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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectIt takes a lot more...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=50010&mesg_id=50035
50035, It takes a lot more...
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Than people complaining about the game and such to drive away someone who enjoys playing and doing their thing to make the game fun for everyone.

We don't play to get compliments or to hear 'good job!'. We play and do our thing because we like doing it. While we appreciate the sentiment when someone goes out of their way to say 'thanks man!', that's not why we do it. We do it because we want to, and we stop when it stops being fun or life rears up. We stop when it stops being fun and the reasons for that can be anything

So in the face of MMO's, free to play games and good lord knows how many other options CF is still here. It offers an experience few games can offer. In a climate where most online games are trying to become a game ANYONE can enjoy, CF is here offering a much more hardcore RP and PK experience. You think when you play a game like WoW you feel half the adrenaline when you're being chased down the Eastern Road then have your luck turn just right and land the kill and get the spoils? Nope. We offer a lot of things many games just can't. We're small, we're focused and we have a particular flavor of experience we like to offer up.

There's always going to be negativity out there and sometimes we'll screw stuff up. We're all human, but at the end of the day? We're gonna still keep doing our thing to keep to make this game what it is. So we don't need anyone to rally or change the opinion of the playerbase. The playerbase can do, think and act as they please. We're still going to keep doing our thing and finding other ways to keep the game fun for us and others.

I mean look at the character challenge. This is one of the coolest things we've done in a long time and hopefully everyone involved and interacting with them is having a good time.