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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRot idea
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=3427
3427, Rot idea
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright now I have a suggestion I would like to make about changing the supplication rot fairly dramatically. as it stands this suplication is either a garunteed kill or basically will do nothing depending on the con of a char and how they equip. Also aside from gearing for saves there is little if anything you can do against it unless you know a healer.

While its a cool sup and all it seems well a little boring and powerful against weak players. I mean the sup targets people who are deathful. Against chars tha don't die that often and who are not elves the sup is not that reliable. Instead of slowly eating away at con I had another idea for the sup.

alright basically when I first heard of the sup rot i was like wow this is gonna be like poison but a lot more damage and really screw with the person. when I got it with my first shaman i was like... wtf its doing scratches? the are ROTTING wouldn't it hurt more then that. Then i learned about the whole con death thing and I was like cool and did my best to search out low con heros to just rot and run from.

My idea is to change rot to sort of a progresive decay of the body. when first communed upon a player it begins with their skin rotting. now it might look something like this.

blah closes his eyes and nods at you
you note an unpleasant tingling across your skin and stare in horror as it begins to rot from your body.

now every hour you get a check to see is the rot worsens in the skin, the rot moves to another part, or if the rot does not change.

rot can move to other body parts like legs, arms, torso and organs. each part which decays has a different effect.

skin begin with say -10 hp, every tick it worsens can add an additional -1 to 40 hp, additionally after say maybe 3 times it also acts as a corporeal softening.

legs this will slowly eat at dex and make walking difficult, if it progresses too far it will make walking immpossible as your legs are too decayed to move you. also when moving random chance of legs giving out and you falling

arms will eat at str and eventually get too weak to lift to swing a weapon. basically taking away attacks.

torso rotting of the torso can take away con and hp and does a lot of damage. can also cause decalcification.

at the worst the rot can spread into the vital organs doing all sorts of nasty damage and havoc as it tears away at your heart lungs and stomach and liver. hmm i could see drinking alcohol with a rotting liver to be amusing. i am sure you imms can come up with something ingenious as it destroys the organs.

basically now we got ourselves a very maledicting and painful sup that can render even skilled players helpless if they are not carefull. I think this falls more in line with the actualy class. it would be equally powerful as the current rot but effective against more players and be more survivable for those players who only have 6 con to begin with. On an aside it will either not work or work differently against a lich. and obviously I could see trannies being able to slow and repair the damage from the rotting but not being able to cure it totally.

hope you like my idea and keep up the good work.
3429, What I would like to see with rot is...
Posted by nicolay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... to get the same balancing tweak as neurological disruption did. Make it do minor damage so you could not spam it on knocked-out person without any danger.
3428, RE: Rot idea
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally that sounds worse than the current version of rot. If I get affected by your version, there's not really anything I can do about it, and it renders me completely helpless towards the end. Basically I have to go hide somewhere and wait for it to end.

With current rot I can carry +CON items and change into them, then go about my business. Only thing I really have to worry about is being cursed, blind and rotted, since then I might have trouble removing blindness so I can wear my CON suit.