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Topic subjectWhat's the point of mercenary bribe skills?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=4238
4238, What's the point of mercenary bribe skills?
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know both thieves and outlanders get a skill to bribe mercenaries and turn them on people who have them. I think these both come in the late 20's. I don't get the usefullness of these? Almost noone uses mercenaries past 20 and most use them even less now that the mercenaries from Hamsah were removed. I could see if they worked on special guards, centurions, or guild guards it would be useful, but they don't. In fact I can't even remember when I've fought someone with a mercenary in months. So are there some mercenary changes in the works, or are these just skills to fill skill slots? And a whole cabal power based on it, seems like a huge waste. Just my two copper.
4242, Basically
Posted by Romanul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the thief side of it:

Its kind of like eye of avarice...its a skill that you can live without, but just exists to stop you from reaching certain path combinations. I mean sure it can be useful in certain situations...but for the most part you'll forget you ever practiced it.

4240, RE: What's the point of mercenary bribe skills?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And a whole cabal power based on it, seems like a huge waste.

I have a vision... forming in my head... you've never had the power in question? It does more than you think.

People thought the most recent Scion power set stunk when it first came out also. Now people routinely post about how useful it is. I haven't changed much of anything there since it went in.

4243, RE: What's the point of mercenary bribe skills?
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is true, but my argument is based on the fact that it needs a mercenary to work at least according to the helpfile. Granted I might be totally wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the case. Mercenaries these days are so few and far between it's like having a cabal power that only affects female fire giants. I guess I'll just have to roll an outlander and find out...
4244, RE: What's the point of mercenary bribe skills?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Granted I might be totally wrong,

Well, not totally. But wrong. It has a few key uses that you aren't considering.

I guess I'll just have to roll an outlander and find out...

It would probably give you a more accurate perspective.

4239, You take them for your own, for starters...
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's the thief's version anyway.

I found it useful in two ways.
First, I would find someone that was in my range, and probably hunting (me) and bribe it away, and then attack them. This worked great against mages, because their first command was usually 'order rescue', which of course didn't work, and if they didn't realize I'd taken their Merc, they might use a couple of trip/cheapshot free moments on this.

Secondly, I loved going to killfests, and upon seeing a merc fullloot someone, I would promptly bribe it away, and take the loot for my own. I recall once that I missed the bribe, but was following, and by the time the guy settled somewhere out of the way to finally sort through the stuff, I had stolen most of it, then succeeded the bribe, and walked away with the rest. He yelled for awile, while I sat in my guild sorting through his fine loot.

That all being said. It failed about 90% of the time, and I never, never, ever improved upon it, except at a ranking. I even hired friends to help me by buying mercs and letting me try and bribe them. Had a nice little thief circle at one point working on it too, but not one of us improved at it once.
