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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectShapeshifter questions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=30411
30411, Shapeshifter questions
Posted by Shapemuter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hello, dear imms!

I tried to search here or in helpfiles, but couldn't find answers that I am looking for.

I have next questions, please enlighten me! :

1. When I am shapeshifted, is fast healing skill working?
2. When I am shapeshifted, is wise recovery edge working?
3. When I am shapeshifted, is quick healer edge working?
4. When I am shapeshifted, is things like troll amulet working (guess not, but maybe)?
5. Does ABS, stone skin decrease my HP regeneration rate?
6. The better I know form, the better things like thick hide or dodge ability working? (this question is not very important, just curious of mechanics)

Seems it's all.
Thanks in advance for everyone involved!

30413, RE: Shapeshifter questions
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Hello, dear imms!

>1. When I am shapeshifted, is fast healing skill working?


>2. When I am shapeshifted, is wise recovery edge working?

Sure, but you're using your current (shifted) wisdom.

>3. When I am shapeshifted, is quick healer edge working?


>4. When I am shapeshifted, is things like troll amulet working
>(guess not, but maybe)?

Not sure offhand.

>5. Does ABS, stone skin decrease my HP regeneration rate?

Stone skin is fine because it's one of your class abilities. The others, yes.

>6. The better I know form, the better things like thick hide
>or dodge ability working? (this question is not very
>important, just curious of mechanics)

30427, RE: Shapeshifter questions
Posted by Shapemuter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank for clarifying it all, helped a lot.

Troll amulet I believe will not work, same as items that would grant resists/immunity.