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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCabal wars ( rehash )
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2113, Cabal wars ( rehash )
Posted by Rooqweaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe many already noticed that cabal wars died.

It would be intresting to discuss and try to find out
why it happened, with following fix }(

As I see, one of reasons is:
a lack of large general purpose cabals.

The top cabal wars in past happened between Master and Battle, Battle and Empire,
and at some degree between Sylvan and Empire.

Perhaps it is necessary to have somewhat large cabals
to produce a small and deathful war between them.
You simply need several people online at given time
on both side for that.

When a large cabal turns into a small sect cabal wars die
for its members.
For example, current Scion may add a lot to roleplaying,
but it adds nothing to cabal wars.
Here goes Battle vs Scion, and Warlock vs Scion confrontation.
Same can be said about scarab and other small cabals.

Considering that Battle is not direct enemies of Empire.
We lose almost all cabal wars for Battle as well.
At this point they have Nexus and Warlock left to fight with.
And we can't expect good raids/retrivals in two this
confrontations as well.

Another problem:
I'm curious what cabal should join evil mages now
if they enjoy cabal wars. Scion and Tribunal aren't working
in this aspect.

Empire vs Fortress still working fine I think.
( Except that mass login and "one-sided PK range" syndrome
which is another matter. )

Perhaps next change could help:
Introduce or mutate current cabals into something
less stricted on alignment and class.

For example instead of Warlock and Scion,
we can have two mages tower:
"good" - where you have good and neutral mages
and perhaps priests + rare fighters
"evil" - neutral and evil mages and priests + rare fighters

And for fighter cabals:
battle - as it is now, magic haters + rare bards.
"knights" - good and neutral fighters, priests + rare mages
"empire" - neutral and evil fighters, priests + rare mages

Also we still can have sects, like scarabs and scion
and cabals like tribunal, sylvan, troupe.

I believe you got the idea.
So a certain class would have several cabals to join
and also there should be a good field for cabal wars as well.