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Topic subjectAttention Whiysdan Followers and Herald Wannabes:
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=49463
49463, Attention Whiysdan Followers and Herald Wannabes:
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I, Whiysdan's player, broke my collarbone in two places. That said, I'm going to be a bit limited for the next several weeks. I will still be around and able to interact, but it just won't be on the level that it was due to my limited mobility. This shouldn't stop you from seeking me out IC, but it is something that you should keep in mind.



P.S. Whiskey dulls the pain.
49533, RE: Attention Whiysdan Followers and Herald Wannabes:
Posted by Slack on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am so sorry to hear that. You are already being missed in the game. Get well soon.

For all your admirers, is there a specific time you like to open the CF window and look?

P.S. I use Whiskey as perfume.
49539, RE: Attention Whiysdan Followers and Herald Wannabes:
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope, I like to vary the times that I'm around, but I play a good bit, so it's hard to miss me for too long. I've just not been vis as much or as active with the RP because of the injury. I've definitely been watching though.

49493, Dude...Do you pitch for the Dodgers?
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was stupid of you to lower your shoulder and take that guy who outweighs you head on. I suggest you go and youtube the Nolan Ryan, Robin Ventura fight...to learn how its done.
49499, RE: Dude...Do you pitch for the Dodgers?
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I didn't want it getting out there, but...

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and advice. I'm on the mend. It'll just take time.

49474, Ouch man! Good luck with the recovery.
Posted by Arratok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Broke my collarbone twice before, once real bad, once sorta bad. Both times it was painful as hell and a real burden afterwards. In January took a huge digger again. X-rays came back positive on the mountain (turned out to be misdiagnosed due to the original 2 breaks) it turned out to be two separations (tears in two separate ligaments) Needless to say, I totally feel your pain dude!

If it is any consolation at all, recovery goes by quick(er then you would think), or at least with the breaks it did. The ligaments thing is getting tricky and it's still not healing 100% right (likely because I am an ass and went back out around 5 weeks after the incident instead of taking recommended 3 months to heal)

Don't do what I did, and listen to your Orthopedic about recovery time.

Take your pain scrips to help ya sleep, but go easy on em otherwise.

Make sure (when you feel ready) to undo the sling and get some real soft movement around the elbow and eventually the shoulder when you can. You don't want to get ceased up to much and have to rehab it.

Don't smoke if you do, or drink if you can help it (more the smoking thing) it's terrible for bone recovery, and that's not just doctor mumbo-bullshizzel.

I am sure you already got told all this info and I am prob just kicking a dead horse.

Good luck and I hope you have a speedy recovery dude.
I know first hand how much it sucks, but you will totally get through it faster then you think.

I hope you have a cool story for it anyhow, and that no one else friends or family wise was injured or anything.

49475, Oh and one last thing :)
Posted by Arratok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rock the sling even after you don't feel like you need it when/if you go out. I cannot tell you how many times people don't realize and give you a shoulder punch or a slap on the back or a running jump hug thing (girls) or bump into you at bars or clubs and its like !@$(!@#!(@#*!@#_!@)#! that still hurts baddddd. Rocking the sling is soooo annoying but its also like, a big sign that says Don't Do any of the above things. Again it's annoying but super helpful in keeping it from getting aggravated again.
49467, Seatbelt?
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At least you don't have to PK anyone other than Enlilth.

Feel better.
49465, Ow!
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How did you break your collarbone?
49464, Damn man
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel better ok? That sucks, hope your recovery is fast.