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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectThe OOC factor.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=21683
21683, The OOC factor.
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wondering how the players and IMM's see the OOC factor. Everyone knows everyone, despite ppl revealing characters. Sometimes, there's not a real IC way of someone knowing a CHARACTER, and yet, many know. I'm certainly out of the loop.

Before I begin to ramble, I seriously want to ask the IMM's and the players how much OOC is going on(forreal).

1) Do you know other players' characters.
2) Are you interacting with them knowing that.
3) Do you consider that acceptable?
21686, RE: The OOC factor.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I typically know maybe one or two people's characters, based on conversations outside the game. Usually it's the same one or two people, since I don't talk to that many CF related people outside the game. Usually I don't try to keep secret from this small group of people who it is I'm playing at the time.

For instance, when I was playing Waserax, I knew who was playing both Niheriva and Thoric. I killed Thoric on multiple occasions, he killed me, and Niheriva killed me multiple times. So I don't think I gave or received special treatment.
21685, It's truly not hard to know who some characters are...
Posted by TheLastMohican on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Players are creatures of habit. I know for a fact I have several tells that allows people to distinguish my characters (where I hide, how I rank at lowbie periods, gold gathering, etc) so I'm never really shocked when someone proclaims on my death thread they knew it was me.

I mean, everytime you see a shifter with a quest form, I immediately think Lightmage. I figured Igbah was one of three players (as I'm sure many other people did). I knew Kostyan was Beront from the way he posted his logs on Dio's. You know an impressive invoker is usually one of four or five people. I could go on...
21684, RE: The OOC factor.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Just wondering how the players and IMM's see the OOC factor.
>Everyone knows everyone, despite ppl revealing characters.
>Sometimes, there's not a real IC way of someone knowing a
>CHARACTER, and yet, many know. I'm certainly out of the
>Before I begin to ramble, I seriously want to ask the IMM's
>and the players how much OOC is going on(forreal).
>1) Do you know other players' characters.

If I catch them cheating and there is a history of that player cheating, I will lay the smack down on them. Otherwise, I don't want to know and treat each character as an individual.

>2) Are you interacting with them knowing that.

I won't interact (positively) with someone I find to have cheated or do something against the rules.

>3) Do you consider that acceptable?

I have no problem with ignoring some characters. But, I don't hold grudges against players.