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Topic subject+ age gear
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47128, + age gear
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How does it work in practical terms?

I'm assuming it's not that every time (after you die, etc.) that you wear an item it bumps your age, rather that it happens over time. Like the longer you wear an item the older you get faster. Is that right? Or is it that every time you put on that +10 age item you jump forward in time just the once and that's it?

In general, how much of a difference is noticeable for a race like felar or arial? How many hours are we talking about losing in a lifespan?
47129, AFAIK
Posted by vargal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You put on said item, and assume whatever new age. Remove it, and go back to being whatever age you were prior.

For simplicity we'll pretend you've got an item that adds 10 years, and you're a human that is currently 16. You put on that item, and you become 26. So, you go from Young to Mature. That part is permanent. If you take off that item, you're now a Mature 16 year old.

Basically its only permanent if you go up an age tier, which is why it becomes really hazardous to wear +age items when your character is already pretty old.
47130, This is not entirely true.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll do the same example:

You're a 16 year old human, you wear a +10 year age item. You get bumped up to mature with all which that means (+str +wis), you remove the +10age item. Bam, you're back to 16 years old. You're no longer mature either, but the effects are lasting. (No, you won't get the affects again when you become "mature" again.)

So, the +age effect is instantanious, the affect on stats are permanent. But the age or it's tier is not.

There are however items that speed up your ageing. Especially one item that will age-die a arial or felar within a few ticks.
47131, Can you tell what speeds up aging?
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is there some particular way to know if an item will "speed up" your aging vs. just adding the years temporarily (and maybe bumping you up an age tier if that were applicable)?

Really, an item will age-die an arial or felar within a few ticks?! I hope that's not true. That would be a terrible way to go out on a character that you put a 100-200 hours into when you're just getting into your prime. If so, I'd really like to know what item that is so I don't go anywhere near it.
47135, Well, I only know of 1 item like that...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... And that item is not easy to obtain, it's super awesome and meant for liches/mummys to use. When you ID it, it doesn't show any +age effects.

All other items shows the +age when you ID it.

I'm not sure if it's acceptable to give out the information of what item I'm talking about, since it's form an area explore, and it's limit 1 item.

47166, Good indicator is this....
Posted by Drekvah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If other players are looking at the weapon you are wielding, cringing, and going man, I wouldn't wear that if I were you, you are going to be dead as #### soon if you do.....Than you probably are wearing the 1 item in the game that would would be insane to wear if you aren't undead and immune to the aging of it. I have literally seen it age die someone with less than 80 hours.

On a side note, a long time ago I got the weapon in question on an AP, unholy blessed it thinking it wouldn't age me anymore, and promptly age died with in 2-3 logins. So don't be trying that either lol.
47173, So the fact liches have an age limit now doesn't affect using that sword?
Posted by Bayres123 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It just occurred to me with that add on of liches eventually dieing of old age it could hurt them using that weapon. Which would be kinda sad, given no one else can use it sanely.
47174, Tavlin wore it his whole mummy life, im not too concerned. nt
Posted by Drekvah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
47178, Maybe
Posted by CD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do liches/mummy merely have an approx hour limit vs an age? Perhaps the sword affects your aging but it does not mechanically add hours to your character. And it's the hours that are the timelimit for said char. Whereas a normal character hours are affected by age.