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Topic subjectWooo! Cabals!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=73572&mesg_id=73572
73572, Wooo! Cabals!
Posted by TheBluestThumb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey all,

Moving away from the ongoing Fortress debate, I'd instead like to shine some light onto what I think is a larger problem in CF right now. I think the dynamics of cabal wars are possibly the worst they've ever been right now (I don't mean pendulum swings or anything, I mean the actual factions itself).

Here are my thoughts:

-Scarab and Entropy are super niche and don't function as full on cabals in CF. For all intents and purposes they are a non-factor in cabal wars. It took a role contest winner 230 hours to get inducted!!! Yeeeesh.

-Battle has no *real* enemies or factions to stand against. I understand Battle fights mages but the way carrionfields cabalwars are set up, there needs to be a foil. Entropy and/or Scarab could be that foil...but they're non-existent. So Battle feels a little bit aimless.

I also understand that solutions may require coding or man hours that the top brass in Immland simply don't have right now. And that's fine, so I was thinking some. Proposed solutions that may help:

-Bring the Arcane Sect back. I heard this was almost accomplished IC before. I think this would be great, it would give Battle and Empire a reason to actually be at war, thereby giving Empire an actual enemy. It would add tension within the Empire which is always good IMO (Shadow cuts deal with Battle to get gold in exchange for arcane sects location etc.) Plus Empire does a good job of filling the 'big bad' role well, since they have no real allies and every cabal item should be kept in the Throne.

-Consider reviving Nexus in some format. First of all, I think the cabal location of Nexus was awesome in the sea of despair. It made water shifters viable, it stretched the map of CF out at hero a few areas farther west than we're used to seeing etc. I also think that Nexus is actually a really good fit for CF with today's somewhat smaller playerbase, as it can be a check and balance against the pendulum if it gets stifling. Also! Another enemy for Battle! Yay!

In this environment, entropy and scarab could stay as they are (since scarab has about 1 character in it every 2-3 months right now, and Entropy is in a similar (although less severe) boat) or be scrapped. Dealer's choice.

Just my two centers, curious if the Imms or other players feel similarly.
