? :)

How do you think it feels being the only guy in a cabal and not having even your powers to use while a gang of people is hunting you the entire time you're online?

Making the outer stronger just punishes that guy more for not having alts in different PK ranges.
63867, Wrong again
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I'm the only guy in a cabal and I can steamroll my whole PK really. But I can't hold items because cabal outers are weaker than a kitten. So I lost interest in playing that impotent hero, though he is a successful and interesting character. Probably he should stay just uncaballed, but it's too late, he is on his way to deletion already. ONLY because of the current cabal war mechanics, that punishes lone players in cabals.
63869, So let me get this straight.
Posted by Drehir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are able to already steamroll your entire pk range. Yet, you are complaining that they are able to get back their item through lowbies, which is preventing you from steamrolling your range more. I don't see how that would be a good dynamic, except maybe for you. (And a few other very competent pkers)

Also, making cabal inners harder makes it more difficult for lone players in cabals to retrieve or gain an item. Which makes me really think you want this so that you get more PK wins. I'm not sure that you need that from what you describe.
63870, I see your point
Posted by wln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, there is logic in your words. Though my girl is not to massacre everyone (I can do this without cabal), but to gain a reason to raid. Now, I don't have it.

How about making cabalguards stronger if they oppose more enemies? If they oppose enemies that no one in cabal may fight, they would do something except for being just a fat, boring punching bag that level 25 can easily kill?

Earlier, we would raid and face resistance. We works retrieve and fight enemies there. Now, it's usually no one to defend. So it's free retrivial and free edge points.

I'm saddened by the rarity of cabal raids nowadays, and it's not because there are no one to raid, it's because raids are pointless nite (mostly).
63871, He has a point
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is a distinct lack of willingness to take even small risks for a cabal retrieval now. People should be willing to take some risk for their cabal.

A retrieval is a very different fight to one away from the cabal. It's usually very possible to retrieve against opposition you can't hope to kill, and who would almost certainly kill you outside of a retrieval situation.

I haven't played in months now so this it not something I'm saying for my benefit. Often the ones who don't risk retrieval attempts are the same ones that gank and selectively log in and out. Meanwhile supposedly less successful characters are pulling off the retrieval.

Can't remember his name now but that shifter who made provost was a great example of someone who despite being outgunned would always pull off the retrieval. Pretty sure he never died despite there being some slight risk. That was before he got his final forms too. There are players that step up, and players that don't, and unfortunately those deserving it rarely get the credit, and those avoiding even minor risk often experience no comeback for failing to step up.

I'm not advocating retrieval where you are significantly likely to die just by attempting it. But those who won't take minimal risk don't deserve to be in their cabal.

Also newbies need rewarding for pulling off something that a vet would find easily, if it is risky for the newb.
63872, There's always a benefit from raiding
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 9 for 11 hours.

You're telling me that perk alone isn't worth it?
63873, Made my day NT
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63874, RE: There's always a benefit from raiding
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Wish it lasted about 10 times as long.