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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectThe absurdity here...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=64910&mesg_id=65008
65008, The absurdity here...
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is to think the players and Imms who support this change have no common sense. There's definetely others things we could do to even the game, does it mean they all have to be done?

When you say :

"Applying that logic you would remove lots of other things, and my example was meant to highlight the absurdity of applying it."

it really makes me wonder about your capacity to keep a "flexible way of thinking" (or, in other words, "common sense") when you're not happy about the way things are going.

Bottom line is I disagree with you. Making it easier for newbies to get edges is not a better solution. I totally understand how it's less fun for you but removing edges makes it easier for newbies (and less talented players) to land a kill on you and the other vets. And, of course, it means a bit more fun for them.

The big question underlying this change is the following: who should we try to satisfy the most to enlarge PlayerBase: vets or newbies & less talented players?