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Topic subjectOutlander question
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=3955
3955, Outlander question
Posted by Zanya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am getting some contradicting info here, so I thought I'd ask out of game. The players, or at least the two I have spoken with, in the Outlanders tell me that coin is useless, you shouldn't carry coins, etc. The Outlander helpfiles and the echos recently seem to suggest that they dislike "economy" in general. However, I am also led to believe that there is a trader within the cabal who sells useful things for coins. And of course there is the matter of healers. I assume, like every cabal, the Outlanders have a healer in their cabal that heals for coin. And even if not there are healers throughout the lands, even in the wilds, who do so. And then there's the many shops which are not located within cities which sell useful things (black roots and yellow flowers come to mind immediately). Anyway, without getting too far off track let me ask:

Is it supposed to be bad for Outlanders to carry coins? Is this a roleplaying choice on the part of these players or an enforced rule? And if coins are considered still useful, what types of shops is it still okay to buy from? I would think the druid in the Holy Grove would be okay, just from a common sense standpoint. But there are many others which come to mind which sit in a gray area.

I guess that's really my question. Coins, bad good? And shops, yes, no, and which ones. :)
3963, Perhaps the recent changes to healing at the healer mig...
Posted by wakeup_deadman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two words
Help Barter
3958, RE: Outlander question
Posted by Outlander on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I am getting some contradicting info here, so I thought I'd
>ask out of game. The players, or at least the two I have
>spoken with, in the Outlanders tell me that coin is useless,
>you shouldn't carry coins, etc. The Outlander helpfiles and
>the echos recently seem to suggest that they dislike "economy"
>in general.
>However, I am also led to believe that there is a
>trader within the cabal who sells useful things for coins.

Maybe you shouldn't believe everything you see in a log.

>And of course there is the matter of healers. I assume, like
>every cabal, the Outlanders have a healer in their cabal that
>heals for coin.

You know what they say about assumptions. A certain post on the
announcement board coinciding with the creation of Outlander should
shed more light on this.

>Is it supposed to be bad for Outlanders to carry coins?

This is best found out in character. I somehow doubt every 16 year
old farmer's son (or whatever else) knows much about the workings
of Outlander.

>Is this a roleplaying choice on the part of these players or an
>enforced rule?

It is a RP choice of each player.

>And if coins are considered still useful, what
>types of shops is it still okay to buy from? I would think
>the druid in the Holy Grove would be okay, just from a common
>sense standpoint. But there are many others which come to
>mind which sit in a gray area.

See above.

>I guess that's really my question. Coins, bad good? And
>shops, yes, no, and which ones. :)

That is the choice of the player. Make the character for yourself,
not for the cabal. Down with cookie-cutters.
3961, Haha, okay
Posted by Zanya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love how you assume I am going to make a cookie-cutter character. Most of us make characters with a certain cabal in mind for them, and I just wanted some clarification. Chill out. But thanks for replying.
3982, Uhh.
Posted by Little Timmy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The question she asked was 'is it allowed?'

If you use magic, you're not going to get into village no matter how cool and uncookie-cutter your character is.
3983, Coins
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Outlanders are expected to swear off the use of currency, and are given tools to help them do so.

For aspiring Outlanders, I'd advise avoiding it, though it isn't quite as set in stone as Battleragers swearing off magic. If you buy a water skin and some bread in the Academy, that doesn't mean you have blacklisted yourself from the cabal. But, this doesn't give you free reign to keep a beefy bank account and to shop til you drop at the potion shop.

Basically the IC perspective is that the Ancients understand that civilization has become a disgustingly necessary crutch for many individuals. Because of this, some minimal understanding is extended to aspiring Outlanders who *occasionally* lean on civilization in matters of personal surrvival. (And no, stockpiling a bunch of preps from city shops does not count as "surrvival".) Once you become an Outlander, you have the blessing of the Ancients and are expected to toss that crutch aside entirely.
3957, Currency, bad.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're operating off bad assumptions. The players gave you sound advice.

3962, Thanks!
Posted by Zanya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I needed to know.