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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectBrainstorming the Bounty System
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=28719
28719, Brainstorming the Bounty System
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking through Santa Zulg, and the Bounty system's been on there forever. You mentioned you're all for it, but haven't had ideas that struck the fancy. I'm sorta in the mood to come up with ideas, as I've always loved the idea of it.

While I'm brainstorming, are there any sort of suggestions or guidelines that might exist as to where you'd like to see it develop towards?

Which, even writing this I thought up one good idea, but it's already feasable and would be entirely player-driven, so I might make a character to push it. The only other second thought (which follows the first), is that one of its big problems is a lack of visibility that causes a catch 22. People don't use it, so no-one checks on it. Since no-one checks it, no-one uses it...which even a mild (if only temporary) push at some point might help. Though that would probably be most useful only on top of real change, if such happens to occur.

Anyways, just looking for guidance as to what sort of things would be reasonable, since things like opening bounties to outside PK range and such had been shot down.