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Topic subjectWhy do you make excuses for Full Loots?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=36408
36408, Why do you make excuses for Full Loots?
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's always a thread on full looting, and full sacing. There's always people who justify it one way or another. But, why dont you just come out and say it, and quit making excuses. Just tell the other people that you are a complete d-ck with nothing in your life working for you, and you want to get back some of the frustration from your own life by taking someone else's enjoyment of CF away.

The thread below is crap. Noone likes to be full looted. Noone likes having their items sacrificed because of the above paragraph. You know Shura was annoying, and his reasons for sacrificing things were BS. You know this. I tried to speak to the guy on occasion, but never got a response. I didn't realize it was because he didn't understand me. He justified sacrificed everything because you took his staff? No, that's not the reason. there are many other reasons why he full sac'd you (paragraph above)

people need to understand that not everyone is a douche. Not everyone is a 'vet' of cf and most just come here to play and have fun. When that 'fun' is taken away because of some 'vet' (paragraph above) has a bad day, then they leave CF. There are alot of things wrong with CF, and the full sacing is part of it. There are cabals that log in at the same time. Then after that cabal rests, another cabal logs in with huge numbers.

Why is that?

I just wish the Imms would jump in and do something about it, because the numbers aren't getting better, but the amount of pricks seems to be.

My solution; Hard code it to where you can only take 3 items from a corpse along with the coins. that makes you very selective on what you take. This gets rid of the (paragraph above) people, and it lets you keep the armor you have obtained.
36454, I don't get this post.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being that you're one of "those people", or at least, were as recently as earlier this year when I was paying more attention.
36420, RE: Why do you make excuses for Full Loots?
Posted by sorlag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>There's always a thread on full looting, and full sacing.
>There's always people who justify it one way or another. But,
>why dont you just come out and say it, and quit making
>excuses. Just tell the other people that you are a complete
>d-ck with nothing in your life working for you, and you want
>to get back some of the frustration from your own life by
>taking someone else's enjoyment of CF away.

There are probably a lot of people who take out their real-life problems on people in CF. There are also people who are assholes (or rather, continually roles characters who are intentionally assholes) on purpose, because they actually enjoy it.

There are also plenty of people who partial loot, full loot, partial sacrifice, full sacrifice, etc. for perfectly legitimate reasons.

It's worth noting that in the case of the first group, the staff has stepped in before.

I promise if you roll a character who does nothing but kill anyone and everyone possible and full loot them every time just to be as much of a cunt as you can, an Immortal will punish you (either IC or OOC).

>The thread below is crap. Noone likes to be full looted. Noone
>likes having their items sacrificed because of the above
>paragraph. You know Shura was annoying, and his reasons for
>sacrificing things were BS. You know this. I tried to speak to
>the guy on occasion, but never got a response. I didn't
>realize it was because he didn't understand me. He justified
>sacrificed everything because you took his staff? No, that's
>not the reason. there are many other reasons why he full sac'd
>you (paragraph above)

Using looting / sacrificing as a "deterrent" isn't a new tactic. It's a dumb one, I think, but it's a valid tactics nonetheless. It's allowed. Get over it. Whether or not that's REALLY why Shura (or anyone else) did what they did to you is something only they really know, but nonetheless, if someone wants to punish you in spades for doing something they don't like, that's their right.

>people need to understand that not everyone is a douche. Not
>everyone is a 'vet' of cf and most just come here to play and
>have fun. When that 'fun' is taken away because of some 'vet'
>(paragraph above) has a bad day, then they leave CF. There
>are alot of things wrong with CF, and the full sacing is part
>of it. There are cabals that log in at the same time. Then
>after that cabal rests, another cabal logs in with huge
>Why is that?

If your argument is that "the ability to full sac" is what's wrong with CF, you're apparently in disagreement with the people who design and maintain CF. You can do it because they want you to be able to. If you want to have a level-headed, objective discussion about why that's a bad choice, go ahead and start one. You're off to a bad start, though.

>I just wish the Imms would jump in and do something about it,
>because the numbers aren't getting better, but the amount of
>pricks seems to be.

The numbers are lower than they were quite a while ago, but I'm pretty sure they're up over the past few months. I don't think the number of "pricks" is up (whatever that means) so much as in a smaller player base, their negative influence is felt more.

CF has always had people who play selfishly and/or without regard for the enjoyment of others.

>My solution; Hard code it to where you can only take 3 items
>from a corpse along with the coins. that makes you very
>selective on what you take. This gets rid of the (paragraph
>above) people, and it lets you keep the armor you have

I don't personally like that idea.

Based on how the game currently works, I think it's fair to say that either: A) the staff does not think the problem you're inferring exists in the first place, or B) that solution isn't a very good one.
36413, Um
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only if you hard code it to do these things.

Can't send me OOC tells after I kill you.

Bandwagoners are at a (massive) disadvantage.

Krilcov is on auto IP based ignore for at least, for all my characters.

Gear poofs when you send me smug comments after ganging me horribly.

Your rarest and most limited items automatically crumble upon death or gear is completely delimited

Those are just a few of the things you'd have to remove to make me happy about the loss of get all corpse

36415, RE: Um
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
when you say OOC tells after I kill you, what do you mean? Bragging?

Who is this Krilcov? This dude seems like he's got serious issues. I mean for gods sake, he's got a manson quote on his old posts.

I have no problem with gear 'poofing'
36419, RE: Um
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
when you say OOC tells after I kill you, what do you mean? Bragging?

I mean when >I< kill your char. I don't want to hear 15 min of how lucky I was, or how you and your friends will gang me later and full me etc etc etc.