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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectCan we retool death?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=20079
20079, Can we retool death?
Posted by UncleArzzra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Death is pretty sweet as is but I find it frustrating on two minor points:

1) Fifteen minutes before deghosting is a quarter of a hour I could spend doing anything else.

2) Gear coming back to the pit AFTER you unghost. That is just a sucky bunch of ####. I want to fight someone with gear not sans it from both sides of this equation.

I think CF has evolved to the point where the focus is nicely balanced between RP and PK. Being in Ghost form really does not fit well into that if prolonged. I would ask that ghost time be reduced to ten minutes and gear to pit be set at nine and a half minutes. Personally I want to be able to fight my enemy again before they log off which seems to happen a bit too often lately right after I have been smacked around.

Also it would be interesting if ghosts could only loot their own corpses and lose request. Ghosts are ghosts for a reason not to be able to get gear. Get 1. as a ghost should fail unless the gear was on you. Prevents that ghosting newblet who followed around heroes to get all corpse.

Just some new Year thoughts.

Let the hating begin.
20082, RE: Can we retool death?
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Fifteen minutes before deghosting is a quarter of a hour I
>could spend doing anything else.

Are you seriously complaining about the ghost period being too *short*? Heck, I wouldn't mind it being *longer*.

>Gear coming back to the pit AFTER you unghost.

If this weren't the case then it would be a simple matter to stay by the pit and spam loot. No danger. This also encourages people to have out-of-the-way hometowns.

>Also it would be interesting if ghosts could only loot their
>own corpses....

This isn't a bad idea. It sucks when you're in a cabal raid situation and you kill someone before dying, then the guy you killed gets back before you and takes all your stuff.

>...and lose request.

This also isn't a terrible idea, but it does disproportionately penalize good-aligned characters. That said, it's always annoyed me that there are certain "pretty powerful" goodie items that are almost always requested by ghosts. I've suspected certain good-aligned heros of intentionally taking a mob death just so they can go request stuff they wouldn't otherwise be able to access.
20080, RE: Can we retool death?
Posted by Terwin05 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do agree on the pit timer thing. Sometimes when you die in an out of the way (read: inaccessible) place, the last thing you want to do is unghost then have to sit at the pit in Galadon waiting for your #### while every other cocksucker in range is trying to bash your ass down. Yes this has happened to me more than once.

As for the ghosts not looting thing, I disagree. I've been in enough mega-brawls where my corpse isn't the only one that gets left on the ground - and when I go back for my stuff, maybe half of it has been looted mercilessly already. I should at least be able to snag some stuff from the other dead guys' corpses, especially if I was at least partially responsible for putting them there in the first place.

Merry Merry.