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Topic subjectTransplant from the battlefields to a more appropriate forum. Dumbasses post...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=7260&mesg_id=7260
7260, Transplant from the battlefields to a more appropriate forum. Dumbasses post...
Posted by Ahelun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So, Granaak was complaining about too many marans being around to gang/raid/defend/etc. Ahelun responded showing and arguing that team Scion does their fair share of ganging/raiding/defending/etc with similar numbers. So your (and Granaak's) complaint is more about capacity to gank? There are simply more Maran heros and therefore they have a better chance of ganging? Or is it that Marans should gang less than team Scion due to the inherent differences between good and evil?

The complaint by the players of this type is usually that noone should gank but them. When they play evils, their excuse is "I'm evil, this means I should bring five friends with me to fight one uncaballed guy". If they play good, they say "I'm not a paladin I'm (insert random lagging or support class, generally warrior, thief or healer here), I'm not bound by honor. I want to crush all evil and so I should bring two/three/more friends with me to fight one orc". If they are by some chance playing a paladin their excuse is "I don't log out when I'm alone and outnumbered by evils, therefore I am honorable and it's perfectly alright for me to bring three people and gank your ass down". It's really about style of play. Some players are just gankers, no matter what they play.

>I'm not arguing either side, I'm just not able to follow your beef. As an aside, it seems kind of silly to be upset about such things on an OOC basis on the one hand, and yet justify your own actions on an IC basis on the other. In reading the various posts it seems to me that both you and Granaak argue that because you are/were evil IC, you should be allowed to gang whenever/wherever, and yet also come OOC to complain about goodies doing exactly the same thing. So your complaints are OOC that marans gang, yet IC you (correctly imo) justify your actions regarding ganging. Wouldn't ganging be justifiable IC in both cases, and yet still cause OOC complaining in both cases?

Yes, but remember, nobody should gank but them. Of course if you say this, they immediately start the "I never said that!" protest. Sometimes things are pretty clearly being said, without being said.

>What am I missing?

Nothing. It really is just as rediculous an argument as it seems. Everyone bitches about how bad ganging is, how lame, how weak, etc etc etc. Yet nearly everyone does it as often as they possibly can. Why? They want to "win" of course. Again, a silly concept in a game where nobody really "wins" any more than anyone else. If you have a good time and enjoy your character, you win. By that same token, some people enjoy hooking up with 3, 4, 5, more friends and just being ####s to as many people as they can. This is how they "win", by pissing people off.

Different strokes.