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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectSummon echos
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4278
4278, Summon echos
Posted by Xenoroyal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With my past chars, often times i've gone from 100% to 0% mana repeatedly trying to summon somthing was was dead, fighting, one of us in a room that (for some ungodly reason, deffinatly not logic :P) is nosummon...

My idea was to give summoning new echos. If they save versus spell, say they resist your summoning. If they are fighting, have it say they are fighting. If you or them are in a room that is nosummon, give that an echo too. If the thing is not able to be summoned, or is dead... you could make that the You failed. echo.
4300, Nice but would make summon a lot more powerful n/t
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
4290, Too much work for Imms just so you could learn summoning tricks
Posted by NNNick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I agree 'You failed.' is kinda bland.

How about just 2 types:

1) if ZZZ can not be summoned for whatever reason
Summoner get echo: 'You failed to summon ZZZ.'

2) if ZZZ resisted summonings
Summoner gets echo: 'ZZZ resisted your summonings.'
ZZZ gets echo: 'You feel some strange pulling sensation.'
4296, Either one would be great i think.
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont think however that people should be able to tell when they resist summoning. Its like feeling a healer gate to you before he does...i dont think thats ok...particularly if you cant see the summoner. Where pk and the class/position/group of your enemy should be enough to tell you if he will summon or not.
4281, RE: Summon echos
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a great idea!
4280, I think that would be good and also
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
on a side note, i think there should be fight echos in an area if fighting is going on.

What i mean is, if you are not in the same room as the ones who are fighthing you hear echos like...

Faint sounds of fighting nearby reach your ears. (1v1 fights)

If there are more than two persons fighting in the area, or people fighting a mob, could get something like...

The sounds of a heated battle nearby reach your ears.
The unmistakable sound of weapons hitting armor echos nearby.

I think that would be sweet and more realistic too. I cant imagine how i cant hear 5 people fighting one room down from me. I think it would add a lot to the ambience of eastern...HAH!

These echos would happen once every half tick or so as long as the fighting is going on.

You would not hear echos from people fighting in the same room as you, or if you are part of the fight. Also people sub 11 fighting mobs will not generate these echos. In areas like Galadon and eastern, only PK fighting would give off echos. But in more quiet areas any fighting would give off echos. (you could clasify these i guess but i think that only galadon and eastern tend to qualify for crowded)

I think it would be nice to hear an area wide echo when invokers use spells in PK, since things like pillar/geyser/forked lighthing/nova would be VERY loud. These should only happen in PK fights however, to prevent area wide spam from people just casting it to annoy everyone.

Echos like:

Your eardrums sting as the deafening sound of crackling lighthing echos nearby. (forked lightning/pillar)

The familiar sound of a flowing torent of water reachers your ears.

The booming sound of an explosion easily reaches your ears.(nova, fireball, iceball)

I think this would kick ass for cabal wars and ambience when PK fighting is going on all over. It would make it seem like a war zone for real. Echos like these + people screaming Die! and sorcerous dogs all over would be awesome.

What do you guys think?
4297, Nice idea but
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...there are lots of text on your screen already. Some echos seems nice but when implemented, it could clutter the screen and become more confusing without any benefits.

Imagine someone trying to call for help using group/cabal tell during a battle. You are along eastern road and running to him. The screen gets filled with lots of echos. Frustration comes in when you are trying to reach your friend, and yet each step is nothing but echos. The current yell for attacks, etc is fine with me.

The other concern is technically how far away should you be before you hear anything. 2 or 3 rooms?

The current natural echos are good for me and only the people in the room should see or hear anything.